Game manuals/booklets are dead

>game manuals/booklets are dead

Other urls found in this thread:

>complete games being released is dead

She was a dumb bitch, but she didn't deserve all that happened to her.

she deserve it for being a girl

she did it for you

says the guy that uses mp3s

I guess she really crashed that vagina with no survivors.

>that doujin

kinda did

Is this doujin worse than the ending of his Link one?

juts get shit from TheIndieBox and pretend everything is allright

What doujin?

>amazing artist
>draws shit I can't fap to

What happens in the doujiin?

>ivalice alliance is dead
>mgs series is dead
>megaman is dead
>steve jobs is dead
>ogre battle series is dead
>wipeout is dead

Didn't this shit basically end with "LOL IT WAS JUST A PHASE AND I LIVE HAPPILY WITH MY DAUGHTER"

Damn I miss me a good physical instruction manual fresh and clean out of the new game case. More so if it had secret controls/story elements you wouldn't find otherwise unless you read it.

And instruction manuals are literally the BEST way to explain instructions because the game assumes you've read it and doesn't have to waste fucking 15-30 minutes on tutorials which is both player and dev friendly.

Why the hell did they stop making them, Sup Forums? I would gladly toss out an extra $5 for a physical manual. Even new games out the plastic don't feel 'complete' without them.

Shindol does some vanilla

Vanilla with feels, but vanilla
Things that should never happen

You think you want it but you don't.

That was just heroin talking, buddy. She died.

yeah bro

What doujin?

Which doujin, faggots?!

t. Blizzard

Don't ask.

Trust me just don't. You're better off knowing.

I'm fucking serious.

Don't do it.

Are you sure you want to know?

Yes. The endings are pretty much the same except this girl does it to herself.




Four Leaf Lover

she made lots of friends!

>28 pgs of an innocent girl getting hardcore fucked!

Thank you

>The only thing in the manual slot is an advertisement

Shit can't find it on panda
absolute madman


It's Henshin Emergence

I miss reading them when I shit. Matter of fact there were a couple of real dark years where they had stopped making real game manuals, but before the proliferation of smart phones that were awful for shitting at home.

But since I can lurk Sup Forums on the can now I'm kind of over it. I do love a good artbook though and find myself springing for LE/CE of games that include them.

emergency by Shindol.
you are gonna regret reading it.

>Four Leaf Lover
why are you spreading misinformation?

OH NO! IT'S AHEGAO #267667561!

He does a bit but not enough. He's not as bad as that guy who's all puke and shit all the time.

serious question did she die?

thanks doc

>ShindoL is just an edgelord
>wah wah teenagers nevur happen
>muh just world

Is this the girl from Shinmoneta

I don't care about the depressing mind break shit but that looks like the girl from Shinmoneta.

Is this the new meme doujin?

We should make physical games that requires steps to be read in the booklet. Don't know what to do? Asking GameFAQ? They'll tell you to RTFM

>find really good artist
>tags: scat, gore

she died of heroin overdose son.

You know what else I miss? Cheat codes. There used to be goddamn articles in monthly mags detailing cheats and codes, and now that golden age is long gone.

Maybe the odd new title here or there will have them, but they're largely vestigial now.

>tfw had a good fap with this

I don't understand normies, do people really get emotional / triggered over fucking drawings? I knew normies were subhumans with malfunctioning brains but that is some serious fucked up mental illness.

Why does it not stop hurting.
The pain doesn't go away.
Thankfully no, they just kinda look the same

>meme doujin
>been 2 years since it started and we finally got closure that blacks the soul and hardens the heart

You keep on holding out against what you know to be true.

Can't find it on sadpanda
send help

It wasn't that bad up until about the very end where it went so fucking wrong sadly I've heard of shit like that happening where I live which made it way more painful to read

Charging for pay2win DLC is more profitable that's why

Everyone keeps shittin that she did but last I checked she straightened her shit up and enjoyed life with her daughter. This le sad shibdol feels end meme is cancer.


instruction booklets are gone and were replaced by quick pamphlet inserts

now we're starting to not even get the paper inserts

>buy a game
>it's not even good



She got her womb fucking smashed AND overdosed on heroin. She's fucked.

A lot of people on Sup Forums are impressionable teens that self-insert way too hard in manga
See: onani master Kurosawa or any season where an MC gets rejected by a girl, like the most recent RE: zero

>can't lie to myself that it wasn't the heroin and she really did make it and lived happily
Why can I handle real gore and death but this shit hurts so much


I prefer meme50 and JUN

>find good artist
>has a multiple chapter series uploaded individually
>reach middle chapter
>tags: netorare

Being unable to empathize is a trait of autism

Has Shindol EVER written a happy ending?

because real gore and death rarely has you develop an emotion attachment

i prefer Oyster

>find good artist
>multi chapter series
>suddenly starts a new series while never finishing the old one


So what if I'm autistic, is that a problem?

Are you a fucking normie?

>find really good artist
>not a subhuman normie so dont get triggered by drawings
>unlimited fapping works

Feels good to be the elite

>a chapter is in one of those giant doujin magazines with a million tags

god damnit

>druggie gets what she deserves
>crying about it
fucking pussies
have a link my child. this is the last time i spoonfeed you.


It actually is.
Do you even know what the meaning of illness is?


Just give her some mentos and she'll be fine

I think the one with the soccer playing girl ended relatively well, compared to the others.

>hurr durr I want predictable and boring vanilla shit

Literally kill yourself you worthless plebeian piece of shit. I'd call you a normie but even normies learned to appreciate GoT for delivering non predictable happy endings, so you're even below that.


It was a fairly realistic story, that's why.

she shouldn't of been a druggie in the first place
she didn't deserve any of that

Illnesses are only problems if you make them one. There isn't a single illness that you can't live with.

Yeah one is with a girl in a wheel chair and the other is with a amputee, stuff that still make you question yourself for fapping to it.

That would imply you contract it or that it can be cured in some way

>people still get upset at shindol

not even trying to be edgy or anything but after a few years wouldn't you get desensitized to it by now?

Not using one of those table-of-content-with-link comments and upvote the dude.

Which doujin is this one?

What was frustrating was that she was a dumb cunt who couldn't assert herself and was used as a doormat.

She didn't deserve what she got but she didn't try to avoid what she got either.

The one with the business lady that survives a car crash and ends up with a guy who doesn't mind that she's an amputee

>dog is so old that it can't get it up anymore
>also, it died the next day