Are you hyped Sup Forums?
If not why?
Also Destiny Thread I guess
Are you hyped Sup Forums?
If not why?
Also Destiny Thread I guess
This is still a thing? Didn't this shit come out like 3 years ago or something?
Yeah its had like 3 expansions now and changed a lot since vanilla
>Bungie gave up Halo to work on this piece of shovelware
Is it still not halo?
No because they didn't support cross platform upgrading so when I moved to PS4 I got FUCKED
I know how fast it is to level up and get all the gear, I hit my 3 characters to 310+ during TTK in a month, before the April Update made it even easier, but I don't want to no life AGAIN to catch up to everyone AGAIN.
And I lost my Trials stats which were great, moving up to that 50elo but only made it to 45ish before I quit
didn't they sell the IP to microsoft?
they were probably just tired of halo
Your Trials elo meant shit all if it was on legacy consoles. All the serious players started on current gen. You became king of the moles
Because this game is shit and super unbalanced
They ripped off 40k
>Because this game is shit and super unbalanced
Name a game that isn't unbalanced as shit
I had friends who were ranked right up there with the PS4 players. One was top 500 on the leaderboards and one was in the top 1000.
You do know that the leaderboards are all consoles, right?
>Because other games are this that means this game can be too
Fuck off that's the gayest excuse
I don't have a console
I have no desire to play an FPS with a controller
Pretty hyped. I have been really enjoying the game a lot recently. Throwing black holes at people as a voidbro is fun as shit. pls give MIDA
And 40k ripped off Starship Troopers
Unfreeze me when the Stranger has enough time to explain and the Speaker DOES tell you.
i really want to like this game, i really do
but the fact that i have to put myself through raids, and hope the RNG gods are in my favor, just to stand a chance in PvP, pisses me off
the gunplay is AMAZING, i wish i could enjoy that, but getting bullied online all the time makes it a little difficult, to be QUITE honest...
Destiny is dead to me.
All the DLc was damage control and anyone who has tried a raid can tell you Bungie is shit at game play mechanics. Do _______ to be able to deal damage to boss for a finite amount of time.
Making you find raid groups was retarded. They could have at least come up with queue or something.
Fuck you Bungie.
>They ripped off 40k
Its more or less an homage
Destiny is essentially an idealistic version of Warhammer
it has made enough money to abandon half it's userbase
What the fuck makes you think half the player base was in two dead consoles? Is this bait?
>Essentially make an MMO
>Except not make it any good at all
There are wolves and melee in this game?
Melee yes
Wolves no
As soon as I saw he was a nigger under the helm I quit the game.
playing through King's Fall right as it opened and trying to figure everything out was pretty fun.
I remember some guy coming up with these crazy theories on how we are supposed to activate the plates for warpriest and he was looking at the glyphs on the back of the monoliths. Then someone happened to be in front of them and saw that they light up and we're all just like. oh. The big ogre guy, oryx, and daughters took forever to fully figure out the first day.
Vault of glass was also neat, but I was just riding by the first day it opened and got pulled into a random group and we did it and you could tell they've only played shooters and shit before though because the simplest fucking mechanics were to much for them to understand.
Not falling for that shit again, Bungie had their chance.
playing now if anyone wants a /vg/ fireteam
>Piss poor story
>Shitty unbalanced multiplayer
>No content
>Caused three writers to quit because of Activision's jewery
Yeah no
I really hate how you need plus or gold to do most of the shit in the game.
meh the cost of either is minimal
>buy destiny taken king, go in with an open mind
>"dude destiny is so fun and addicting"
>how long will it take me to get to your level?
>"idk about a month or so of running strikes"
>run strikes for a week
>get fucking sick of the same 5 mediocre missions
>realize that is where 80% of my time with the game will be spent
>sell it and never look back
Honestly, how can people enjoy Destiny? With games like Diablo they randomize things every run so it isn't nearly as tedious but with Destiny you're practically on autopilot with how fucking samey the game is
the game is such a fucking mmo
Go ahead and quit real life too