What game goes best with linkin park?

What game goes best with linkin park?

Other urls found in this thread:



Shadow the Hedgehog on PS2


The Legend of Zelda series.

Cry of fear

tony hawk pro skater 1-3

Killing yourself.

Kingdom Hearts

CS 1.6

Old Runescape for nostalgia.

Dark Souls.

Metal Gear Revengeance


Overwatch if you play Reaper

vanilla wow, if you wana do some pvp

What game goes best with Angel'in Heavy Syrup?

It doesn't even matter

Mighty No. 9

Alright guys that's it. Threads over. Everyone go home.

>I used to make Runescape montages on Movie Maker with Linkin Park on the background

At least I wasn't the only one.

Vanilla WoW PVP was always Inflames or Children of Bodom with some occasional Drowning Pool.


Coldsteel: The Hedgeheg
Linking Park and Coldsteel are literally inseparable.

underrated post

Literally only correct answer.