So is it true that Dragon Age is going to start "taking inspiration" from Witcher 3?

So is it true that Dragon Age is going to start "taking inspiration" from Witcher 3?

It was already a cutscene filled waifu sim with a save the world mingame.

So if anything Witcher 3 was inspired by DA.
Less gay to be sure but still.

We can only hope that every WRPG from here on out takes inspiration from TW3 in at least one key area, city/town design.

Novigrad was amazing.

Bleuclair is even better. Based poles

agreed. tw3 makes a lot of the same mistakes bioware and Bethesda rpgs do yet tw3 gets a free pass? why?

I'd rather they take inspiration from obsidian/FONV. make a real rpg, you know, with choices and mutiple paths like a real rpg should have?

>mfw TW3 cucked Bloodborne out of the GOTY award

>Skyrim is a hit
>DA:I "inspired" by it
>Witcher 3 is a hit
It's just buzzwords

Every future rpg should take inspiration from Witcher 3. CDPR showed everyone how true rpgs are supposed to be made.

They should all have shit gameplay?

and shit roleplaying

Stop the maymays Witcher 3 haters or Bethesda/Bioware shills or whatever shitposters you are.

Witcher 3 had the best combat system of any WRPG every made. So yes other shit rpg developers should take inspiration from Witcher 3. The roleplaying was fantastic- Geralt is an awesome character. It is objectively the best rpg ever made.

Because it's based on a book and >muh polish

It uses the same ideas in the best way possible.

Witcher 3 set the bar for many things and people will always notice those in future games, "oh this isnt as good as w3"
For a game to sell they have to either match w3 or focus on things w3 wasnt strong on.

Because it's actually a good game

A smart poster for once.

>makes a lot of the same mistakes
name 5


Oldfag here, best RPG I'm playing since Ultima VII: Serpent Isle

I'm sure people who don't like W3 enjoy landfill simulators like Fallout 3 +

CDPR simply showed to the world how fucking incompetent the other video games studios are when it comes to RPGs

t. Bethesdrone

So it is the only rpg you have ever played.

They should. Though Bioware is run by pure hacks. The lore in the DA universe has great potential still. Would be better if they just gave the franchise to CDPR

Name 3 better ones in the last 10 years.

Fallout 4 is better than witcher 3

You could fit all 5 into mistakes about gameplay and role playing. Like the controls, combat, variety in combat which relates to character progression, development, etc

There is really no role playing in the game at all. It is more of an action adventure game with some leveling and gear.

Elaborate or b8

the soundtrack for fallout 4 alone makes it better than witcher.

because it has no brown people

game of the decade

playing wither 1 enhanced for the first time and in chapter 4

got a question: is witcher 2 any good? or should i jump to 3 after 1

1 is good but feels claustrophobic, the ratio of world size to shit to do in said world is so off

Witcher 2 sets up the narrative for Withcer 3.

It is also 100 times more fun to play than Witcher 1.

2 is amazing, it's like playing a well written fantasy novel and it looks better than 3 in some places.

play through 2. it's the worst of the series, but still worth the play. It's not a bad game. I beat it three times. Twice to get both endings and a third time just out of hype for the third game last year.

btw act 4 is max comfy user.

all you people saying that tw3 is a good rpg. have you played FONV or vampire the masquerades bloodline or dx? because those are good roleplaying games with good roleplaying mechanics. tw3 has the same roleplaying as me3 or fo4.

go to bed grandpa.

you're a full blown retard to think witcher 3 isn't a good rpg.
eat shit

>new vegas the better rpg

and lightning struck ONCE with how fucking gold VTM:B was/is


Care to expand upon that rather than just making a baseless statement about it?

Have you played Fallout 1 or Arcanum or NWN? Don't talk to me about rpg's child.

>Going to
Is Bioware going to keep this terrible series going? I guess regurgitating the same garbage is much easier than making new games for once.

a typical quest in FONV has 3 or 4 ways to finish it. getting into new Vegas you can sneak I through sewers, or take the monorail, ir join a caravan going into nv, or having 2000 caps to show at the door, or having 80 science to hack the security not, or talking to the hobo ghoul, or buying a fake pass. compare that to 90% of the quests in tw3 where you're options are "yes" or no"

Dragon Age is continuing at all?

