Overwatch Ranking Thread - Autism Edition

I'm super pissed, Sup Forums. I solo queued 10 competitive matches to get a ranking. What did this result in?

>carry every team I'm on
>at least 2 gold medals every game
>at least 2 k/d every game
>often the only one pushing for the objective
>finish 4-6


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Who cares, if you are that good just kept leveling up


I finished 6-4 as Winston and got into 56 ;)

But then I dropped to 52 because lol gotta main my tracers and genjis in capture point maps!!

OP here, forgot to mention I main Roadhog and Bastion.

Found the problem

I feel like Mercy is much more annoying than usual now. So many fucking resurrections.

How fast her ult charges is one of the few things that needs a nerf.

i went 4-6 in placement because of 2 disconnects and got placed at 55, i then immediately started dropping. went as low as 51 but im sitting at 53, i should be higher seeing as i just won 2 games but lol capture maps only count for 1/6th

So can you swap heroes in ranked?
Because that would honestly kill it for me.
I haven't played since ranked came out, but the most annoying thing about any match was the enemy team constantly swapping heroes when we were winning, until they eventually get a semi-decent comp.

Go back to LoL, son.

In what other competitive game are you allowed to swap heroes during a competitive match?


This is a class-based shooter, kid. Not a MOBA. Go back to LoL.


At least Blizzard is aware people fucking hate Sudden Death

>We’ve wrestled with this feature a lot. Our first version of Sudden Death in the beta felt very balanced to us. In that version, we resolved ties by going to a single point on a randomly selected Control map (Ilios, Lijiang Tower, and Nepal). Even though we thought this was a really fair way to resolve ties, we still received a ton of negative feedback on the format from beta participants. What we found was that people didn’t like playing on a different map and they didn’t like that it was a different game mode. So, we tried to come up with a Sudden Death mechanic that would play out on each map that was balanced and not too time intensive for players (i.e. the format you’re playing on the PTR right now).

>I think the Sudden Death format we have now is very good, and is actually much more balanced (and I’m looking at real stats here) than players are exaggerating it to be. However, it’s clear that players, at least the vocal ones, are largely not pleased with any form of coin flip or any form of asymmetrical resolution to the maps. We’re very open to changing and tweaking this system, but we’re also realizing that Sudden Death mechanics, in whatever format we might use, all have problems and we may be in a situation where we won’t be able to please the majority of our competitive players.

>my MMR isn't what I expected after a WHOLE 10 games

fucking lol.
is this babys first ranked game or some shit?

I love when games like this do placements. You get guaranteed post by shitters who THINK they should be higher rank
>b-b-b-but muh team
A good damage dealer can singlehandedly carry a game in overwatch. If you were actually good and you actually were "supposed" to be a higher rank you would have carried.

>it's a Mercy player is waiting to use her Resurrection episode

>carry every team I'm on

Biggest problem for me is that they are not getting rid of the coin flip until Season 2.

tf2 didn't have ranked did it?

why don't you like gitting gud at a specific hero?

>it's a "Mercy uses resurrection on one player and it's a Hanzo" episode

They're already making a competitive mode for TF2, even though one had already existed for a few years now.

However that scene has been tainted ever since Valve VAC banned a lot of people who were "pros" in TF2

Why does that matter? The game is designed around swapping heroes mid-match, so why would they disable it for ranked? Just because "no other game does that?"

TF2 let you do the exact same thing. The only difference is that TF2 didn't have a ranked mode because competitive e-sports gaming wasn't as big of a thing back then.

>playing healer in ranked

These faggots don't even try to make to be helpful. Every match is death match. Every match they run ahead and scatter no matter if it's Attack or Defend.

God forbid there's a Genji, Winston, or Tracer who knows how to fucking flank. I don't even know how I'm fucking averaging 4 deaths with all this shit happening. Jesus fucking christ.

Here's what else Jeff had to say about the issues:

>The extent of the updates we mentioned above are non-trivial. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to remove the coin flip and change the format again in Escort and Hybrid maps, which means that they’re not something we do can overnight. In fact, they’re not something we can realistically do until our Fall season. While we think they’re good changes to make, we don’t feel that holding back Competitive Play until the Fall is the right thing for the game right now. Instead, our goal is to release Competitive Play in our next content patch and kick-off our Summer season with the current ruleset.

>There’s a few reasons for this: We want players to be able to work towards Competitive Play rewards sooner rather than later. We’ve also gotten a ton of positive feedback from people who are playing and enjoying the system right now on the PTR. And, perhaps most importantly, we feel like starting the Summer season will allow us to learn a lot about what works in Competitive Play and what doesn’t—even more than we have from the PTR. I’ve mentioned previously that I believe Competitive Play is the type of system that will require a few seasons before we reach the place where we want to be. We need to run the system through its paces, in the live game environment, so that we can see how the community as a whole uses and reacts to it. By getting the system out there sooner, we can start making meaningful improvements sooner too.

In a game all about counter picking, you're a fag.

Whenever this happens I just swap to Lucio and play "the floor is lava".

