>girl plays game
>wrecks "pro" nerds
>they cry to get her banned and send her death threats
>two nerds quiting gaming because she's so good
This is why us normal people can't take e-sports seriously.
Girl plays game
Other urls found in this thread:
well, normal people wouldn't be that competitive. They play on the casual level (for fun)
>competitive gaming
>normal people
>no sound
Is this the girl that was allowed to blatantly cheat because she's a girl?
why are some manchildren intimidated by girls who play video games?
>webm with sound
Only on /gif/ and /wsg/.
>you will never tickle joostens cute armpits and feet.
>you will never suckle her nipples and drink the joost milk.
>this new
>how to spot the American
your country's the only place in the world that's so assbackwards that they treat professional players like children wasting their time
Yes. It's sexist to call her out on cheating, you know?
>taken seriously
top quality lel
ebin source there op
>pointing out the site's shortcomings makes me new
They're offered special treatment. Any and all interactions with them will be heavily scrutinized by your peers and the officials. One wrong move can (morally wrong or just something someone disliked) and you can get thrown out of the circuit without any resistance.
>this embarrassed
False narrative. The backlash from "girl gamers" comes from other girls who are simply being catty bitches. Men typically don't care unless they're autistic as fuck.
we let people do whatever they want here, and we have plenty of space for lesser known events like e-sports. u jelly?
>your country's the only place in the world that's so assbackwards that they treat professional players like children wasting their time
>this faggot takes manchildren playing with virtual toys seriously
You're a funny guy. Have a (You) on me.
nice post
>This is why us normal people can't take e-sports seriously.
Sounds like a promise. Almost makes me want to bully girls online.
I wish I knew what it was like being so bitter about being terrible at video games that I have to pretend people who make money being good at them are more pathetic than me
How did she cheat?
>he actually "defending" his b8 opinion
try harder, dumb faggot!
Well, do we actually have evidence as to whether or not she cheated?
I think people are ignoring the facts and only focusing on the social issues like a bunch of fucking retards. Who gives a shit about e "sports" anyways?
Oh, idiots right.
XD hehahaehhaheheahaheheah
Overwatch Korean tournament.
During her play, you could see her view quickly snapping to opponents. There were more than a couple times that made her suspect when an enemy player would sneak up behind her and she'd 180 the moment they were in range.
>Oh, idiots right.
>Oh, subhuman right.
Fixed for you, m8.
it rhymes with "plain spot"
>faggot is assblassted
Stay retarded, piss skin.
someone post the aimbot proof webm
Except that a third party verified she was not cheating.
She wasn't even particularly amazing compared to some of the current top OW professionals, it was primarily motivated from the fact she didn't have a prior background in FPS's and appeared "out of nowhere" and started doing very well in the scene.
XD hahahehaehhaheheha you showed me hheaheaheahahe
Spin Bot
Plain Spot
>Competitive overwatch
but you're allowed to cheat regardless of your gender in competitive overwatch lmao
That makes a degree of sense. I mean accusing people of hacking is rampant in online games. Fucking hell I hate the news media. This stupid shit should have just been swept under the rug but "mug soggy knees" and it suddenly became about female empowerment.
She didn't cheat and honestly I don't give a fuck if she had.
>piss skin subhuman is still assblasted
You bet I did, faggot. ahahahAHAHAHahahahHAhahahhAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahhhahahhhahhahAHAhahAhAhAhAhAhaHa
Man you're the best, I wish I could be like you
sports are games like video games. the difference is that the former is a viable career due to interest as a spectator activity (ticket sales, merchandise contracts etc). not enough people give enough of a shit about games for to be a way to live, or rather not enough people with any kind of purchasing power
I know you would, ahahehehehahahahahahahehehehahahhahahahehehehhehewowowowowowooowoooowoowhowhwowowowhwowhwowhwohwowhhwhehehehewhhahahhahahahAHHAHAHAHahahahahahhahahahahahhHHAhahahHAehehehehehehehehhhhahahah
get mad faggot hahahahahehehehahhahahahaah
>taking videogames seriously enough to play them competitively
you're a few years too late for this comment to be accurate. Have you been living under a rock?
How come this isn't the story being used by sjw's? I'd be okay with fighting for this cause. How come all they ever do is complain about sexism and then when something like this happens none of them bats an eye?
The two ragers were shitty korean teen esport players that got rekt by her, and were not top tier in Korea. Easy recipe to make mad.
The main reason it blew up was because she was a girl, yes, but generally in esports you never accuse a peer directly of cheating, no matter how obvious it is.
The proper channel is to imply something seems off, and request that an authority investigates it, and PRIVATELY informing them of some replays or players that may warrant investigation.
Public fingerpointing and accusation bullshit is fucking terrible behavior that isn't even allowed from normal players, let alone competitive players. It's also generally not allowed in real life, as it can very easily turn into libel lawsuits.
