When does this game get good?
When does this game get good?
I think tetris is a fucking boring shit of a game
am i wrong or right? why?
YOU are the one who needs to "GIT GUD"
I like that the setting (meaning the first few hours in Midgar) screams 90s more than Linkin Park.
I'm replaying now on vita, just got done with Shinra HQ when you get to the open world for the first time and I'm having an ok time
When you infiltrate the Shinra building. That whole section and everything after is when the game starts proper.
Roughly 2 decades ago. If you didn't play it at least once back then you will find it's not that enjoyable of a game.
The midgar parts map and the 3-door puzzle is actually tedious as fuck (the first time you play it and you're like 10 and don't know what you're doing), but after that the game does get better, yes.
Can't speak for 7, but I went back and played 4 and 8 with no nostalgia goggles no problem and enjoyed them.
I played it for the first time at the end of 2015 and enjoyed it.
He just doesnt like old videogames, thats all
Ive been playing old games recently and despite being worse than FF7 i enjoy them
OP isnt just a fan of those games
Man, you played some of the lamest games in the series.
I don't get the point of RPGs. they're not hard or skillful you just have to look at stats farm for shit and level up
If it's the story why not just read a turn to page X book
pretty much when you get out of midgar but the climax of that is pretty fun. then you remember how fucking boring the kalm section and cosmo canyon are but you keep going cuz it'll be worth it
if you're not having a blast by the time you're at temple of the ancients then just end yourself
Pretty much this. The whole Aerith rescue is awesome. Well, except for the "get behind Shinra soldiers then tell Barret and Tifa to follow you" part.
When you hop in a time machine and go back to 1997 when all you wanted was a psx and a copy of fvii for xmas because that's what your cousin is getting but instead your parents buy you an n64 and yoshis story yoshi's story is still one of my favorite games of all time
You haven't played much RPGs, right?
I've played 3d ones but only like pokemon and undertale maybe something else for 2d one. I tried persona. Tabbing through menus just isn't appealing to me
JRPGs haven't required grinding since the SNES era
The only reason you're not enjoying it is because you're an emotionless robot, destined to spend time in prison after being charged for multiple counts of rape.
Gameplay wise it's pretty boring (what you see is what you get). The only thing that kept me going was the story.
He's right in most cases. At least regarding ff and pokemon. if I'm wrong just tell me why