What went so fucking right?

What went so fucking right?

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waifu pandering

It's casual enough for normies to get into it


All three responses above me

Blizzards marketing? Because the game is hot dogshit.

Insult Blizzard all you want, but always bet on them to do well. They know how to make mainstream games that the majority like.

> Blizzard-brand recognition. (muh WoW and Diablo!)
> Waifu/husbando characters to appeal to the horny teens
> Pixar-like art design to appeal to the cosplayers
> Simplified TF2 mechanics to remove skill and appeal to a more casual market
> Activision/Blizzard money to throw into marketing
> Following Valve's example by making "Meet the" videos to build lore for a game that has none.

The question isn't how did it get so popular so fast. The question is: Will it even last past the summer when school starts?

They appealed to everyone.
There are waifus and husbandos for all of the 137 gender options that exist. All minorities are also included.

Yeah dude bigtime mainstream successes like HotS

The game has been out for more than a month and it doesn't seem to slow down. I don't think Overwatch is going anywhere.

The shills did a good job of spamming this game all over Sup Forums and social media for weeks from the very first open beta up until release.

Same way LoL got popular.

>it doesn't seem to slow down
It definitely has. many including myself have already gone back to TF2 after realising how little depth there is to overwatch

There's always a blip. That was more bad timing. It's equal to LoL, even though it's inferior to Dota2.

People got bored of TF2 and wanted to play TF2 again

Great meme

Marketing. Still isn't a good game by far and they are largely ignoring the actual flaws of the game while clearly catering to top players.

>characters designed by a marketing team
>ultimates, large hitboxes and a generally low skill ceiling so shitters think they're good at the game

Of course people are eating it up.

Me and almost all of my friends stopped playing too. A couple went back to try competitive though.

Do people even know Sup Forums exists? Nobody even knows about the dark web, let alone its community sites.

>Nobody even knows about the dark web,

>Sup Forums
>the dark web
>community sites

Please just leave and never come back newfriend.

>Do people even know Sup Forums exists?
what year do you think this is m8

>Do people even know Sup Forums exists?
Sup Forums has been infested with normies for years. The fappening only made more come in.

As opposed to Overwatch? TF2 takes skill.


its been on tv on multiple occasions and when you google le anonymoose xd you get an article that links to Sup Forums

It has only been rising in the top most visited around the web.

its a casual players dream game

aimbot and wallhack mechanics
hits boxes are nice a big
ultimates charge passively
unlimited ammo

Market testing the absolute shit out of the characters


Ah, lame.

They need to put more maps in if it's to retain massive amounts of popularity. There is only so many times you can replay king's row before you get bored of it.

Regardless of what they do, they already made a massive profit on this game.

>you are bad at the game
>"Ah hah, but my character is a hard counter to my enemy. It doesn't matter if he's good, he's dead! EZ NO RE!"

Hello Battleborne player

People played TF2 for years without getting bored.

What's your rank?
You probably just need to git gud

>I don't play the game so other people must have stopped playing it as well!
It's still the second most popular game on Twitch right now, cuck.

>mercy revives him anyway

This. I also wonder when normies will get bored of OW. Casuals don't tend to be loyal or, let's say, dedicated to their games. Can't imagine people playing OW for years like DOTA2 simply because of how shallow OW is.

Blizzard spent millions on its marketing, and advertised the shit out of it during the NBA finals (which was one of the most viewed sports series ever).
Free advertising didn't do shit.

If Lirik or sodapoppin plays Super Mario 64 he can get it to the top of twitch as well, doesn't mean the game is actually popular or good.

That doesn't mean other people haven't stopped playing it.

#1 at ploughin ur mom

TF2 got regular updates pretty quickly after release.

I don't play the game myself, but apparently it's really popular in Korea, even more than LOL(?) I think. So Overwatch is probably going to stay here for 5 years or so I think.


thats literally all

It's already starting to happen, it might plateau eventually though.
Looks like it has potential to be the new LoL though, I see lots and lots of lolcucks moving over. Doesn't surprise me, it's the kinda game that appeals to that audience.

You think the majority of the people who play dota does so because it's neck deep in mechanics? Because thats wrong

Yes. A month. The first month of the summer.

The key is what happens when summer's over and more games have come out or established games like LoL, Dota 2, etc, have had new updates, content, and/or tournies to draw attention back to them.

A game popular after a month? You really think that's a good metric for showing longevity? Titanfall was still popular over 3 months after release, yet it was all but dead a year later.

Overwatch needs a capture the flag mode.

TF2 actually has really good maps, and lots of them, as opposed to OW which has 2-3 good maps and the rest are hallway chokecity.

Awful idea, everyone would just pick Tracer

You say that as if they aren't planning on putting out updates for Overwatch

Doesn't matter when it fades out, they already made their money.

There are only two problems with Overwatch, and they are 20tick and shit map design.

Both of these are 100% fixable, and eventually will be. Blizzard is usually stubborn but even they eventually give in.

Anything else are memes or nonissues.