>tfw no Stefanie
Kill me
See, I can't throw a 95 MPH baseball or throw a thirty yard pass; but I can play video games. So I don't really want to fucking watch somebody else play video games. Actual sports are mostly about seeing people do things that you're not capable of. I can fucking play starcraft by sitting on my ass and double-clicking a desktop shortcut. I can't however sit on the mound at Yankee stadium and throw a pitch against Miguel Cabrera.
She wasn't. The only real evidence is some vaguely supicious snapping to her allies positions while she was spinning around once. Other than that the "evidence" videos online look more like montages to her being able to aim well. Nothing else shown is even close to being cheating and she was cleared completely by Blizzard's Korean branch.
I am soo assblasted, man yu ar so good heaehheahehahehaeae
you have a better chance of making a career with let's plays than playing video games competitively
Yes i am, little piss skin subhuman faggot.
Are you implying that semi-pro athletes don't enjoy watching pros play? Because that is wrong.
She actually looks ugly and old here.
>can't throw a 95 MPH baseball or throw a thirty yard pass
You can if apply yourself you lazy faggot. If you think the people who play anything professionally got good over night whether it is a mental activity or a physical one you are retarded. Anyone can play chess but you watch grandmasters because they are better than anyone else.
You'd be able to get some friends together for a basketball game or something though right? Pickup games at the gym aren't much different from more casual video game playing, considering the pros in both do many things you can't.
What game is this? Also you need to source.
If you're semi-pro (believe me) it means you're obsessed with what you do and yeah, you're going to watch the full pros. In my mind however, I simply can't equate it to video games. It just doesn't make sense to me because for some reason a sedentary habit does not make sense to me as a sport. It's like poker and that shit was phased out after about three years of enormous popularity.
Being able to throw 95MPH is mostly natural talent. The hard work comes from being able to throw it consistently for strikes and mix in other pitches.
There's still a poker channel that does nothing but play poker matches 24 hours. I think it's just because intrinsically you can't separate video gaming as a major hobby from video gaming as a child's plaything because growing up that's all you were told they were.
i believe she's the voice actress of a mute NPC in a game called Skyrim with guns.
>mute voice actress
Quiet does talk though
you're right being good at video games is a waste of time
Based of her name, I find that hard to believe
>never stops humming over the radio
>That pushup Bra
hhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnng I want to squeeze her
please tell me more of how much money you've made playing videogames
please tell me more of how much money you've made playing let's plays you useless piece of shit
Including Patreon and stream donations, approximately 400 dollars. How much money have you made playing baseball?
>your country's the only place in the world that's so assbackwards that they treat professional players like children wasting their time
That's every non-asian country
We know you are fag
Would you care if your rl bitch cheated?
ITT: Bullshit Bosses
She speaks Navajo because of muh parasites
Girls can play games too ya know!
How does it feel making less than what I make in 2 days over your entire career?
>watching people play video games
what's next, watching people watch movies?
>quibbling over salary
Dude, not that guy but you are being a supreme twat. Income is not a measure of your worth when you're an honest, decent person. Which evidently, you are not.
She's really attractive.
When talking about a not-job like let's plays or "pro" gaming it is. If you're wasting your time on shit like that instead of doing something actually productive and not being a burden on the people around you then you are a useless waste of space.
Yes some people have made it big with their hobbies. That doesn't give you an excuse.
Well then, I agree.
I just didn't like the tone of your words. If you're living off of youtube views then you're probably riding the welfare train and you can go fuck yourself.
$400 dollars in 2 days adds up to 48k per year before tax you retard. It's not a lot of money, but it's more than enough to get by, especially if I'm single.
Glad to see you haven't passed grade school math yet.
Sup Forums is full of people (about as much as a small city, and much more diverse than one). Mostly male because hugboxing is not tolerated here unless you're on /lgbt/ or similar boards.
You also probably have abs and won't die alone in your early 30's like some beta "pro gamer"
There are countless channels that show people doing nothing but playing sports, cooking, building houses, and even talking with friends and colleagues all of which people watch and also have the ability to do.
I work out on a regular basis and have a girlfriend, so yes?
Does taking care of myself somehow make me a worse person than you?
The majority of people in the 1st world are either overweight or obese, and yet they still try and project themselves as an oppressed minority.
The real minority, and those who are attacked are the fit. The people who actually commit themselves to fitness. Jealousy is honestly one of the most inherent human traits. It's a mental reflex to want the people around you to be worse-off than you are when you're not striving to be better.
>It's a joostposting thread
*horse sounds*
First off, it's a korean, not a 'girl'.
Second, the 2 nerds that 'quit' were random koreans.
And most importantly, Sup Forumsirgins aren't normal people.
Now fuck off.
If they only attacked her because she was a girl that was beating them it was mysoginistic, if they're just cry babies, they're just faggots
Girls are just as good as guys pretty much
They didn't quit cause she was so good. They said if she wasn't hacking they'd quit and she proved she wasn't hacking.
why does rudeposting always follow joostposting?
MST3K is pretty great, family member