so this... is the power... of the PC
So this... is the power... of the PC
We can't afford the Commercial Edition of Unity, please fund us on kickstarter
That fucking pinky
Was he in the Yakuza or some shit?
Fuck off. You nerds just can't handle 2016 graphics.
At least it's 1080p and AAd.
Unity 5 is free up until you gain 100k bucks or something with your game, at which point you gotta buy the license.
What does the bio meter do?
meters your bio
It's like Alien Isolation, everything is supposed to look shitty and be in 32bit textures.
You fags just don't fucking understand art style.
Shows heartbeat, it's a useless decoration.
You can just ignore all these implants in demo
well, that's the 600$ build
Please upgrade to the 1000$ build for a slightly higher quality experience!!
Also you'll need to buy new shit in 6 months.
>Pre-Alpha Build
is this a meme or something
Am I being baited
Free version lacks features right?
if we turn it off, will you die?
is this the power of unity tm?
Guess what people found in demo resource files
It would be extremely painful
>game still requires a high end PC to run at 60 FPS at 1920x1080 despite this
Why is this allowed?
made with UNITY®
Shock must always have comfy elevators
Haha, someone post a screenshot of the first textures you see in vanilla DaS 2 for console, go ahead
unity is the most retard friendly 3d engine of all time.
because it's fucking unity
Some nice little word building.
All this shattered glass really has me spooked. Jealous yet, consolecucks?
what's wrong with unity? have you even used it more than 5 minutes?
Damage decals are not "world building"
Nice view.
system shock reboot
is that why most games are made with other engines?
Nobody makes optimized shit in it. No matter how good or bad they look they're always unoptimized shit.
Way too much overhead.
Memory wise and cpu wise.
An acceptable drawback if you want to make a quick game that is not bleeding edge.
REMINDER: Polygon can't play this game.
Who is that qt user,
where can I find more of her?
Oh, so this is just a homage to the old system shock graphics, I don't see a problem
It's like those classic levels in the new DOOM
Where am I?
Woah, I have to be honest. I was blown the fuck away.
I will definitely be pledging $750 USD so that my image can be pixelated onto a dead Citadel Crew Member!
>where can I find more of her?
Right here
of course. only retards choose to go with unity anyway, like modern capcom.
let's check
>reflexes of a retarded snail
>perception of a toddler
>aiming of a blind old man
yep, that's polygon alright
They'll update demo next week, address crashes and add something new. Performance is shit because they had no time to optimize (or so they say)
Is he playing on a controller?
I refuse to believe a person can be this bad at videos games unless it's an elderly or young one
whats the doug button do?
Yes, it's clearly controller, croshair moves in spastic straight lines as in their d44m video
>New parts every 6 months
Love this meme, but its not the case
And also,
You retards actually think being stuck with the same hardware for 8 years is better than having the option to upgrade
Im laffin
Does that hammer have literally zero range or is he being intentionally retarded with it trying to kiss the enemies?
Last time I checked when I had to change my CPU,
I also had to change the motherboard because
>different socket LOL
so fuck you shill.I bet you are just a kid.
I was so impressed with System Shock that I finally installed and started up the sequel, System Shock 2.
Gotta say, it looks even better than the original!
>had to change my CPU
Either you had a good reason to upgrade your CPU, or you're a normie thinking you need a CPU any newer than 2011 to play the latest games.
it does still hold up really well at modern resolutions. I reccomend SHTUP mod too, keeps the vanilla look but makes it look a bit better
>pc """"""""""""""""""""""""""gamining""""""""""""""""""""""""""
you guys realize this will be on bone too right?
what has warren buffett been up to these days anyway? last I heard he directed epic mickey.
seems weird after coming from such things like this and deus ex.
>people here actually paid for this
Jesus fuck, you guys. You really need to stop giving money to kickstarters. Especially ones using fucking unity
Why are you changing your CPU every six months? Did you fall for the AMD meme?
He started a new development studio a couple years ago.
I don't think they've got any contracts yet. I like the guy, but he's made far more flops than he has good games
>implying AMD has released a CPU in the last three years
someone post the steam post where they say this is their style for the game and it's just a texture filter
Adam Sessler?
