What's the worst game you've ever played? Pic related. Dead Space is unplayable trash. Literally

What's the worst game you've ever played? Pic related. Dead Space is unplayable trash. Literally.

>Get invisible fucking wall bug near the beginning of the game
>Google it and find some work around with V-Sync
>Have to sit through some 15min unskippable bullshit again to see if I can go through the door
>Still bugged
>If I want to try more fixes I have to sit through that fucking intro every fucking time

8 years and those cocksuckers never fixed this. I hope they all get aids.

>Worst game ever played
>You didn't play it

>pc gaming

Same thing happened to me. the PC controls were so fucking bad that I would have dropped it soon after anyway

I feel bad for you bro. It's honestly a fantastic game. I played it on 360 though back in the day. None of those master race issues.

How are these games even scary? the game tries its hardest to be scary with the cheesiest death scenes I have seen. then they give you the God Foot and the ability to rip off enemy arms and impale people with them. hard to be scared when I just dropped my gun to 1v5 the alien zombie things

I literally fixed it within 3 minutes, you fucking retard.

more like you are playing on a toaster
amirite OP?
and stop replying your own thread


If Dead Space is the worst game you've ever played, you've probably played like, 5 games.

that is literally an anti-piracy feature. you got memed on lol

Getting the game to work is half the fun!

Get a console if you can't handle it. I love my consoles too bro

Maybe actually pay for the game next time you fucking retard.

I know, I know, asking mommy and daddy to pay for your games won't always work, that's when you save your money and pay for it yourself instead of spending it on fedoras and sonic apparel or whatever 12 yr olds jerk off to these days

Just got the EA monthly thing for 4.99. I did pay for it.

works on my rig :)

>3rd person game
>not using a gamepad

why? those games are designed with a gamepad in mind.

>EA Monthly
I see your problem.

Let me tell you. even with how terrible the mouse controls are I am infinitely better with the mouse than trying to aim with the gameplay. If I am shooting in a 3d space there is no other option

I googled it and only see on fix

you didn't apply the v-sync probably

those games get too easy with mouse aiming anyway.


underage b8

I own the Steam version and got the invisable wall after

They put that there as an anti-piracy feature.

You got fucking memed on by the devs. Hahaha.

you get used to mouse and KB

the nonlinear joystick is odd to play with when you don't use it much.

First thing I did was turn V-Sync off in the game. Everything was delayed as fuck. Once I got to the door, I enabled it for DS in the NVidia thing. Sat through intro again, and got stuck at door again.

OP, I'm afraid you might be clinically retarded.
Dead Space was GOTY 2008 and is still the best third-person action horror game right along side RE4.

>pc ''''''gaming''''''

more like PC settings lmao


just use a controller idiot


cap the fps at 30fps and restart the game, retard.

>controls were so fucking bad

turn off vsync. that'll fix the crappy mouse movement

What were your thoughts on pic related, i read that the script for the sequel is ready but devs are waiting for capcom to give them the green light to start, i am looking forward to it

but the game is designed for a controller

it was also designed to run at lower framerates and resolutions.

Shooting the meteors warrents the use of a m/kb

I don't play a lot of games and I try to do a lot of research before every game I buy, so I'll have say the worst game I played was Xenoblade Chronicles X.

The overall story felt uninteresting from the very start. The characters came off as boring anime cliches to me, and they didn't look all that great either. The hub world sucks and has the absolute worst music for a hub world I have heard in a video game. The overworld that everyone was raving about honestly felt incredibly boring to me; yeah there was a lot of area but it didn't really feel like there was much to do. The text was ridiculously small that I had to strain my eyes in order to read it. All the sidequests I played were variations of "kill this monster" or "collect this thing".

I think the worst thing about it though is the combat. I wouldn't mind it if it were more turn-based, but the fact that I could move freely while using moves really killed any fun I had with it, especially when moves never look like they connect yet they still do damage.

I'm sure it's a good game to those that it appeals to, but I was sorely mistaken in my purchase and have regretted it immensely.