When did the life support run out for you Sup Forums?

When did the life support run out for you Sup Forums?

When the series added regenerating health.

Same with any TPS/FPS, regenerating health is cancer incarnate.

MW3 that game was trying too hard to be what MW2 was.

So literally the second fucking game?

For me, it was MW2. I hated all that stupid shit they added.

when i first played world at war and it lagged worse than any other game i had played. i just went back to CoD4 and eventually stopped playing the series altogether.

I still play the Treyarch games

the last good IW COD was 4

Modern Warfare and World at War were the last great CoDs, Modern Warfare 2 was good at best, everything past that point gradually descending from bad to utter shit

5 years ago now I only play old games that I missed.

Blops 1. I didn't like MW really, and and after hearing the revenge spawn system/death streaks I dropped the series. From what I've seen they've only compressed the skill gap further since. No interest.

hated black ops, and learned that everygame was a rehash so i stopped playing them, then i found Sup Forums and never enjoyed another video game for as long as i lived.

Thing is...I'm playing BO1 as we speak.

I like that the camera man is just as shocked as the dog.

MW2 was one of the worst games I have ever played in my life, and I played Barbie Spy Adventure in the 90's(That game was actually pretty good)
Only thing worse than Mw2 was fucking Destiny.
How can you try to say you are making a "realistic" shooter and then have a perk that lets you survive a 40 foot drop.
Mw2 was the only game I've played that was so broken that when I would search for hardcore S&D, it would put me in a private lobby without a leader, that had more people in the lobby than matches could physically hold on 360.

MW2 was the last I enjoyed. Got BLOPS for a tenner and put maybe five hours in online. Zombies weren't enough to keep me playing.

>MW2 was good at best
Don't try and tell me that as fuck MP wasn't fun as all hell
>akimbo 1887 shotguns
>akimbo rangers
>commando pro + tactical knife
>care package sprinting glitch
>riot shields
It was a right laugh.

MW2 with its broken as fuck multiplayer. Not to mention the noscoping/quickscoping scene that every 12-year-old shithead was a part of.

Black Ops 1 was a step up, I liked it. But I haven't bought new CoD since.

But I did buy MW1 during a steam sale. Haven't played it much but I've considered getting back into it.

after modern warfare

although i did pirate WaW, which was decent

I want that dog. It can sit in my lap.

Black Ops 1 was my last CoD, I didn't think it was terrible but my interest moved to other shooters and I never went back.

WaW. MW1 was peak, MW2 was a wet dream for the ADD generation that lost it's novelty in two weeks. Blck ops was an ok game i suppose and the zombies mode in blops 2 was pretty good but i stopped playing long hours after 4, and haven't bought one since WaW.

I played the demo for the first one. It was actually pretty cool.

mw1 was the last good cod

What's ELITE?

can I sit on your lap

When the games shifted from "really fun casual online shooters to play after school/work with friends" to "MLG Faze Optic Micro-transactions of Duty"

MW2 = COD4 >/= WaW > BO2 > BO1 > BO3 >>>>> Ghosts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AW

I bought the hardened edition for Ghosts and it's the last CoD I'll ever buy.

it was an online service where you could look at people's career stats in cod games. activision folded it a few years ago, probably for jewish reasons.

black ops 1 was the last good one.

>CoD 1 bretty gud
>Never played CoD 2
>CoD 3 was meh
>CoD 4 blew my fucking mind
>CoD WAW still bretty gud
>MW2 was great for the honeymoon phase before I started to see the cracks
>CODBLOPS was neat but I started to get tired
>MW3 I just wanted to get over with
>CODBLOPS2 I pirated the single player and only hopped on MP durning the free weekends
Haven't touched a CoD since.

>Never played CoD 2

No excuse nigger, it even has a 360 port.


MW3, it was identical to MW2 and that's why I liked it.

Black Ops 2 has the best campaign of any FPS I've ever played. It has a better choice system than any RPG I've ever played. Your choices actually fucking matter.

I hate that Treyarch put in so much effort and they're still going to get shit on by people who never played it.

pretty much this, but black ops was good also

Stopped buying them after MW2, usually rent them for their Campaigns.

Black Ops 2 had an EXCELLENT campaign imo
>Lots of interesting locals
>Story missions that actually effect the final outcome
>3-4 different endings

Ghosts was horribile, MW3 was bleh, Black Ops 3 had its moments (Seriously those robots ripping your limbs off in the first mission was fucked)

Infinite Warfare looks interesting

Peaked at this. My favorite bolt action sniper in any FPS.

because their multiplayer suffers from lag and issues, and always has, ever since CoD3 all of their games have been laggy shitfests and the only viable weapons are SMGs because of all the lag. so to counter their laggy shitfests they made the FAL stronger than some of the fucking sniper rifles because they are a shit developer who make shit games and they have no business touching call of duty.

honestly looking forward to infinite warfare
i fucking love sci fi
hope we get a robot buddy to play with

also loved blops 3

MW was an abortion, WaW was a little better than MW2 dived bombed farther than MW could dream of. Never again

When i moved to pc, i can't stand playing cod with keyboard and mouse for some reason. At least now i found another fps, Insurgency.

>i can't stand playing cod with keyboard and mouse for some reason
You actually have to aim in pc bud, maybe that's the problem.