>not chilling in your own arch-mage quarters as newly dubbed arch-mage of Winterhold

Other urls found in this thread:


On multiple levels: I am embarrassed for you.

>can become Archmage by using a whole two basic spells

gg Bethesda

>wearing dragon priest masks
>having followers
>having followers decked out in ebony
git. fucking. gud. kid.

I don't understand why so many people think this is okay

You don't even need to be a fucking mage to become Arch-Mage

if you're playing as a warrior then why would you go to the college of winterhold? unless that amulet quest brings you to saarthal i don't see a reason to go there.

Op did you take a picture of your screen? Why is the quality so shit


>oblivions mage guild
>exclusive walled off area in the capital, only the most badass wizards can get in
>have to travel the whole world to gather endorsement signatures for your application
>each signature requires you to do a quest for a different mage school
>all that, just to get in

>cast this spell
>you're in
>oh yeah its just one crumbled building with 5 people inside of it


Dragon Priest Masks sounded kinda cool honestly
but from memory, they were a let down

That's not the point. The point is, you shouldn't be able to go through all the college quests and become their fucking headmaster if you aren't a mage. It shouldn't even be possible. Yet you can pass the initial check with one of the most basic spells in the game or even a shout and after that the only other spell you ever need to use is given to you if you don't know it.

Oblivion and Morrowind literally did the same thing
You could become archmage without ever casting a spell but for some reason you nostalgia fags remember it differently

don't fucking meme me

It's been 5 years, how come nobody has come close to making a game as comfy as Skyrim?

That's factually incorrect. In Oblivion you had to help out all the smaller mage guilds in each town with magic-related problems just to get into the real mage guild. Just to get into it. Whereas in Skyrim they let you in for basically free.

I don't know why Bethesda apologists spout shit like you do.

I don't know, maybe while trying to find something interesting in the game I ended up there. Didn't work out too well for me.

>>cast this spell
>>you're in

More like
>ok you're in

>I have no argument so I'll just make shit up

Some games are comfier than skyrim in their own special way, even if the rest of the game is garbage.

>tfw sailing in ark
>tfw fishing in terraria

>In Oblivion you had to help out all the smaller mage guilds in each town with magic-related problems
And you didn't have to cast a single spell in any of those quests you fucking retard
>y...yo....you.....you're not right yo.....yo.....you memer
Good job on proving your point


At least in morrowind, to do much of anything with the Telvanni you'd better learn how to levitate.

Going off of memory alone, I recall one task being that you had to fetch a ring from a well that had you under the water for so long that unless you were an argonian you needed something magic-related to get it or die, be it a spell, potion, or enchantment. The person who gives you the task even expects you to die because you're a newcomer to the guild. There were others too but that's going from my memory alone.

Oh god no, I'm feeling the urge to reinstall and hunting for mods again. Fucking hell, I almost typed in the nexus url; that fucking urge to waste a whole day getting shit running, just to delete it ten minutes after character creation is getting stronger

>game made in 1996 has a spellmaker
>game made in 2011 doesn't have a spellmaker only because no one bothered to code a UI menu for it
>game in 2011 took 5 years to develop, yet was still rushed as fuck
Come the fuck on Bethesda

winterhold was maximum comfy

cant wait for the remaster to drop down to $20 so i can visit there again

It's maximum comfy with mods, maybe

In Morrowind they had skill requirements you dumb motherfucker.

It'd be comfier if it wasn't so destroyed outside of the college. Speaking of that, is there any evidence as to whether or not the college is responsible for that or does Bethesda leave that completely unanswered?

you need to fucking soultrap a fucking ash ghoul you dumbfucking retard

>tfw guild questlines will never give you the option to pass on being made the leader because you're just some random new chucklefuck still

That stupid fucking Mages College was the worst, the person who clearly was going to take over as new Archmage just dies off-screen while you're faffing about in some ruins.

