Got a bluebird in Aquapolis today. They only go for 70k on my server now. How has Aquapolis fucked your server's economy?
FFXIV Thread
I started this game recently, it's a lot of fun for an MMO but I've taken a few days off since I'm afraid of getting burned out. I'm hoping I can make it to HW content quickly so I can become a DRK
I would save as many sidequests as possible for DRK if you're planning to main it on your first character. Fate parties are pretty dead now that the rush is long over and you wont have the main story quests to help you level the DRK when you finally get it.
Okay thanks for the advice, do you play DRK by the way? What's your take on the job? I just got to PLD and I think it's okay but I don't really have much to say considering I only have sword oath at the moment and no other unique skills.
Not him but it's the most fun Tank to play IMO but obviously not as good at WAR, which is still the best Tank by a long distance.
It's got a lot of OGCDs (in comparison to the slower WAR and absolutely lethargic PLD) so you're always doing something, rotation feels very active and you get a bit of flexibility as you choose how to spend MP on certain abilities depending on how daring you are.
DRK is the alternative to PLD as the main tank role in endgame. While not as good as PLD in Midas, it's still very viable. Going PLD / DRK in one party is gimping yourself though, so if you DRK in endgame be prepared to main tank. You're also doing a lot more buttons than PLD so in my opinion it's more fun than PLD.
Is living dead even worth using by the way? It seems like it can fuck you over.
>I'm hoping I can make it to HW content quickly so I can become a DRK
Make sure to positionthe backs of the mobs face thr group. Lately I've seen too many high level tanks doing it wrong.
Yeah I learned about that in one of the first dungeons I went on. The community is pretty helpful from what I've experienced.
Hallowed > Living > Holmgang
It's easier to time and as a MT will get you more mileage than holmgang, but isn't as stable as Hallowed because if you don't have a benediction up or convalescence up, your healers are forced to focus you up very quickly.
>as a BRD
>with a BLM
>who doesn't use Fire II, neither Flare or any skill past level 50
I accidentally got into a gubal once as a 60 tank and didn't realize my healer was 59 and tried to do huge pulls.
It was a mistake.
It's good for a lot of things, like cheesing stuff and IMO Mting out of Grit and just eating a tankbuster or something.
I don't think it's clearly superior to Holgang though, Holm has the shortest cooldown, that's a pretty huge advantage right there, it also rootsy ou to the spot which is a little utilility as well, Hallowed is OP most of the time but on the whole I think Holm is the best CD.
Has anyone else been 90king A LOT recently?
U wot m8?
getting 90k errors or disconnecting randomly
Is it too late to get into this game?
Not at all.
The levelling experience is almost 100% preserved and you'll be able to find a group for almost all content right now.
In recent memory the only time I've been able to effectively use holmgang and save the day was when I had to "sacrifice" myself for green and yellow d'tats in seph ex. You can use it for vortexer to not get pushed back and other mechanics like that yeah. It's definitely not a useful tank cooldown for trash pulls in dungeons, because it makes you unable to dodge aoes.
>How has Aquapolis fucked your server's economy
No idea, senpai. Might be interesting to see how maps introducing potentially 1.2m gil into circulation when you get a group of 8 to the bottom will change the market.
>tfw got to the bottom 4 times on day 1 with my tank friend and made 29m from all the drops we got
>Now can barely hope to make 500k from a map if you're lucky
reminder to avoid /vg/
You don't need to avoid aoes though, you have Holmgang up, right?
WAR doesn't need Holmgang in Dungeon trash pulls anyway, they have about 1000 ways to deal with pulls, like Raw Intuition, then Awareness, Bloodlust then spamming Overpower in Berserk.
If you absolutely must, go Defiance and use Thrill and Convalescence and then Bloodlust and Overpower.
This is why WAR is so OP.
Started it recently and got lancer up to lvl 50 marauder 26 and pugilist 12 in about half a month, gotta buy heavensward now or I'm wasting exp in the post main story quests.
I have shit tons crafting materials I got from all of ARR in my inventory as well as materia I made from spirit bonded gear, can I use these all in my crafting classes and get rid of them because Im starting to run out of space and also how are the crafting and gathering classes and how do they work?
crafting classes aren't like most mmo's where you just right click on a nude and get a item, in this most of your abilities increase the chance of getting items or increase the chance of getting more,im sure someone here could explain it a lot better than me but thats about all you need to know
Crafting and Gathering are much more involved in XIV than in other themepark mmos. Crafting actually has a large set of abilities you mix and match to increase the quality of an item on top of successfully crafting it. Gathering is all about time of day (Eorzea Time), and has various abilities you can use to increase gathering chance, number of items gathered, and high quality chance. Then there's collectability which was added in HW.
There's too much to explain in one post really.
Well first unlock them all, what you want to do is level every crafting class to lv15 for the cross class skills, this is easy since you can eat food for 3% exp boost, also buy the engineering manuals from your FC, log out in towns for the rest exp boost and you are good to go, unlock the ixal quest for crafters, cratf each item from the list at least once since they give you a good bonus exp for each new item you successfully craft once and make sure you open the timers window and check what your grand company is requesting, the ones with a golden star next to the name are HQ, so you can buy them or make them, they give you a fuck ton of exp, and finally use your leves for trade crafts and either buy them or make them.
