Which monster makes you shit your pants when you see it?

Which monster makes you shit your pants when you see it?

This guy still makes me turn around when I see it during other missions.

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Fucking brachydios.

Not a fun fight

Never really noticed it before but Jho looks like a giant penis with legs


Now I imagine a giant penis on legs moving exactly like Jho, doing the backsteps and then spraying a jet of cum side from side all over the huntresses, slamming one of its giant leg-like balls on the ground and making them flinch and then jumping on the closest one, flopping on top of her and pinning her down with its giant glans and proceeding to cockvore her.

Fuck you, Brachy is loads of fun!

I like Jho, he's really not that bad. It's when you ry dealing with him and something else, or heaven forbid two Jhos who are both perma-raging. Jho by himself is rather easy since his crotch is his weak point as far as being able to effectively attack you.

I hate that owl in MH Generations more and I only fought it twice. Yeah sure thanks, I love being confused and sleeping.


I used to hate him on 3u, he became fun for me in 4 for some reason.

I used to hate Joe until I made a set for him that had tremor resist on it.

smart idea


Took me half a dozen tries to beat him at the end of High Rank in 3U, even with G-Rank gear and all. Fight went down to the wire, 2 carts, no pots left, and under 5 minutes remaining. I've still only killed him 1 or 2 other times online, he's just such a chore to me that it isn't worth it.

In other news, I'm about to get the Argosy License award, I just need to lock a damn Plesioth in the forecast so when I inevitably miss all the rare drops I don't tear my hair out in frustration. Then I just need to farm resource points, forge a gorillion weapons, and crown hunt.

Nearly there.

everytime I see that particular jho picture it looks like the spines on his neck are teeth and it's like a land nibelsnarf

lol wut


Jesus Christ.

But what if the control scheme is bad on the PSP Monster Hunters?

i might also add that he insists on doing every.
single. quest.
so much time is wasted on gathering quests when all he has to do is unlock the wycoon guy, which took him 2 months

>tfw I got bored of MH4 because low rank and high rank are way too easy for me to grind through to get to the good stuff

Come back to 3U, friend.

Still plenty of people online for the Wii U version.

I thought the same thing

The fucking Rajang, although he doesnt pop up, I take those assrapes willingly.
I've yet to take a Frenzied Apex one down, I've given up.


Oh shit, I fucking see it now.

basically this

>can't beat a great jaggi in default gear
unplug the DS mah nigga, forfeit

why, my peanus weenus of course :)


It's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

ITT: Which monster makes you shit your pants when you see it? - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D




Years ago
>Playing MH3 vanilla on Wii
>Doing HR quest
>Middle of hunt
>Suddenly this plays youtube.com/watch?v=V3M06QVyWpw
>Deviljho is here
>Me and the rest of team bail the fuck out of the area since we recently started HR and we don't have the proper gear to deal with Deviljho yet
>Wait till he leaves the area so we can go back and fight the monster we were hunting
>Had to quickly finish off the quest before he comes back
>Our faces when when he first showed up during the quest

so basically this

Rajang and the way he fucking crashes into an area like a comet during multi hunt quests

i don't think ive ever been more terrified then when i was fighting tigerstripe zammy for the first time and a frenzied pink rathian swooped in and started using moves i had never seen before

aside from that, i just get excited when new quarry shows up - you go from being the hunter to the hunted and have to manage the fight in the field. i really enjoyed the seregios hr questline where he popped up everywhere

Regular Jho is a pussy in MH4U
140 Apex Jho is fucking terrifying, I'd rather fight 140 Apex Rajang

>Apex Raj
>attack his legs with purple sharpness
fuck apex

i'm actually happy Apex isn't returning for Gen
the deviants don't seem much cooler but eh

Apex is actual artificial difficulty because of the fact that you need a drive stone to effectively attack that at any given moment and not bounce, even if you have a skill that's supposed to negate bouncing.

Rajang is horribly executed monster that just makes you go 'that's bullshit' when he's a party crasher because of how he bounces right towards and kills you before you have chance to flee even if there's another large monster.

Jho is a party crashing monster done right. He's an slow and unstoppable force that you can run away from (and will) and will attack anything in the field.