>he hasn't bought all the Skyrim DLC during the steam sale just to get the remaster for free

>Playing as a woman
>ever ever
Degenerates like you belong on a cross

In that quest you could drop all of your items go down into the well and grab it without being over encumbered
That's not the mages guild
>Source: my ass

World of Warcraft is still comfier, even after all the fuck-ups.

The ring didn't encumber you. It was literally so far down that you didn't have enough air normally.

But judging from your responses to other people I can only hope for your sake you're baiting

>That's factually incorrect. In Oblivion you had to help out all the smaller mage guilds in each town with magic-related problems just to get into the real mage guild. Just to get into it. Whereas in Skyrim they let you in for basically free

Skyrim is so anti-intellectual that they'll accept anyone who can cast heal and wants to enter. In their entire province they have three students, and that seems to include rejects from the other provinces too.

If they don't take what they can get then the college won't have students. They should have worked that into the dialogue, because it's funny.

There should be no becoming Archmage though.

i-i play as a woman so i can l-look at her butt

what are you gay?

Because Oblivion is comfier.

Did someone say comfy?

>ring didn't encumber you

It had a weight of 150

Not even that guy but get your facts straight

>The ring didn't encumber you. It was literally so far down that you didn't have enough air normally.
the ring had a weight of 150 and the well it was in is super tiny
The weight of the ring was also the reason the guy drowned in the well


Whoops, I'm a retard. Fucking auto post.


>>Source: my ass
>9. Arch-Mage Intelligence 35 Willpower 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35
it's a real thing but to be far, it's any skill that has to be 90 and 35. and 35 INT/WP is pathetically low. a few levels of training and you could easily be a warrior who is head of the mages guild

>Is this some dark souls bullshit where you have to watch a walkthrough for every 10 steps you take?
I know the guy was just baiting but I find it sad that there are people on Sup Forums who actually think like this.

>any skill

You didn't play morrowind, did you?

It had to be one of the favored skills of the guild.

See the "favored skills" in

>It had to be one of the favored skills of the guild.
it does?
damn never noticed that

That quest was too short, and too fucking easy. Being Archmage felt cheap.

Oblivion did it better. You had to get a god damn letter of recommendation from every guildhall in Cyrodiil just to get accepted into the arcane university. Then earn your way up and carve your own special staff, and solve a necromancer plot all the while earning the right to be leader.

It felt like Bethesda had big plans for Winterhold, with a big cataclysm having ruined half the city. Maybe they just ran out of time and left it half-finished.

I wish you could live in winterhold

This steam sale was going to be the one where I finally buy Oblivion to replay it on PC after only having played it on my 360 before, but it's fucking 12 bucks. Not that I can't buy it, but it usually goes down to five. It's a matter of principle you see

Now I am denied my comfiness until Steam gets their heads out of their asses

That was the problem with most of the quests in skyrim.
Even the best ones or the longest storylines just had you go to some ruin and do some measly puzzle.
For the quests in Skyrim at least the archmage had the most puzzles but the fact that you could get it just by defeating yet another fucking elf was saddening.
The most fun I had in that game was dwemer shit leading to the vast underground city that you could explore forever. That shit was tight, even if you needed to basically force the plot forward just to get inside.

There are literal skill requirements in morrowind

Technically speaking, thu'um just like shehai shen sheru is spirit/tonal magic.

All guilds in Skyrim felt overall disappointing but they had some nice quests.


>Mage Guild
Mzult quest and Labyrinthian quest

>Thieves Guild
I think all the quests involving Karliah were good.

>Dark Brotherhood
Don't remember much about this one.

the fucking labyrinthian was a single fucking corridor
there was no way to get lost

Illusion and Conjuration are the best schools, prove me wrong.

Honestly the Winterhold quest line should have been about going around Skyrim and improving public opinion on magic. You could be appointed Arch Mage due to your popularity and have a separate quest line dedicated to earning the guild's respect.

But that would've required creativity and work, user.

>tfw there will never be a mod to fix the mage's guild and the thieves' guild questlines

That sounds like there's little room left for killing draugr though.