TF2 has more than two game types

It's a Weekly Brawl. You can only BE Tracer

Blizzard should hire me and you, I feel like we make a good ping pong idea team

The game is normie central. The kind of shit you hear people talking about on mic on Friday nights is crazy. It has nothing to do with the game. It's just their personal conversations about work and whatnot.

Yeah no they haven't.
Titan has been in development for ages, and OW was just assembled from scraps. They've lost lots of money on the extremely aggressive and prevalent marketing and the failure of Titan.

Oh just kidding.

If Overwatch doesn't take skill why aren't you the top pro player raking in some dosh?

Will you normalfags ever shut the fuck up about normies?
What's your IQ?

Amaizing how DOTA2 gave zero cucks about OW accoring to Galoyonkin/SteamSpy.
You don't need to be pro to feel DOTA2 complexity and rich gameplay detail.
When I played OW at beta I knew everything about the game in a day. I mean, really? It took me months to become competent in LoL (2010) and at least a year in DOTA2. I don't main anything, yet still there's many characters I don't know well.

>Simplified TF2 mechanics
Remember how pro TF2 used nothing but demo, soldier, scout and medic?


>no they haven't
>lost lots of money
That's a compelling statistical analysis, I have nothing more to add

>shallow beyond belief
>game centered around counterpicks instead of skill
>xboxhueg hitboxes on everything and everyone
>no community servers or mods
these aren't problems?

They didn't do a heavy marketing push for titan, stop making stuff up.

I'm still wondering why there are people playing Dota2 and tf2
It's like they are autistic and can't stop defending valve for making kiddy games

Updates doesn't naturally equate to retaining players. If players lost interest in the core of the core of the game, or they lose the free time to devote hours of time to the game (as would happen when school starts), then no amount of updates will save the game.

The lack of complexity and progression in Overwatch could be its Achilles Heel. We'll see in two months.

>facebook filename
You ARE the cancer

Because I have a real job you retard

Pharah, porn and Pharah porn.
That's it.

>Normie central
Precisely why I play. Nothing like solo killing the enemy support as a support and then talking mad, uncensored shit.
>It's just a game, dude
Hell yes, and I'm way better than you.

>more than 2
>no one but ftp plays on anything more than TDM and payload

Do you game brah?

Honestly though it's so damn easy. Why didn't Valve just add female Red and Blu from another dimension or something.

>things that don't happen

>literally fapping to an Arab


Bro so you look like a gamer ... what do you think about League of Legends? I'm Silver so I'm pretty good. Jungle main.
You don't play Dota, do you? Toxic asshole.

>What's your IQ?
spotted the normie.

Nothing, you're just shilling.

>Why didn't Valve just add female Red and Blu from another dimension or something
Self-respect. Blizzard sold last bits they had to Bobby 9 years ago.

give me the statistics then you retard
I guarantee you they had a marketing budget of at least $100 million dollars with ads on literally every site, billboards and even TV, that shit doesn't happen free

fuck off shill

Why do people think OW requires literally no skill? It's a bit more casual than other games but seemingly everyone on this side of the argument thinks that the game just lets you win for picking the right characters.

I'd say the game is only shallow in comparison because characters are relativley simple and there isn't any kind of advanced movement like in TF2.
>xboxhueg hitboxes on everything and everyone
This is a problem though, mainly with the heads. Hanzo in particular can just lob in shots and get kills instantly.

Blizzard hit that perfect marketing strategy of catering to Frozen and anime waifu autists, and the regular move from their playbook of misleading commercials that show nothing but flashy CG, and not a split second of their bare bones gameplay.

Counterplay goes both ways
Huge hitboxes are obviously there for accessibility



Which has already paid off, if their statistics about unique accounts mean sales, which I think they are
Titan development was paid off by WoW


>>shallow beyond belief
elaborate. when Sup Forums talks about depth it is usually a buzzword with no meaning. I cannot refute if I have no idea what you're talking about.
>>game centered around counterpicks instead of skill
picking your hero is a skill in these games, and having a broad hero pool is too.
>>xboxhueg hitboxes on everything and everyone
standard for the genre, pic related. not an issue, you just need to get gut used to them
>>no community servers or mods
nigga this ain't the 90s. they don't make games like that no more.
>these aren't problems?
no where near the calibre of problem that is the map design and the 20tick.

Literally just before I came here, dude. PC version and in competition mode, no less.

>>game centered around counterpicks instead of skill
If it's this easy then post your rank

I wanna see how you're doing

>self respect

The depth comes from team comp and synergy, not comparing it to chess or anything, but it's there.

Counterpicks can only get you so far, a good Phara doesn'thave to worry about her picks if she stays aware of her surroundings.

I agree.

This isn't an issue for me, one less thread about corrupt admins is all I hear.


>Which has already paid off, if their statistics about unique accounts mean sales, which I think they are
Even generously assuming they do, and assuming every copy was 50€, that's only $56 million dollars

>Titan development was paid off by WoW
Wasted money is wasted money, doesn't matter where it came from

>that's only $56 million dollars
They sold over 10 million
Even with 50% to retailers and logistics it would be over 100 mil already

The marketing.

While fun to a point, it's still incredibly flawed. Mostly its' groundwork, secondly balancing.

>characters designed by a marketing team
Man, I love this meme!