What does your folder look like, Sup Forums?

What does your folder look like, Sup Forums?


I'd show you if I could find my cartridge.


BgRedWav, BgRedWav
FstGauge, BgRedWav, FstGauge
MagBomb, MagBomb, MagBomb, MagBomb

[BgRedWav] [GrassStg]

>Playing Battle Chip Challenge

>Battlechip Challenge

In Falzar, I have an F-code folder with some non-F chips for PAs and to fill in some gaps.

is literally a (cheapass) BCC deck

Whichever chips had the highest damage.

Fucking alphabet soup user.

>he uses slasher.



Hey, Slasher is a godsend in 3.

Sword only
Rogue noise.

Fit me fagit.

fuck you

I don't have it handy, but my patched BN6 run used a modified Silver Bullet folder. IIRC it's:

>a few Attack+10s
>3 Whitecapsules
>2 Areagrabs
>Reflect3 *
>a TrnArrow3 or two
>Elecpulse1, 2, and 3 J
>maybe 1 Invisible

And more I've probably forgotten to list.

>That image


Geddon 1
Nothing else matters.

Battle Network 4: Blues Soul folder with a bunch of Timpanis, Variable Sword and NeoVari. Just keep spamming those 2x damage LifeSword/DoubleLifeSword commands on a stunned opponent for 300/960 damage over and over until you win. They one of those Invis spammers? This folder runs Blinder too. GG
Battle Network 6: Ehh....plenty of options here. But someone mentioned an F code folder which is funny because that was my favorite one to use as a kid because V Doll F + V Doll F + Bass F = Darkness PA. Set GrassSeed as your Regular Chip so the initial Gregar Breath (300 damage) does double damage (fire on Grass panels = 600 damage) before the DarkSword slash (300 more).
Ahh...childhood was fun. :)

Hey kid
Wanna try some Dark Chips

Yep, throw on some Attack+10/+30/WhiteCapsules and that shit is bananas


>Chaos Unison with Dark Invisible
Nothing else matters.


>Current MMBN3 Style

>Current MMBN3 Folder
HiCannon K
HiCannon L
HiCannon *
HeatShot J
Heat-V J
HeatSide J
Sword L
WideSwrd L
LongSwrd L
BlkBomb2 S
StepCros R
StepCros S
Boomer T
Boomer T
Boomer *
Totem1 M
Totem1 M
Recov120 W
Recov120 W
Recov120 *
Recov150 P
Recov150 *
Recov200 N
AntiDmg M
Muramasa M
HeroSwrd P
ProtoMan B
MetalMan V2 M
BowlMan B
FoldrBak *

>use large sword and slice
>become invincible
>lethal drill of darkness

My sides

My folder is a fucking mess, senpai.

>shadow chaos charge attack
>get supervulcaned by dark souls

This is my life now.

Also, fuck this area in general.

>Implying you didn't do this

>picture: ATTACK +??
>description: NEXT CHIP ATK +50
I wonder what the nips had instead of CAPS LOCK

>Team ProtoMan version

>Team Colonel version

These are the best ChaosUnisons for each version. ToadChaos is especially fun to use.

I wish Beast Out forms were as great as Chaos Unisons. Even if you Beast Out with a Cross, you just get the same rapidfire shot as the normal Beast Out. Even though Crosses were overall more flexible than Souls, Chaos Unisons were really great.

> that many recovery chips

Have you tried dodging attacks?


Mah negro.


With a huge amount of patience. You can never have enough Hero Swords in MMBN1.

mmbn2 was so broken but is still my favorite of the series.

I don't know how I ever beat this game. I'm seriously getting sick of this area.

But theres a limit in how much chips you can put isnt it?

>permanent health down
not even once

I use cheats and take 30 copies of Roll V3.

In the first game, the same chip limit was 10, I think.

It gets worse.

Does it? It's been a long time. I tried replaying it but this shit's getting annoying. The wave maps are awful, there's too much enforced backtracking and I don't think I want to try anymore.

I remember enjoying SF3 more, so maybe I'll skip to that.

P code, plantman+plasma combo, annihilates almost everything in the game with ease


>there will never be a better PA than Master Style

I marathoned the series last month, because I hadn't played them in fucking years. With a secondary objective of collecting all the Humor Program jokes.
For whatever reason decided to record my stats and folders at the end of each game's story. Feel free to laugh at my folders. I know they suck, especially the early ones.

probably a bunch of longswords, swords, area steals and broadsword chips.

>Capcom never authorize Megaman NT warrior remakes

>Battle Network 7 never
>Star Force 4 never
>new game further into the future never

I wanted to punch Megaman when he told the PET grandfather one.

That one was cute!

>I remember enjoying SF3 more, so maybe I'll skip to that
That's because it's the only good one. Too bad everyone had already gave up on SF and it never got a sequel.

They completely wrapped everything up in SF3. What's there left to do with it?

>we'll never see the Zero and Legends eras of the Battle Network timeline

>SF2 featured a plot about Hikoboshi and Orihime
>MegaMan didn't get a Deneb, Altair and Vega forms.
>Instead, he got Dinosaur, Knight and Ninja. None of which have anything to do with space or stars.

>Instead, he got Dinosaur, Knight and Ninja. None of which have anything to do with space or stars.
Silly user. You thought SF2 would have a star theme?

Used a folder around lifesword in BN 5
Haven't played others sadly.

they are just so bad, but so funny

Damn, those are cute. Now I really want a Navi of my own.

Sword Chips used to be great, but starting from BN3, I started relying on multi-hit attacks more, since they're easier to get counters with.

Your wish is granted.
Monkey's Paw: She doesn't speak English.


Thanks for these. I always wondered when someone would compile these.


You're welcome!


And the last one.

I want to put it in.

Thanks for your hard work.


Here's a bonus.

I already want it the first time I play the game

Lan has got quite a pitch. He should've used that one more often. Would have solved a lot of problems.

full katakana

This. pretty much. That time with wireless device was also a proof.

>Hey Megaman attack Dr. Willy!
>*Throw PET*

So I've been revisiting the series using an emulator but every game that has the beetank family virus sometimes misfires and doesn't fire a bomb toward where it's aiming.

It seems to also not be limited to the beetank family of viruses however and a few other viruses that use projectiles either misfire or the projectile in question becomes invisible.

I've tried looking up the problem but it seems people don't actually address the problem and merely scold the users for using an emulator.

Is there any known fix? I'm using VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2 btw.

I used to be so good at making folders, I was the king of gamefaqs.

Why do these sound like shitty over the top anime attacks?





I had the exact same problem with bomb chips just disappearing. Maybe you could try mGBA instead of VBA. I hear that it tends to be more accurate.

That's weird. Didn't happen to me in my most recent playthrough.
But you might want to update your emulator, maybe. I use VBA-M which is far more up to date than what you've got. There's also mGBA like said.


Thanks for the advice guys.
The worst part about the glitch was that during the BubbleMan.exe fight in mmbn3 the homing crabs he threw became invisible but still dealt damage.
I wasn't able to tell whether I should move up or down to dodge them and had to use save states to actually get an S rank.

shadow style, guts style or custom style? which one is the best?

Get the Custon1 and Custom2 navi cust programs and use modtools to make it work with GutsStyle or ShadowStyle.
As for the decision between Guts and Shadow, if you don't ever use your buster then take Shadow.

I'm playing 3 at the moment for the first time. Should I bother with virus breeding? If so, which Virus(es) should I focus on?

When you get to endgame, breed the Life Virus family.
The SrchEye family can be incredible as well if you get used to the timing of it.