Hey guys how is everyone enjoying the new Beserk video game? Bethesda tier animation in cutscenes are getting annoying though.
Hey guys how is everyone enjoying the new Beserk video game...
Wish they'd done this
They're so nice to let that disabled highschool kid's work into it.
Holy shit what's wrong with the blonde girl at the back?
>looks worse than Xrd
God damn that looks like shit.
Should've gone with the tales of zestiria style.
Hey,DB Super had bad animation at the start but now it looks a lot better right?
Maybe this will happen to Berserk as well
Maybe her butt hurts so much that she's in excruciating agony
What the fuck? Is this from the musou?
No, that's the superior product. The fucking anime is literally going to hurt sales of a Musou game for being so low quality.
You're shitting me. This is actually the anime? What amazingly half-assed trash.
But user, cgi is the future. Why are you against the Future?
Next time make sure you buy BDs then entitled Berserkbaby.
Or ask Miura to stop being lazy and releasing 1 volume every 5 years.
Berserk doesn't deserve a good high-budget anime because it makes no money and the author doesn't even work for it.
I feel sick
>hadn't even heard about a new berserk anime coming out
>google "berserk 2016"
>this is the first result
so do they just have low standards or something? I doubt they were paid off by japanese advertisers
>makes no money
yeah with shit adaptations like the trilogy and this trash of an anime
how can they? They just dragged the series through the mud with its immensely shit CGI
the best parts of the entire movies where done by a hentai studio
They fucked it up and cut off a lot of shit. Guts doesn't even cut a man in half in the tavern and somehow Isidro is there. There's no snake baron either.
which PS1 game cinematic is this?
RWBY season 4 got real weird.
Remember the first rule of click bait: make a stupid title to draw people in.
It actually fits better. Fuck me.
Interestingly enough if I google "berserk 2016" the kotaku result is on 4th page
Guess you frequent kotaku so much google gives that as most relevant for you.
Are they actively attempting to have the worst opinions about everything?
I'm already confused how this scene is in the first episode.
There are trees from Oblivion.
He has a dick on his neck.
I never go there actually, but I think it showed up because I use the "news" tab in google a lot? It showed up with this special thing around it
Hey Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Casca is white now.
Were they even trying
mah boy
This was a preview for episode 2. They're making a huge beeline for Guts getting captured to start Conviction arc.
Starts blackswords man, introduce Isidro in it, Puck is the same. Guts punches out the gang of mercs and leaves. Adapt Guts wandering alone from Lost Children and the thugs getting eaten by trees AND Guts hitching a ride with the priest and his daughter.
Fights the skeletons that kill the priest and his daughter as well a tree monster, Holy Iron Chain Knights surround him.
Episode 1 finishes.
Slideshow shit, CG shit. It's all pointless when the manga exists and it will remain this way until Berserk gets the adaptation it deserves. Which will be never.
She's really under shaded in the manga now too.
I thought the same thing.
>Oblivion NPC talking
ohhhh noooooooo
Is Guts Lupin the Third now?
Well I don't mind them starting at conviction since golden age has been done to death, but they should have just started there instead of wasting time with a butchered story. They could have had the occasional flashback to explain the important elements or some shit.
I miss 1997
I feel bad for the animators. They probably tried their best but now have to suddenly realize that they suck and everyone is mad at them
Why is CG Guts' face so long?
Is he at least SOMEWHAT damaged by the time the Knights of the Holy Iron chain surround him? Because if he can swing the dragonslayer it makes no sense that they could capture him.
>posting inbetweens
I was going to say the ED to this should be a kazoo cover of Forces but that would just be a disgrace.
If you are a professional you must have standards
Or atleast someone should expect these standards from you.
The person who pays you.
They should all be fired desu
And everyone thought it was weird and didn't fit when the original came out.
>The person who pays you.
Not if they pay you like shit
I thought the episode looked good desu.
What the fuck? Is griffith at least still a bishi?
How do you even use CGI for stuff like anime or other cartoon animations? I'm used to CGI being 3D models and stuff but this must be an entirely different method.