Sorry, meant to say, you can buy engineering manuals from your GC, grand company, not your FC
Cheers, hopefully I can use up a lot of the crap I picked up, what should I do with all the materia I made, most of it is I assume low level materia, can it be used to increase any of my levels or should I just try and sell them?
materia isn't really useful til end game and all the 1-50 materia is out of date so i dont think anyone would really buy it,but you could still try
What you can do with low level materia is to meld them into gear you don't want so they spirit bond faster, once the spirit bond is 100% the convert submenu when you right click the item becomes available, this let's you convert the gear into materia, the materia level depends on the gear level
With the advent of carbonweave, people are spiritbonding again, so having materia saved up will save you the trouble of buying it to meld with to increase spiritbonding rates. As long as it doesn't become a problem for your inventory space, it's worth holding on to to save a little bit of money.
I made it to level 7 and got a nutkin, baby opopo, Falconer's shirt, thravanian pants and shoes, and 2 unidentified ores.
pretty gud
Aquapolis is the best addition to the game in ages, and I hope Palace of the Dead is even better
I hope that palace of the dead isn't DOA like diadem. I truly hope.
I never did Diadem. I unsubbed like 2 weeks after it came out and only came back for this patch
Sometimes I realise just how lucky I am to have 4 airships constantly gathering me materia. I have 4 full stacks of Craft, cp and Control IV just sitting here. Although I've been selling them recently, made like 10m.
Why isn't it clearly superior to holmgang? You can move afterwards, and it's usable in more locations. A shorter cooldown means nothing since you shouldn't be running into trouble that often unless you're shit at managing cooldowns.
>WAR doesn't need Holmgang in Dungeon trash pulls anyway, they have about 1000 ways to deal with pulls, like Raw Intuition, then Awareness, Bloodlust then spamming Overpower in Berserk.
It allows you to do bigger pulls, and allows the healer to dps a bit more during those larger pulls. So I disagree.
What's wrong with /xivg/? I've never been on it.
What ISN'T wrong with /xivg/? That's what you should be asking.
just fags jerking it to their cats and pretending they are top tier players
lol if this game wasnt a wowclone at first now they are taking the horde and putting it in? you fags should just play WoW
>it's a Vault run with a low level AST healer
Because it has a longer cooldown and will kill the DRK if not healed, a WAR can pop it, and then top himself up with Equilibrium, Second Wind, Storm's Path and Bloodlust, not fully of course but enough to hang on for an otherwise busy healer to heal him.
I think you're really understating the cooldown as well here. You can say 'you shouldn't be getting into much trouble' and I agree, I'm talking from an offensive use here, however you can't really act like MORE defensive uses is a bad thing here.
Holm's only downside is it needs a target.
This is true, but I don't think we have any dungeon pulls that hard at the moment.
>It's a Vault run
Reminder that ZR (Golden Ratio) still exists on Ultros, so if you were interested in playing with Sup Forums for whatever reason, we're there.
Put Sup Forums in your application, or whisper someone online.
>it's a 'The tank is a PLD' dungeon run
Enjoy contributing nothing to mass pulls, you useless piece of shit.
>its a double AST run
The title of /xivg/ is being held hostage by avatarfags who ERP and discuss how attracted they are to their characters and are treating their general like its /soc/, the could be used to discuss the actual game but they pretty much "own" it. Many MMORPG generals on /vg/ are like this unfortunately, People hate on shit like NeoGAF and Reddit and Tumblr etc but those people on those generals are just as fucking bad if not worse.
so is monk easy
pretty far into savage and i might switch classes
>Join Nidhogg EX progression group
>PF says Final Phase to kill
>Wipe on Fang And Claw in phase 2 twice
>Third time had to fucking limit break the damn thing to kill it
>Dumb ass SMN proceeds to stack with me on AOEs after towers
>Get hit by two and SCH to my right traps me forcing me to either take a bleed DoT (and die) or get hit by touchdown (and die)
>Leave after fourth attempt when we wipe on adds
I am so fucking done with this bullshit. This is T9 all over again only this time I have the money to buy a clear, I am so fucking pissed off at how shit the general player base is at this game. There is nothing difficult about Nidhogg EX, he is literally the easiest patch trial we've gotten in the 3.X series and I have to fucking buy a clear because everyone I get in PF with is a fucking drooling retard and clear parties wont take me because I never got an actual kill.
>Do this boss 10 times to get this weapon
>Oh wait don't because this new boss gives a better weapon
>Oh wait don't because this new boss gives a better weapon
>Oh wait don't because this new boss gives a better weapon
>Oh wait don't because this new boss gives a better weapon
>Oh wait don't because this new boss gives a better weapon
What's the point of even playing
This isn't FFXI. old man
The thing I hate most about Living Dead is how derivative it is, it's just Holmgang with a wanky heal requirement tacked on
There's no point in playing any game with vertical progression if this bothers you.