Because it panders to people who get boners over pixels instead of SJW homosexuals.

They think tumblr specials are buying the games but now that the usual rpg demographic has gotten wise to their faggotry the low sales of the next game will hopefully drive them to start writing good stuff again rather than pandering rubbish.

all the Witcher games improved on the previous iteration of combat though

it's just that of all the things CDPR improved with each game, combat was the lesser

hopefully they step it up with Cyberpunk

>best combat system
spin around with sword
oh no enemy iz red better avoid
mayb I spam fire
or I just spam quen n spin2win
Truly groundbreaking.

>have you played FONV or vampire the masquerades bloodline or dx?
TW3 is as good as those RPGs but they all share the same flaw: shitty combat.

if we're judging games based on soundtracks then Age of Conan is the best game in the world

>If we say our next game will draw inspiration from OTHER GAME then probably some of the most retarded fans of OTHER GAME will notice and buy our heap of shit

Does anyone fall for this? At all?

Mass Effect Andromeda will probably still make a profit, so I doubt they'll stop soon. TOR was their biggest blunder but I doubt that'll ever happen again.

Try that shit in Hearts of Stone and see where it gets you.

Me:A now with microtransactions that you always wanted.

t. Never played the game

Even on normal difficulty there are plenty of enemies that punish you for that and as the game goes on, virtually all of them do

And FemPaki

if Witcher 3 had the variety and scaling of Dark Souls enemies with a mix of Souls and Dragon's Dogma combat and mechanics it would pretty much be the perfect game for me

still one of my all time favorite games, even with the mediocre combat, shit armor and weapon scaling, bad economy, rushed final act of main story and somewhat repetitive contract quests, all the other stuff was just so good it made up for any negatives (in my opinion)

Maybe if the combat wasn't dogshit and not worth going through for the amazing story I wouldn't have quit 10 hours in.

The combat suits the character perfectly. Explain what you'd rather Geralt was doing in a fight?

People want geralt to cast fireballs and have optional dagger stealth combat and climb on enemies and so on and on..
They dont care about books.

I always wonder why people always complain that the witcher 3's combat is super boring and you only use light attack. Almost any third person sword/axe/spear game you can play only using light attack (yes I'm looking at you dark souls, which is objectively easier to beat the whole thing only using light attack than witcher). The Witcher 3 is an rpg. A role-playing game where you play as a bad ass monster killer. The point of the combat is to use your signs, potions, environment, etc to kill your enemies in the best possible way.

The combat should be played like Devil May Cry and other combo type games. Why should I only use light attack on all 4 of these humans I'm fighting when I could, burn one of them alive with igni firestream, knock one down and stab them in the chest with aard, dodge the arrows of the archer in the back and run him down and finish him off with a flurry of blows, then stun the last cowering man with axii and instantly finish him with a heavy blow.

The game and combat is hella fun if you don't run around autistically using only light attack.

>I always wonder why people always complain that the witcher 3's combat is super boring and you only use light attack.
They play on normal.

Bioware said they'd be taking inspiration from Skyrim for Dragon Age, and we got Shitquisition. It's somehow worse in every way.

But they didn't lie, it was perfectly designed for a gamepad and had no role play elements at all.


The term brofist has been around for longer than that faggot you underage fool.

>tfw it all went downhill from Origins

Origins > Awakening > 2 > Inquisition

they're probably gonna copy it, just make it "politically correct"

>Not a single person asks for a source.
You are all faggots.

Also enough of the Witcher baiting, Christ Thebull94.

I wanna get into the Witcher
Should I play through all the games? I've heard pretty bad things about TW1

Bwahahahaha. No.

No. Just go buy Skyrim. It has more active users on Steam.

if you like games like guild wars 1, kotor, morrowind you will definitely like it. If you want a more fully open world game with more modern combat like dark souls, then play TW3. TW2 is kind of a balance between the two

By that logic Call of Duty is the best shooter ever.