Also helps that Jho's theme overrides Rajang's showing he is the stronger monster. The fact that Jho is not labeled an elder dragon even though he can destroy an entire ecosystem by eating everything in s proof the real 'elder dragons' are a bunch of pussies.

>He's an slow and unstoppable force that you can run away from

that's what i love about Jho, you can outrun him but he will always keep following you, so you can never escape him outright

he's like a looming terror that you can avoid for a while, but you are always checking the area exits to see if he's on his way

it helps that his theme music works like the Jaws theme

If they gave Brachyodios FU hitboxes AND you had to claw. I think i'd break the controller in half.

Every encounter with Jho before you get late HR gear in a nutshell.

Only at 140

>it helps that his theme music works like the Jaws theme
It's the slow marching beat that really makes it work. It's not over the top jungle shit trying to sound intimidating (but isn't) like Rajang or Chameleos. Or a rip off of old 1950 natural history documentary music like Khush. Or trying to hard to sound spooky like Kirin. Or managing to be garbage all the way through like Aknaktor.

It's just a slow marching brass to make you know something has appeared that is going to make a playground out of your asshole and all you can do is run and pray something else grabs his attention before he gets hungry again hombre.

Another older gen fossil that should have been dumped entirely and not brought back for gen 4.

If how stilted its animation is, I can't imagine how the awful the original Rathian was like before it was redone in Tri.

Also he will fuck with your quest in ways you don't even consider. And then eat the monster you were supposed to capture after he kills it during the mission failed screen.


am i the only one?

Not that guy, but come on, this is clearly what he means.


man, gotta hand it to Tri
i think it's the one game in the series that made it feel like there was a real living ecosystem going on, which the gen 4 seems to be missing

monsters like Peco and Jho were great in that respect

People learned not to stand directly in front of monsters then so it wasn't that bad.


Shitty filename, should have put BASED Kamiya instead of Toriyama.

Fuck no.
This faggot in 3U pissed me the hell off. I didn't play FU, so his shitty poison attacks were my first memorable experience with God awful hitboxes in the series.
And then in 4U they took away the music since he's blind or whatever, but it really just meant he lost his only redeeming factor.
At least the hitboxes were better though

now how do i put my blue foob inside my ass-explosion-salad?

Khezu and Gigginox are two different monsters user.

Very similar, but still different.
Gigginox has heat pits for eyes, Khezu is straight blind which originally meant that it never actually spotted you, which in turn made the fight have no music.

Then they made Khezu spot you in 4U but still no music which is dumb on both levels.

>rajang is horribly executed
I read this a lot but and I can see why people think this, but the first question that comes to my mind is: are these people blind?
His attacks have short tells and are fast as shit but he attacks in obvious patterns,
>Fists of fury
It's a hard fight, but it's easy to learn.

holy fuck i'm blind and honestly thought that looked like a nibblesnarf's head on a jho's body

>Gigginox will never come back
>Instead we're stuck with Khezu

>New 3DS is req

While not true it DOES make a quite a bit easier to /camera/

t. guy with 500 hours in 4u

I said as a party crasher you lobcock

Bullshit hitboxes shouldn't be the reason, you already had Rathalos's roar to stun and fireball to the face for that.

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

Dual Tigrex Snowy Mountains MHFU


Jho's a cool dude.

>even the people writing doujins use Gigginox over Khezu

>let me grab you the whole fucking mission

Fuck that shit.

I came.

Good Sony's faggotry finally bit them in the ass when they made bullshit demands of the one dev who had no problem working with Nintendo instead.

This. Just got a new xl and it is so much better than a 2ds.

3000 hours of playtime, and the only two monsters that make me tremble with fear is 3U's Brachydios and this guy.

Thankfully Brachydios was nerfed to hell in 4U so he stopped being scary. Teostra is the opposite, like goddamn, I hate that time limit but it does make fighting this oppressive motherfucker way more terrifying.

You haven't lived until you go Lance against Brachy without taking a single hit. Shit feels fucking amazing.

