Just finished her second game.
What is this cozy feeling in my chest? I...I need more
Just finished her second game.
What is this cozy feeling in my chest? I...I need more
Shouldn't have used shitty Akairiot art, OP. Maybe the thread wouldn't have died.
What a cute little smug bug.
>that autist who obsesses over the artist of frawings.
I bought this game during the steam sale and I'm currently playing the first game on normal.
Did I make a mistake?
The bare bones and simplistic nature of the combat had gotten really tedious, does nightmare make the combat engaging or just frustrating? Also, is the first game gonna wrap up many/any of the things the game has been hinting at throughout the story or just gonna end on a cliffhanger?
You aren't going to want to do nightmare, unless you want to kite enemies forever. Just get through the game as fast as possible and breath some relief that the second one is better.
Hard mode is the right difficulty for the first game.
Hard mode is HARD in the second game, but still doable. It starts very hard at the beginning because you don't have 4 party members but the difficulty evens out. There's still some hard fights here and there.
Nightmare is just annoying. Don't bother trying unless you're autistic.
And no, the first game is just AW SHIT WHAT: The Ending, and the sequel is literally the morning after that with no recap.
How is the second one better without spoilers? I haven't actually bought it and was gonna wait until it was on sale for more, at least making it 10 bucks or something.
I agree with Bad art makes for shit threads, faggot.
Ah, wish I woulda done some research before selecting the difficulty, I'm too far in to want to restart and I doubt I'll want to replay it anytime soon.
That's disappointing.
more arts
more characters
can switch out characters whenever
combo attacks
>I'm too far in to want to restart and I doubt I'll want to replay it anytime soon.
for the first game you're actually okay playing it on normal, hard doesn't make it THAT much harder
now the second one you want to play on hard because it's cranks up the difficulty way more than the first one and it's also a longer game
What's done is done user, you can probably download a FC save as most saves I've seen online have people saving every fucking step they make, so you'd be able to hop on where you left, but even hard difficulty in the first game is not that big of a challenge.
>more arts
>more characters
>can switch out characters whenever
>combo attacks
That does sound a lot better.
>now the second one you want to play on hard because it's cranks up the difficulty way more than the first one and it's also a longer game
I'll be sure to do that whenever I start SC.
From what everyone is saying I guess its best to just stick it through to get to the superior SC.
who /thundergodkick/ here?
when I played FC it made me feel like a kid and i felt empty inside when i finished it
didnt really get to play the sequel
>Cold Steel thread gets 300+ replies
>Sky thread gets >100 and heads for page 10
Cold steel threads are hardly discussion and are akin to cancer persona threads.
I honestly preferred the first one, it felt more grounded.
I don't get the hate for akairiot
Third game gets localised for PC next year
TitS threads are usually slow burners. Just like SC on steam. It's nearing 30k copies now.
That said I don't hate on Cold Steel. Waiting for a PS3 emulator or a PC port, whichever comes first.
A lot of people bought TitS from GoG
He does a lot of same face, hell OPs pick doesnt even look like the original design
do you type reply numbers by hand or something
Are you an XSEED employee? Because for most devs GoG sales amount for less than 10% of digital sales.
When's Rixia's game getting fantranslated?
I usually don't like memeriots drawings but this is kinda cute. Suprised that he drew her too
Yeah I couldn't bring myself to finish SC yet myself, didn't want to feel the emptiness. I'll wait until 3rd is just around the corner
>What is this cozy feeling in my chest?
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
>I...I need more
Who doesn't.