EA will never give Bioware the time or resources to put the amount of craftsmanship into their games as CDPR put into TW3. I doubt Bioware even has the talent left at their studio to do it if they were allowed.

People should go play dragons dogma and stfu.

>Name 5
Uh combat,combat,combat,combat,combat
>Buy DA:I plz ;)

Sure as fuck can't write a story to save their ass. I actually didn't cisquisition outside of the retarded ass story.

That's the difference in those games' design

Fallout quests give you 8 different ways to do them but they all lead to the same one or two outcomes and 95% of quests don't affect anything afterwards

Witcher 3 quests have fewer choices but those choices actually have impacts on other quests and the world in general more often than not

Is pretty good user, and there's no one going around saying its under or overrated, is just right.

You mean exactly how the books are? Geralt doesn't sneak. He accepts his bounty. Sets up. Drinks pots. Fights monster. Claims bounty. He doesn't spend money to make his problems go away because he wants to make money period.

play all of them and see for yourself.
witcher 1 has weird combat but the best atmoshpere. also, 1st two chapters are sloggy, but after that it's godlike.

2nd is said to be the worst, which only says how great the franchise is. it still beats most rpg's of the time

3 ruined rpg genre for me, nothing is good after i played it.

i'm gonna redo the trilogy.

You don't 'need' to play all three, and W1 gameplay wise is an increasing slog depending on your tolerance for older games mechanics wise, starts sloow, was their first game,. and shows.

2's a lot of the same ideas 3 builds off, easier to playtrhough,

Really though as long as you are willing to accept the game had 2 prior games of stuff/read the actual character pages you can easily start with 3. Just understand W3 isn't goign to drop everything to intro old characters to you the second they apepar, but it will let you talk to them to get these details later or shortly later.

Are they going to make the male version of the character uncanny so that we play as a woman?, or will you no longer choose the sex of your character because is sexist.

I don't even think you can blame new bioware's stupidities on Ea anymore. EA certainly made them what they became, but They are the ones digging their grave further now. Everyoen worth a shit abandoned the ship after DA:O at the latest, and the only people left are various forms of yesmen, noncreatives, and leftover newbies from EA hirings.

ME4 is gonna suuuuuuck and we all know it.

plough yourself, whoreson

I started to play Fallout New Vegas but found it to be buggy mess with a bland story and clunky gameplay. Quit after 2 or 3 hours and never looked back. For some reason the deranged autists found here on Sup Forums told me that it was better than Skyrim. The truth is that Fallout New Vegas doesn't hold a candle to it let alone The Witcher 3.

it's going to be Inquisition in space. it will do nothing outright wrong compared to what ME3 did, but it will avoid the fuck out of the main plot the entire time, be nothing but safe decisions, and be as milquetoast with space gays as possible.

It will be competent enough the dicksuckers can feed themselves biowares back, but it'll undersell and do nothing to restore any jaded fans faith in the IP.

>both Dragon Age Inquisition and Bloodborne got blown the fuck out by W3
No wonder there's so much shitposting about it

Play 1 and 2.

Read the books

Play 3

1 has the worst gameplay, but so many amazing moments that it´s worth it to endure.

>hopefully they step it up with Cyberpunk
they still making that?

>vampire the masquerades bloodline or dx?
And people have the gall to say the wicther 3 is shit because of the combat.

the books are boring bland shit in english.

>Believing the it was cancelled meme
Why is Sup Forums so full of retards?

I imagine it is going to be like that one tumblr picture of undertale where everyone is labeled something like "Polygender otherkin"

the combat is just the easiest and most obvious shitposting target for W3, because it's the part almost nobody will defend.

Deus Ex and Fallout and first person shooters

I fucking hate how people just call fucking anything with some vague stat related shit as RPGs these days, you may as well call CoD an RPG because it has perks

except that cdpr doesn't talk about it, and they keep announcing more witcher stuff

Could it be better? Sure, but is it offensively awful? No it isn't. People who claim it's the worst thing ever are shitposters or underage who have never played a truly awful game.

Everything about Fallout 4 was bad including the music which was disgustingly inferior to new Vegas.