Gunlance works surprisingly well too, but nothing beats the satisfaction of grabbing a hunting horn and knocking him the fuck out in recital mode.

How the fuck do you even fight this guy? Am I just supposed to memorize when his fuck-you explosion will go off?

Figure out something that works.

I'm an old hunter, back when there weren't any guides, so I had to make up my own hunting style. Generally I just back off after he's been enraged for a while, if I can remember to.

100 seconds from when he enrages, every time.

when i played i just used a timer on my phone to manage his supernova move. also used bioresearcher skill so i didnt have to worry about getting devastated when under blastblight status.

Garuga is pure horseshit in G Rank
Even before that it still suffers from wonky hitboxes and very little indication for what attack it's using next. Shit needs a revamp.

My biggest problemw ith Teostra is that I cannot fucking into fighting it with anything less mobile than a Greatsword for some reason.

i have like 400 lvl 140 gq teo hunts alone in mh4u and it just gets to the point where i prefer fighting him over any other lvl 140 gq because i know the entire fight on basically a muscle memory level. honestly teos the most fair lvl 140 fight because everything is extremely telegraphed outside of his charges, which you can avoid by not standing right next to him at the end of other attacks (why would you be doing that? it kills you in one hit dude).

ill never fucking understand lvl 140 rajang though.


The key to 140 Rajang is to not let him move ever.

Rajang isn't that bad though. His HP is shit. Jho on the other hand is a fucking sponge and don't get me started on Zinogre.

Rajang is bullshit because he actively defies the laws of physics where he can blanka ball and stop right before he hits the ground, float there and immediately shoot back up.


looks like he was trying to attack the other hunter tho.

>Horrible hunting flashbacks.

People say that because Rajang has been hunted to exinction in 4U because of guild quests.

I hope it gets removed in 5 and someone makes a joke about it.

He is. There's no such thing as "real living ecosystem" in the monsters AI.

I know, right? I don't usually upgrade from my base gear until Hi Rank at the earliest.

When Gogmazios spread his wings and started nuking everything I shit myself.

i have no idea why people did 140 jhos honestly. its like rajang but with 10x as much hp. i understand rajang is just a stupid dps check with trap abuse so you can end hunts in like 5 minutes and you sorta accept that he can kill you entirely on whim because of that. i like to try to solo 140s though and soloing 140 rajang is pretty much the most annoying thing on the planet. 140 jho is probably worse though but i havent tried because i would probably have to buy a new 3ds. zinogre honestly isn't shit compared to other monsters at 140, i also have a shitload of experience soloing him though so im probably biased.

Love fighting him for that attack alone. Fucker starts off like some giant Gore Magala/MUTO hybrid and then just turns into Gyaos when you get his health low enough. I'm half expecting Gamera to fly in and start blasting fireballs at him.

i dont like rajang because he hops around way to much. i spend more time running around waiting for openings and that just burns my wystone time, though this mostly applies to solo. plus the apex hitzones especially with the red arm factor are just annoying. i like jho because i can be on the offensive nearly the whole time under his belly by his feet.

Ideally you get a 4 man team and constantly trap the guy

If you know how to deal with 140 Rajang, he goes down much faster for the same amount of rewards.

>Get to G-Rank in 4U
>First quest, Desert Stelas
>Rajang out of fuck nowhere
>Lays down and gets a purple glow
>Oh great, fucking frenz-
>It's Apex

I don't believe I've ever shat myself in a game like that before

>le old things are bad meme
They revamped garuga for 4th gen and that's exactly why it's so shit now.
It's first gen hitboxes were better and that's just insulting and further proof that 4th gen is mediocre at best.

>Hunting a monster with a friend over the internet in 4U high rank
>Deviljho appears
>Target runs off elsewhere
>Get an SMS mid-hunt
>'what the fuck is that'


Apex Rajang for even more terror.


Patience is key, rajang combo is a motherfucker.
Honestly had more trouble with black gravios g rank.

People had trouble with Teostra? It took me like like once to get him but after that he was a cake walk.

Same with Faltas. After the "Oh fuck what do I do," the first time I fought him you literally just stand behind his left leg and poke him in the thigh.

Shit was anti climatic.