Yeah he's bleeding all over the place
I heard it was bad but no fucking way this is real
I actually cannot believe this
Compared to the manga, he's barely scratched. That stab plus a little tree squeeze is all he took, and the fatigue from fighting.
You do know there's a gazillion crowfunding projects so that animators can have a place to live since they work all day and get paid shit right?
>Wait a million years for anything Berserk related
>Miura finished the piss loli manga and stops jerking off to idolmaster and says he'll resume updating the manga
>Suddenly news about a new anime and video games
>Start feeling like a human being again and get excited
>The mango still has irregular updates, the art has gotten worse and all Guts does is stare with his mouth open
>The game is musou shit
>The anime is this
Now all I want is Miura to fucking die and for this franchise to get buried.
Dont watch the anime
Just play the fucking game since even a fucking musou looks better than this crap
Why do people from California think CG anime looks good.
>CG shit
the problem is that this is shit cel shading.
At least OP should post good quality cel shading before bitching about the technique.
inb4 Naruto
forget about the plot just watch the cel shading implementation.
It's alright user, just never put your grasses on
I want miura to fuck off, he gives no fucks anymore
Seriously i want him to just pass berserk to someone who cares, because he obviously don't give a fuck anymore
he used to give a fuck, but now he is just a faggot like the HxH guy
this is fine
Compared to the damage from the end of Lost Children which made him look like the manliest man who ever walked... well, this is just depressing.
Japs made their own bed with the "hey lets make an anime and hope it sells 4k bds" business model.
He was breathing heavily before the three and it injured him too.
Also it can be easily justified at him not being in top condition even before this, no need to grasp at straws
>mfw Lost Children was skipped completely
The people who work on the animation of these naruto games really love their jobs
Is there a fanbase that gets shit on worse than Berserk fans?
Besides Mega man
Don't worry the manga still looks good right?
Being a berserk fan is suffering
damn, looks like Japan really takes "I work in art because I like it not for the pay" very serious.
silent hill
I don't even understand why Miura and people involved in making Berserk stuff seem to be so embarrassed by the Lost Children saga that they completely ignore it/act like it doesn't exist. Bar the golden age and Mozgus, it's the most memorable one.
>Also it can be easily justified at him not being in top condition even before this, no need to grasp at straws
Glass houses, user.
Holy fuck im dying over here
The Nipps biggest problem with 3DCG is that they let complete retards do the animating. The animations are consistently terrible when it comes to 3DCG anime. It's like they hire college students who've only just started learning Maya or 3DSMax.
then blame the producers for being jews. Maybe they don't want to invest in a risky deprecated franchise.
that and money. With money you could do incredible things. Also you keep people motivated, that way animators doesn't have to worry about their cats dying of starvation.
It's my favorite arc, although I can understand it being skipped all the time with naked lolis and dead children everywhere. Conviction is a great arc, but it just pales in comparison IMO.
Okay, then how about the Liru made by one guy on a budget of 0 USD?
yeah I know, I have seen things done by amateurs, hobbiest and indie animators that are far better that some professional shit.
But you have to understand that Japan interest in 3D is recent (5 years ago maybe?) . It's different tool they have to adapt. You already can see pretty cool stuff done by amateurs that will blow your mind.
Check this for nostalgia:
I read somewhere that one problem are the frames per second in traditional japanese animation. The tricks they did cannot work (most of the time) with 3D animation. They have to adapt and find a new sweet spot.
Yeah I saw that I was pissed
It did end up being quite shallow
I know, I played it
It was literally 10 flash scenes with one or two variations each.
Also it is uncensorable because its just a movie so I couldn't even jack off properly
Lost children arc doesn't add anything relevant to the story besides showing how badass Guts is.
I love it and I would kill to see it properly animated, but it's the truth
Animation aside, the anime is ok. The direction was bad because of all the fanfic and change of scenario just to introduce Isidoro and Puck before going full Conviction but I think they will be ok i nthe next ones. Please show Rape Horse .
How come the west got CGI about 20 years before japan?
PS1 cgi cutscenes looked roughly like Berserk 2016 CGI
They can do beautiful 3DCG when they have the budget for it