Nightdive corporate monkey here. What do you think of the System Shock demo?
Nightdive corporate monkey here. What do you think of the System Shock demo?
Pretty good, would pirate.
Good luck with the Kickstarter.
I think I'll pass
451 on the wall better have been for the sake of the demo and not a sign that the logs are gone.
Poorly optimized. I can run Crysis 3 on maximum settings at stable 30 FPS, System Shock has no right to run at 20.
question's phrased wrong. if you're a corporate monkey the only answers you care about are "It made me want to buy System Shock" and "It made me not want to buy System Shock".
Anyway, the former.
>giant PERFORMANCE IS NOT FINAL disclaimer on start
>guise y does it run like shit this is unacceptable
sluggish movement
way too many shiny effects
cant drink the soda
cramped level design
pipe is held way too close to the camera
it looks pretty but i think the controls have been streamlined to the point where the game loses something. I dont expect it to control with mouse drags, but the interaction with the environment and your various gear was very fun to me. As was the variable leaning and crouching system, which promoted exploring a level in a way that most games dont. I think the proposed RPG mechanics are unneeded and really show that this whole project is just a way to sell a game to modern games that theyve heard was really good but have never played themselves due to age, rather than for existing fans of the series. The demo also seems to be playing up the horror aspect which wasnt really that prevalent of a thing in SS1 but its not a huge detriment either.
overall i think a remake is a stupid thing to kickstart because i already played the game and if i want to play it again ill just play the original. I'm more interested in system shock 3.
why did you send it to polygon first? just curious, were you expecting another shitty video? anyways I'll probably play your game eventually, if it comes out
>Final game release
>Performance is worse
If I say nothing, they might get the idea that the game runs fine as is.
>can't drink the soda
while this is how it was in the original game it was stupid then and it's stupid now
Ran at 60 on my 770, though I am still at 1080p
Otherwise I think its pretty dope. The only thing I don't like is how player control is paralyzed when you pick up items at the start. Kills immersion for me because I don't want the game to steal control from me unless I willingly gave it up.
Really fucking neato to put 1 fucking stretch goal as a Linux port for 200k, and then saying "meh, we dont have linux devs. It might come out"
Check the image. Thats you.
What is the soda for then?
Who allowed you to make this? Doesn't the IP belong to to Ken Levine?
>he wants snowman-shaped player hitboxes back
Make him swing faster. The dude swings the pipe like he's got arthritis and mental retardation.
nothing, kinda like skulls, crushed cans, debris, etc. in the original game these were red-colored in your inventory though so you knew when an item was useless
bit of a stretch to get that from anything i said
i heard "variable leaning and crouching" and got very scared for you
im retard.
having been a system shock fan since the beginning this made me spit up my drink (and then fail to post like a normal human)
>Doesn't the IP belong to to Ken Levine?
lol no. system shock belonged to origin studios who was then bought by ea who then sold it to night dive.
i know i will like it, my complaints are all compliments for the series as i think the original is very good and wish it would be adhered to. i just think its a bit slow and not really going for the atmosphere of the original but i imagine more people want a game like ss2 anyways
I haven't even played the original game properly yet
So why the fuck do they need a kickstarter? Could they really not find any investors for this? This whole time I had assumed this was just being made by a bunch of guys in their basements
Im glad theyre doing a kickstarter, because a publisher might get on the way of their designs
When has a publisher ever get in the way if the developer?
One of the biggest misunderstandings about Kickstarter is that it's actually used to fund projects, at least when it comes to gaming. It's usually less about the money itself and more about showing the fans are there (to attract actual investors) or to have a pool of free beta testers to also draw feedback from.
all their money is going to ss3. we can assume they're kickstarting this as a method to hook new audiences into the ss franchise (and this 3) with a 'modern experience'
Night Dive isn't developing SS3, Otherside is.
which will be published by nightdive
Fair enough. Kickstarter does have a mixed reputation though so it had me skeptical this would ever amount to anything. But using it the way you described sounds like a legitimate use
Very impressed with the way the graphics have been modernised while retaining a somewhat oldschool feel
I didn't like the ridiculously over the top hand animations though, it's like the animator was trying to get a promotion or something. What was the point of tossing the implants back and forth between hands and twirling them around, just pick it up and insert it
Remember to save
>explore the whole thing
>realize that I forgot to save
Unity is a bad choice. The game runs like shit.
are you for real?
Keep RPG progression out of SS1
As someone who played System Shock 1 and 2 on the days they were released, I am cautiously optimistic.
There's too much glow in the demo, methinks.
>get to level 2
>lights turn off
>sight patch didnt work
this god damn what the fuck are you people thinking? creative liberties are a given in a remake but it is still a remake and you cant really continue calling it one when you want to change so much core shit
No RPG progression
System Shock 1 was not an RPG and it shouldn't be made into one
you mean you don't like the useless skills and nonsensical stats (why does a soldier need to spend so many cyber modules to learn how to use a shotgun) and retarded balance (1 in heavy weapons destroys anything but 5 in energy is useless against 50% of the enemies)?
>remake instead of the remastered version initially promised
you cunts