The thing about transexuals is it's often so clear they're trying to be girls, instead of themselves, and it becomes this uncanny valley oversexualized parody of "female" traits and it's just clear that they didn't grow up gaining female mannerisms.
apparently he's a teacher or something?
and I just learned one of the guys heavily involved with deus ex was involved with dishonored.
is that any good? I keep hearing it's short, but then most games can be finished in a few hours. maybe they just speed through every game they play?
It's 2016, shitlord.
The politically correct term is "transgendered."
It feels like a watered down but still good Thief if you play it like Thief by turning off the objective markers and not using the OP as fuck super powers.
It's like $5 on Steam right now, I'd say it's absolutely worth that price if you like old stealth games.
train simulator is a hell of a drug
Before epic mikey he started to dislike violence in video games, wrote a few articles on the matter, was kinda annoyed people only think of him as a man behind deus ex, then he did epic mikey, it was received not very well, then he had article on creating believable game worlds (main point rather make it small, but interconnected and reactive, rather big and whatever, made example of city block as being such small game world) now he's creative director at Otherside and does SS3
can you permanently gimp yourself? what about dlc?
>watered down thief
then they is it praised above the thief reboot? is it just like that?
The man is Harvey Smith. The Shodan's VA did writing for the game (one of 3 co-authors)
Game is great and lore is phenomenal, it uses deus ex formula in everything.
ah, thought it was ss remake.
wonder how that'll turn out.
but yeah, smaller more condensed maps is almost always a better approach. why more devs don't realize this is beyond me.
>can you permanently gimp yourself?
What do you mean, senpai?
>what about dlc?
The two side stories are pretty good. I mean, the story is shit, but the levels are fun. Don't fuck with the weapon packs or time trail shit.
>then they is it praised above the thief reboot? is it just like that?
No not at all. Dishonored still has multiple ways to infiltrate, assassinate, all that. You really can feel the influence in it, but it just got kind of overshadowed by the needing to pander to retards. So that's why you have super powers and 8 different on screen markers telling you how to do everything at all times.
Turn that shit off/only use the teleport power, and you'll have fun.
My understanding is NDS is doing Shock remake by themselves in unity with unknown devs and the old pros are working on 3
>watered down Thief
Nigga, it's a game about supernatural assassin that kills people (or just tickles) It has some thief vibe to it but these games are not very similar.
at that point, why not just buy actual model trains.
Which is exactly what I'm saying.
There's clearly Thief inspiration in it, and if you play it like Thief it's pretty decent.
It measures your hydration.
looks like mgs for ps1 bud
is it worth it?
I think someone explained it that they enjoyed actually being in control of the train from the driver's (conductor?) seat and that even though they wouldn't purchase three thousand dollars worth of DLC, that it is still cheaper than the amount of money it would cost to actually own all of the models that Train Simulator has.
why is th4iaf so hated?
and THIS is the power of a console in 2016
>can you permanently gimp yourself?
No, you can pretty much max all skills in single playthrough
>what about dlc?
it's great and must have, but skip dunwall city trials it's just..trials
>praised above the thief reboot
because thief reboot is bad and dishonored is good, and both games are kinda in the same territory so they get compared
because it wasnt about stealth
is in visible war good?
MGS1 is pretty comfy, best looking game on PS1
>jap """"""""""""""games"""""""""""
actual good models and all the living space needed would be a few tens of thousands of dollars.
not that i agree with playing with virtual trains but an experienced train collector would know that this is a far cheaper alternative, especially if you lack the housing space.
might as well spend time highlighting black outlines on borderlands screenshots
>tfw stealth is dead
why couldn't shitty corridor shooters have died off?
>ss reboot graphics shitposting thread
>people discuss train simulator and stealth games
they should remake thief 1/2
Wait, what game is that?
Bioshock 3
Looks like shit.
Fuck off, casual.
Real talk though how is the demo? Wasn't even aware it was out.
It's honestly pretty shit. Nothing happens and it has literal N64 textures.
get it yourself it's like 15 minutes max
So does Turok HD and it's still amazing.