BF1 is clearly going to be a huge disappointment, and Verdun is an unpolished, boring turd

BF1 is clearly going to be a huge disappointment, and Verdun is an unpolished, boring turd.

Why are there no well made games that feature an appreciation of the World War I aesthetic? I just want 1 well good game that let's me run around with my SMLE or Gewehr 98, just 1.

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Oh wow, a thread that isn't whining about niggers for once.

I agree, BF1 seems to be more of a collision of a bunch of different things instead of trying to be somewhat historically accurate. But I'm not sure how you can make a WW1 game that has a varied class system and isn't a boring turd where everyone dies in one shot like in fucking Verdun.

Because WW1 was boring trash and if it's going to live up to the WW1 nonsense, it's also going to be boring trash.

You either have boring trash, or you have shit that's been ruined historically and made over the top.

You can't do a middle ground for WW1, you have never been able to and you never will be able to.

It's always gonna be trash from either side.

The eastern front was pretty cool but no one learns about that shit in school so......

And then we have these butthurt faggots who whine whenever a WW1 game DOESN'T take place in Europe, so you can not fucking win with these people.

how many people play verdun? is it somewhat populated all through the day? debating on buying it or not

I promise it's boring on all sides.

naw dude it wasn't bogged down in trench warfare like the western front it was more mobile and less static.

Check the steamcharts.

>Only 1000
Fuck I actually like it. I hope it doesn't die.

Don't buy it. If there was a way to rent it, it would be worth renting.

But it's glitchy, it's a fucking sniper field day, you die from 1 shot from something like a lugar in your toe.

gas attacks and machine guns are cool though, Bot survival mode is amazing if it wasn't so damn glitchy.

>Hear German whistle blow
>See the hills look like they are moving.
>This music starts playing

Also Bolt action rifle mode is fun and frantic because your character will sometimes leave the bolt in the wrong position and be unable to fire.

Bayoneting people is cool but feels hollow, there isn't enough screaming or feedback.

Fuck it time to play verdun again.

BF1 is salvageable but only if servers can change the ruleset to limit classes with automatic weapons.

Out of 64 people, 40+ shouldn't be using automatic weapons.


Every modern war is 90% boring trash and 10% hoping a random artillery shell doesn't liquefy your intestines, to pretend World War I is the only war where this is the case is retarded

The problem with Battlefield 1 is that it doesn't even utilize the World War I setting to make a game distinct from their other period shit. It might as well be a WWII game with a different coat of paint
You can argue that DICE always does this shit, but that doesn't make it any less uninspired, especially in a setting that's rarely portrayed and being hyped up as something special

>a WWII game with a different coat of paint
I like that.

I think a class system focusing on bolt actions could work pretty well.

Assault gets a selection of carbine variants of rifles, still has the option of taking an MP18 and should get extra grenades when using bolt actions to balance them against SMGs, and to reflect Storm trooper's reliance on grenades.

Support can still have LMGs as although they were somewhat uncommon, they played an important part in the war.

Medic could get straight pull bolt actions and a couple of semi autos, perhaps lever actions as well because their weren't very many straight pull bolts or semi autos used during the war.

Scout could get a sniper's bolt action, meaning simply the ability to mount high power scopes, or slightly increased accuracy.

Standard bolt actions should be all class weapons preferably.

People tend to forget how WW1 really was.

I've never had a problem finding a populated match and I play at completely random times.

Of course it matters where you are located, I'm playing on U.S. East, so I am certain that has a good population.

playing on US and EU servers at various times is the best.

Though being on the Eastern US is the best, since you are close enough to EU to get a good ping, but still in the US and play with Western US

Wonderful wonderful gas masks.

Nothing says WW1 like even the air being out to kill you.

I think World War I is great for a creepy setting. The cheerful music, and the vibrant uniforms (for the French at least) contrasted with the pestilence of the trenches, ominous gas masks, and the feeling of an inevitable death that was in vain.

I'm surprised we haven't seen more horror, or more (any?) zombie games with a World War I setting.

This War of Mine

wait fuck that wasn't it. fuck, what was that game called about WW1

>The game, inspired by the 1992–96 Siege of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War

What, Valiant Hearts? Necrovision?

Necrovision is alright

I was thinking of Valiant Hearts and remembering This War of Mine
Both were pretty shit games and came out about the same time. My bad.