Do you Americans have ninjas in Aquapolis PF groups?
tanks can level really easily through dungeons though
You just need to lie
Tell a progression group you've cleared it on an alt, then don't fuck up if they invite you
That's how I got my Rav EX kill
Tank are fastest to level. Hell I'm level 55 on my DRK and still in level 120 gear, just doing 50, MSQ roulettes and beast tribe quests
I shouldn't have to though, I should be able to go into a final phase progression group and expect to reach the final phase every time. I shouldn't have to lie to other players about my experience just because 90% of the player base is a bunch of shit eaters that couldn't combo their way out of a happy meal.
are you in a raid group?
you can do it with them
This is true.
I solely do aquapolis with FC mates. If not because pubs have this fucking thing about taking five years to open chests and doors, and refuse to dig up maps until all party members are on site, rather than just in zone.
>it's a pld, brd, nin, ast run
brd do heaps of dps now
It's unfortunate, but the way the PF works, always assume the following:
- Farming groups are actually clear groups
- Clear groups are actually learning groups
- Don't join groups that are labelled as learning groups
why do people hate ninjas again
trick attack is good
I'm not
That's depressing, I wanna play on a JP data center
They always did and in a Dungeon a BRD/SMN team was amazing, not the best but still good.
Objectively worst Dungeon party is PLD/NIN/DRG/AST
If you have a WAR or DRK you have NO reason to run a Dungeon as PLD, NONE.
>Hating on AST
Why? I only play AST, so I've never run with another one before. How do most act? I did all of Coil with SCH before switching when 3.0 came out so I already had a good base for healing and DPSing.
Throwing out endless Gravities while popping Balance and Arrow constantly gets me endless commendations
>already sick of sohr kai and hb hard
>9 times out of 10 I get ARF for 60 roulette so I'm sick of that aswell
Honk Honk!
So what's wrong with NIN?
You know their AoE got buffed to fuck in 3.3 right? You do read patch notes, right?
When are we going to get a stealth dungeon?
We're never going to get a dungeon that doesn't follow the linear hallway, trash > boss > trash > boss > trash > boss setup. Ever
Welcome to XIV
>do t9 for first time
>take 30 minutes with several wipes
This must have been hell back when it was fresh
Buffs don't make them magically better at aoe then DRG or BLM or SMN.
If there's one thing I hate about FFXIV it's how easily a bad player can get carried. Just makes me so salty.
New player here
Is it possible to find groups for old content synched? I'd love to run all the old stuff as it was intended. Cheesing it all at level 60 doesn't sound fun at all
What's worse is that if you're actually trying to complete new relic step in a reasonable amount of time, it's best to do expert roulette even if you're already capped for the week. YOSHI LIED PEOPLE DIED
Second coil was the hardest coil in my opinion. T9 was definitely harder to progress on than T13.
I don't think anyone has done the math, but they're hardly bad.
Who the fuck says DRG are good at AoE anyway? They have one good AoE move on GCD and one off, the other... man, if you're spamming Ring of Thorns then just KYS
I spam Ring of Thorns in towns.
I don't even understand why they put mobs into dungeons.
Just do something interesting with it. Anything.
T9 is still one of if not the hardest fights in the game. T9 Savage definitely
>mfw even in 24 man stuff never have to split up and do shit besides the dumb Atomos fights
When we get a dungeon with alternate pathways based on party composition.
Do you have any interesting ideas? Any that anons won't shoot down in this very thread?
Heavy Thrust - (Battle Litany/B4) - RoT - BotD - Doom Soike - Gierskogul - Doom Spike - Dragonfire Dive...
to be fair i think the new story dungeon was pretty cool since two of the three bosses wasn't in a circle arena
why would you want that ever
stealth in games that aren't built for it from the ground up is universally horrible
You're gonna have better luck creating such a group within a medium/large FC where you can create an actual static to attempt old content. However sometimes people will purposefully synch old raids, because it affects certain item drops.
Oh I forgot about Geirskogul
granted you won't be getting that off more than once unless you're doing a single target rotation.
There was a dungeon in 1.0, Cutter's Cry I believe (Was a 50 dungeon, 8 man), that had a section where you had to break your party up into two groups of four and head into separate rooms. Then coordinate and complete different objectives -at the same time-, otherwise both rooms would reset and you'd have to try again
1.0 had issues, yeah, but they were a lot more willing to try off the wall shit, which I liked
It's as simple as
>Get the moveable turret to the boss room
One person rides it, everyone defends it as it moves.
Yeah, but a Gierskogul buffed by B4B/BL/IR on a pull of 7 or more isn't anything to sniff at at all, then Dragonfire Dive on all them obs, then Jump/Spineshatter on two other priority targets.
it's boring maybe but strong as fuck if you don't mind the TP cost.
I still think a NIN has to play catch up with that kind of firepower.
people are just gonna fight over whos gonna ride it
mind as well have everyone ride a vehicle :^)
I take it back, they already did it in that one dungeon with the Tonberry.
nid ex is a fucking joke and it took me 3 weeks to pug a clear
he's literally shiva tier, it's crazy
>FFXIV version of the Oculus
I would like to do the math sometime I guess, but fuck it for now