Why didn't they just portray the real man and his ideology?
Why didn't they just portray the real man and his ideology?
because modern "communists" makes marx roll in his grave
>Why didn't Ubisoft take a risk and portray him as something other than a millennial cuck?
Because they're Ubisoft
Nobody read his book.
Because then nobody would like karl marx or his version of socialism, because most individuals aren't edgy sociopaths like that retard was.
I did
>You pass away at a ripe old age
>Your shitty relatives leave you a tiny ass obit square and a stupid ass joke that has been on a bazillion obituaries at this point.
Id haunt my family for at least 10 years for that.
>tfw im a marxist but every liberal dickhead thinks theyre a marxist so now i have to put up with Sup Forumsyps whining about "cultural marxism"
Was it good?
No you won't, dead cuck
you know marx wasn't even a marxist?
Can you be a cuck if you're dead?
it sure did make me think
can't really decide wheteher it was good or not.
If you died and no one ressed you in 2016 - you got cucked
IIRC he said that when the Prussians very undemocratically threatened to expel everyone who worked on his newspaper if he kept publishing it. A little aggressive, but the Prussians deserved the insult.
>tfw reactionary nationalists stealing your agenda cuz muh refugeeeeeeees
Did it make you think smart thoughts or you're just dumb and never used a brain before?
That is factually incorrect
>no one ressed you
You got cucked out of life.
because theyre ubisoft
also stalin or trotsky?
It made me think about nature of men, current state of the world, history of socialism and it's evolution into communism and helped me decide that I need to read more about economy/politics to grasp the bigger picture
it sure is worth giving it a try
Marx fag here:
"Social democracy is the only way, I abhor terrorism" - Old Marx.
Marx settled down a lot after every major power in the world stopped trying to kill or exile him.
he was a marxist in the same way lenin was a leninist, the term was invented after their death in both cases
>dying makes you a cuck
This meme has gone too far
isnt the Manifesto literally pamphlet length
it takes half an hour to read so in the 1860s yes it was
I actually didn't know that. Thanks user!
I like the Communist Manifesto but it shouldn't be the end all of Marx's thoughts.
It was written when he was young and he didn't even have full power over it since it was a commissioned pamphlet for a party he wasn't even the leader of.
Das Kapital, Critique of the Gotha Program, Fuck Max Stirner I mean The German Ideology, all more important Marxist reads.
no shit
that happens to literally every person as they get older
dont listen to this retard, read anything he wrote about the paris commune (occured near the end of his life) his criticism is that they didnt go far enough
Then why is he quoted in response to people arguing about marxism with him "Then I am certainly not a Marxist"?
I assume he's talking about Capital, not the manifesto.
LOGH should cover left vs right enough for most people.
yes, exactly, I'm not anglo and in the edition I read the manfiesto was kind of an introduction to the Capital. With written commentary and all, but I might have gotten them mixed up
sorry for any confusion
Yeah, later in his life Radical Communist groups would come to him and would be like "PLZ LOVE US MARX-KUN" and he was like "Fuck off terrorist scum".
Marx still detested Terrorism later in his life. Engels in the end was the one that was far more radical.
underrated post
spook detected
define terrorism v. revolt
Phoenix Down nigga
Heroes never die
>a relatively civil marx thread
whats happening
something something trump sjws okay I think that about covers it.
>Sup Forums - video games
It's on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums and most shitposters don't know enough to even meme about it
Mary Anne's relatives have my respect, unlike you, that will be forgotten two minutes from now by me and the day after your death by everyone else on the planet.
>getting cucked kills you
You dont need to be a social democrat, or reformist, to abhor terrorism as an program. Terror =/= Revolution/Insurrection
>define terrorism v. revolt
Depends on which side your on
Same thing with "terrorist" and "freedom fighter"
Here, two seconds of google to answer your question.
Basically, some French Communists were calling themselves Marxists, to which Marx responded, "If that's what you call Marxism, then I guess I'm not a Marxist."
Which specific items should I read over to get a general understanding of the goals and methods of
I wanna know exactly what they want, and how they presume it should happen.
Terrorism necessarily implies aggression against non-military targets of an opposing forces with the intent of spreading, well, terror. Revolt merely implies resistance against a sovereign authority, regardless of wether its sovereignty is justified or not.
Planting a bomb at a school is a terror tactic. Planting a bomb at a military checkpoint or military armory is a legitimate military tactic.
The term "terrorism" gets thrown around way too lightly nowdays.
For further examples please refer to the videogame Freedom Fighters, which is a pretty good videogame whose discussion is encouraged in the videogame board of Sup Forums.