>outside of Destruction, all Skyrim really had was lockpicking, sense life, and throwing balls of light around
I always want to go back and play a mage, and then I remember why I don't.

How have I never seen this
Bait or not that's pretty damn funny

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who posts it, that's why.

conjuration is for noobs who don't know how to fight. illusion is alright but it's just for stylistic purposes, there's no reason not to just start throwing fireballs around until everyone's dead.

>removed mysticism, shoehorned soul trap into Conjury, outright removed dispel (then again they also removed duration debuffs and the like so why the fuck not let's just prune everything), moved telekinesis, sense life (and paralysis) to Alteration
Yeah fuck Skyrim's magic

>just want to use magic to dye my clothes, grow food and trees, and cook my meals

you fucking retard
they kicked up the prices by dismantling the Skyrim Legendary Edition bundle with 75% discounts to sucker people like you into buying the DLC at a higher price and for 50% off
and you fell for todd's fucking scam like the slut you are

The eruption of Red Mountain is what caused the collapse. The collage only survived because it had some kind of magical protection it didn't share with the rest of the city.

you know, for all the shit i give Skyrim, i have to admit that it at least makes some degree of sense lore-wise why it's such a barren, demolished, tinpot little shithole when it comes to populations and infrastructure, it has been through disasters and constant decay for a long time.

Oblivion on the other hand, shows a barren, fake-looking Imperial province in it's time of splendor, and the market of the most important city on the known world is literally a single street. It's such a shitty infurating design i cannot ever forgive it.

gameplaywise Oblivion>Skyrim
design and worldwise Skyrim>Oblivion.

Felt like they had a lot of big plans for each questline and didn't go through with them. The main quest felt quick and rushed as did the civil war. You had little to no interaction with the cities during either of them. The main quest was mostly fetch quests ending with a generic dragon fight for a final boss and the civil war was boring survive a rush of enemies until you conquered a fort and in doing so replaces the Jarl of the city it's near then you fight in whatever city the opposing side is in and kill the leader. Also it doesn't mater what side you pick as the outcome and rewards are pretty much the same.

You're joking right? Solitude is the capital of Skyrim and has less houses and people than most of the cities in Oblivion. While the Imperial City wasn't as massive as the lore says, it was the largest and most populated city in Oblivion.

Skyrim was shit, modern Bethesda is shit play something else since that game's been out for 5 years and you probably keep replaying it like a turbo autist.

yes, I'm baited.

Solitude is the capital of Skyrim which is still a far away shithole, it's like saying Minsk is the capital of Belarus.

Oblivion really hinged on you being on the fucking asshole of the world during it's downfall though, and yet not only no one noticed oblivion gates but you among all those bumpkin villages with walls, there's no trade happening, no transit of people or ships or whatever, not one crowded place, no one doing anything but walking around and parroting all day, it had no sense of urgency or actuality to anything that was going on.

even the shitty dragon encounters were better, consider that.

I thought of buying Dawnguard in the sale because it's the only DLC I didn't have. Checked today and it was 15 bucks, bought is since I hate myself. I'll pay Bethesda fifteen bucks for so graciously providing such a shitty but versatile masturbation engine

This is true for any guild

Thieves guild:
>you there, wanna steal some shit?
>only ever need to sneak, even unskilled in heavy armor is okay to steal stuff and be able to pick locks
>pickpocketing somewhat optional, can be improved by potions and enchantments anyway
>congrats, you're a thief now

Dark Brotherhood:
>kill people
>get paid for it
>congrats, you're an assassin now

>ask them nicely
>do some shit for them
>woof woof bark bark!

Bards College:
>not even possible to play an Instrument
>make up a song for Burning Man - Solitude Serenade
>congrats, you're a bard now

>thieves guild questline
>you ruin a few businesses and delve into some dragur ruins to become nocturnal's bitch
but why though

>You need to cast a spell to get in
>I'm dragonporn
>Oh my plz enter
What could they learn from shouts? They are normal spells that take longer to learn but don't use magicka.

Thats actually pretty cool, hopefully that guy will write a book