>Mfw seeing threads on Sup Forums discussing who their favorite Lets Player is
What are some signs that you're outgrowing this board?
>Mfw seeing threads on Sup Forums discussing who their favorite Lets Player is
What are some signs that you're outgrowing this board?
People complaining about the state of Sup Forums and just not leaving
Facebook memes
Not-so-subtle non vidya threads
This And Meta threads
Do what I do and tell these braindead newfags to commit suicide. It's therapeutic.
Kill yourself.
If you can't agree that Robbaz and dunkey are amazing, you're in the wrong place
If you're under the age of 18, you're in the wrong place
You start noticing that people are not nearly as relaxed as they used to be
Bait that to you is low-tier and can be spotted instantly gets 20 replies for some reason
You generally just don't have the energy or will to argue with these little shits anymore
I find the best thing to do is ignore it and make more vidya threads. Bump shit you don't even care about just to kill these faster.
I'm trying to migrate over to Sup Forums and /an/ right now.
Sup Forums is filled with memes, sure, but they give me a giggle and it does amazingly have some discussion.
/an/ is such a slow and comfy board.
Sup Forums really is just shitpost central, I'm not interested in it anymore. I don't know why I'm here right now. Should probably remove it from my bookmarks.
I once saw a thread with people seriously discussing the React to videos
>Sup Forums is filled with memes, sure, but they give me a giggle and it does amazingly have some discussion.
Its mostly just eternal Game of Thrones threads now. Also the memes are just BBC/ b tier shit
Yeah you're probably right. But I've never been there before so it's new content for me at least for a little while.
fucking newfags
They can come up with some funny stuff when the planets align. Anthey can have some good discussion every now and then. Sup Forums just has too much shitposting and not enough actual discussion. I can't even go into a thread for a game I like because of faggots complaining about PC shit and censorship and the evil SJW Boogeyman and Reddit REEE and Tumblr and tweets from some faggot no one should care about but gets a thread that hits bump limit as opposed to actual threads about vidya that die in 3 minutes.
>Sup Forums
That board has been dead for years. If you want to put up with amazingly more shitposts and porn than Sup Forums, go on ahead.
You become tired of seeing the pol posting on this board and imagine the posters to be pale, socially outcast, greasy white guys who used to wear jinco jeans and got made fun of in school by a black kid one day.
unironically saying kys
People bashing and hating games that haven't been released yet.
Where are you supposed to go?
There are no better video game sites on the internet.
But user, how else will we get the thrill of Tortanic? We have to call everything shit so we can say "Yup I called it". I mean why even talk about good games when we can laugh at shitty ones?
Every thread devolves into an argument over the politics of the topic game.
its a lot easier to call a game shit when no one can prove you wrong
notice how there are no #FE threads now that its actually released
That's the biggest issue
10 years ago before the Internet became so centralized, I could just post on several game forums for discussion but most of them vanished and I don't feel like finding a new one
I'm not saying you're wrong about the description of an average Sup Forums poster, but Sup Forums has always had edgy extreme right posters. Nothing has changed in that regard but the fact that people point fingers at Sup Forums now. There are also more people who get upset when somebody uses a racial slur now days.
>tfw all the forums you used to use are gone now
I'm pretty sure people will soon be watching people react to Lets Plays
There's always someone asking if something is now a meme.