At what point does a character that's designed to be edgy transition from being cringeworthy to being endearing/hilarious?
Edgy characters in vidya
Darkness is part of the world
There needs to be dark characters and darker motives in games because it is an aspect of humanity
I mean you have halloween which is a dark holiday
Do you want to get rid of halloween and all of the ideals from it?
Edgy is a corporate meme meant to discredit the alternative and rebellious side of the 1990s
which was a darker heavier metal version of the 1960s.
Do not be obedient to corporations.
Make sure they appreciate all sides of humanity
Light is just important as dark
it is the opposite of light
Without darkness light would not exist.
Reaper is definitely on the endearing side for me.
>I'm going to act like a chuuni teenager because I don't want to bow to THE MAN, man!
That's a bit hard to define, because that is a very personal experience.
In the case of Reaper, I can't stand that he doesn't reload his weapons, he just drops them and draws new ones. His voice, his lines and skills - I just find him very tryhard. I like the overall visual design though.
well the line is clearly somewhere past this post, lets keep looking
Agreed desu
Hating on edge just for being edge is stupid.
that dude needs a nerf, but I love hoe his blackwater skin makes him look like a columbine shooter
The problem with the man is that it does not acknowledge the wills and desires of humans and never helps with evolution of individuals.
This results in the eventual rejection and destruction of a state and then the revitalization with the common man himself being the ruler once again.
It has happened throughout history
The man deserves what is coming to him.
No more consumerism
and humanity needs to overcome its deepest desires which is not mcdonalds and pepsi everyday
>not liking dropping the guns
Is there anyone more edgy than Not?
Edgy is from like 2012
Look at this shit.
Not jews btw
They are going to get rid of religion
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
I thought Reaper was edgy at first, but it seems that they made him intentionally edgy, which is endearing.
EVERYTHING from this series fits this thread
the transition between tryhard and hilarious his the same as the transition between exaggerated features and caricature.
The actors and actresses that appear at every mass shooting
Staged shit my man
You all use Reaper's best spray, right?
this is literally perfect
What would it take to make Reaper stop being so edgy, Sup Forums?
Religions fighting each other was predicted in Revelations, the final book in the bible. I'm so fucking ready shit is about to go fucking down and I would love to blow up some Islamic fucks
Corporations spamming this character is edgy on websites.
Dark things are bad and you cannot like them!!!!!
I like how corporations used the columbine shooting and just put oh
everyone who likes music from the 1990s are evil and shall be condemned
Now look at what is happening
This fucking thread
>not using Red X as Reaper
you gotta embrace that edge man
do you think these guys are edgy for sending you to war.
I don't want Reaper to stop being edgy.
>stepping on a nerds glasses
>not super edgy
Nerds cannot like heavy metal or 1990s music
Fuck off.
Prep fucks were the ones who were assholes to nerds
actually the darker music from the 1990s usually was meant for people who were bullied so nerds would of flocked to it
The fuck is wrong with the guy posting
Is he retarded
I laffed
>"this... is my curse..."
>*teleports behind you* "shouldn't have done that, kid"
>epic skins are of him wearing a sombrero and mariachi shit
Reaper is pretty much a parody of himself and all things edge.
He looks like such a doofus doing that pose too.
He's basically a chuuni.
>Nerds cannot like heavy metal or 1990s music
The mountain is real edgy
>wears mexican skin
>presses Q
>AY! AY! AY!
The mountain is real edgy dude
Him getting back with his ex, 76
Is that fan made or by blizzard?
Well this guy clearly hasn't reached the endearing/hilarious point yet.
76 is straight
76 is with Mercy
Nothing is edgier than Max Punisher. Nothing at all.
Reaper is just a pretender.
>implying Mercy would cheat on Pharah
What do you think she is, some kind of healslut?
Whatever makes you feel better. No shipping is confirmed anyway
/u/ pls
thanks fellow kingdom hearts character
How did it become so popular?
fuck squeenix and their characters that look like backstreet boys
That is darkness in itself
>Without darkness light would not exist.
I know you're baiting, but this statement is fucking retarded. There is light, and that's it. Darkness is not an entity of itself, darkness simply implies a LACK of light.
Without darkness, there would only be light. Philosophically speaking, this same principle is used for good and evil. Evil being a simple lack of good, without evil there would only be good.
The two do not depend on each other.
Reaper is goofy as hell and rather endearing
They just work devastatingly well together in-game.
Gameplay synergy. Pharah can give Mercy a lot more mobility than any other allied hero could, and she's a great target for damage boosting. They were designed to work together this way by Blizzard, but of course the shipping itself isn't canon. Incidentally, this week's brawl is Pharah+Mercy only.
wrong answer
>literally every character in the game makes fun of him
stop bullying Reaper!
>Reaper: Poor Winston. Has to hide away so he doesn't scare the children.
>Winston: I don't even think children are afraid of you.
>Reaper: You look ridiculous.
>McCree: Looked in a mirror lately?
laws of polarity nigga
Mystery schools of ancient greece and egypt
Kabbalah my nigga
Honestly I can't help but think of 47 when I see that pose.
>Greek sophistry
>Egyptian savagery
>Jewish woo
Nah i'm good m8
I fucking love reaper
>lets win baby
When it's self-aware.
When it's made by people who sincerely believe that edginess is cool, you get Donte.
If you paid attention to the mystery schools they would teach you that in all religion they have aspects of nature in them
12 apostles=12 zodiac
Son of god walking over water=Sun rising and setting over water
How ignorant are you
I am a person who likes heavy metal of the 1990s
I saw it as a chance to overcome the abuse i recieved as a child and I went to help people out with their problems because of it.
are you actually high?
>cringeworthy edgy
He's edgy in a hilarious way, especially with El Blanco skin
Nope this is what the esoterics teach
Here is a video from a 33rd degree freemason talking about the history of religious school
Even before religion was even a fucking thing
That jew shit you speak is propaganda for the third world war where they get rid of all the religions
Actually it's not 100% false.
Without darkness we would not really have a reason to define light the way we do.
It works the same way for opposites.
Without ugliness what would we need for a word for what is beautiful? Beautiful as an idea wouldn't be a thing.
Without darkness, light as an idea stops being a thing.
I legitimately don't understand the appeal of Miku
The best thing is that there's actually guy that spouts shit like that on my studies
The best edgy characters are the ones that don't fit in with the cheery feel of the series and are self aware
>tfw you will never join a quick play with anybody that has enough awareness to do something like this