Why not just make a Sudden Death where the point is to just kill the other team (1 life per player), and the last team standing wins. Fast and simple.

Have you played a competition match of a tcg or video game ever?
Every game is about counter picking, which is why bans and round-robin style hero picking has been a thing since forever.

I can't imagine anything worse than the the payload in a match being at the final point and the attackers all change to reinhardt, not giving the opposing team enough time to effectively respawn to stop them.

>it's a enemy team comes back from 22% to 99%, hits Overtime and absolutely crushes your team episode
>it's a FIRE IN THE HOLE cinematic experience

Absolutely soul crushing.

Rip tire potg's are better than bastion or pharah potgs

>Its a your team chokes at 99% and you watch helplessly as the enemy team goes from zero to hero

This happens way too often and I have no idea why

>it's a "I do intend to play. I shall be the healer. Therefore, if they die so much for stupid things and don't protect the healer for KEEPING them alive, it's their fault" episode

No. Fuck you. If you see your team isn't protecting you then either your support is too scattered to be effective, you're pocketing someone or your team has like 4 fucking flanking characters and yet you're insisting on shitting around as Mercy. It's your own fault. Pick a different character or quit the fucking match.

That's usually when you see
>player has switched to Zarya (was Lucio)
and you're sitting there like what the fuck.

I've been on teams who do this intentionally. They realize we are up against total shitbags and let them start winning. Then, roll in last second and stomp them mercilessly. I don't really condone the behavior but the reactions can be priceless.

Theres nothing worse in the world than pleading to some guy called DarkSith not to be a fucking Genji, I wish Genji and Hanzo was removed from the game

Are you brain dead? I'll assume you are.

It's a game all about counter picking and you're gonna say you're mad cause a team stacked a certain character? If you can't beat that maybe you should hang up your gaming.

ok, you are on defense, you wipe the entire enemy team, payload 99% to the point, you got this in the bag.
Enemy team come back as all reinhardt, but all your team have been alive, there is literally no way to respawn in time to counter them before they push the point to 100% and you lose.

good balance fuckboi

It's quite funny I've never had this specific situation happen. Maybe when it does I'll feel your pain.

I don't play Overwatch, I don't know anything about Overwatch, but you sound like a fucking retard, OP.

You do realize that it doesn't matter, right? If you're really as good as you think then you just need to keep playing games and eventually you'll end up where you belong. But that's not gonna happen, is it? You're gonna keep losing and blaming your teammates even after 1000 games where it's virtually statistically impossible for you to be in the 'wrong' ranking, still screeching about how nobody else knows what they're doing and they're ruining your ranking.

Fuck you're stupid.

It happens all the time in unranked, and I admit to doing it myself. I swap to Rein for assault and junkrat for defense and those swaps are super fucking OP when the enemy doesn't have enough time to counter you.

I don't want that opportunity in ranked, it's a cheesy last-ditch effort that has the unfair advantage that you have the spawn timer on your side.

Went 7W - 3L
Got ranked 59. I thought I was going to be in the high 40s/low 50s.

Keep playing, I can guarantee you at least got partially carried and that rank will plummet.

>tfw gave up on ranked and went back to quickplay

>complain about solo queue

>never attempt to communicate or work with your team

b-b-but im so good

>playing my lvl 29 alt that I use for playing with my gf (lower level matches etc).
>solo queue except 2 games with the gf
>9 wins 1 loss
>place 61

Apparently that put me at #4 an hour ago. I'm sure by now it's plummeted. I shouldn't even be using this account anyways

>guy announces he's looking for a "league" to play in as rein/mercy
>does so in Russian
Oh boy!

>halfway into the match he complains about "retard team -_-" in match chat
>haven't seen him put his shield up yet
>seen him charge into the farthest enemy rows though
>"no damage team noobs -__-"
>call him out
>enemy fucking team calls him out
>politely suggest everyone reports him
>enemy fucking team tells me "no prob"
>all of this is ranked

Why insult the team unless you're absolutely platinum mad? Gee, I sure will be more likely to improve and play better for the sake of the player that insults me. I always try and ask politely, surprisingly it works. If it doesn't, well, we were doomed from the start anyway.

That's actually kind of funny. You placed the exact same as me, won 4-6 like I did and I had games where I was 33-0 as lucio so played about the same probably.

Apparently it's based on your quickplay mmr or something like that, so those times I did stupid shit wasn't helping.

>alt account
>$40 game and you buy another for an alt account
smurfing faggots like you need to just die. youre not matched by level youre matched by mmr in quick play you little bitch so it was useless for you to buy an alt account

Clearly you haven't seen some players. You can't carry in this game as well as you might think. I saw a guy who had 95% kill participation and 92 elims and still lost the game coz his team were braindead. I played with a reinhardt who would charge on respawn into the enemy team without any plan or backup and die instantly every single time. Then gloat about how he had objective time despite not helping anyone and being a tank.



? He is on ps4

>Fairly balanced match
>Whole enemy team suddenly disconnects except for one person
>Last person probably doesn't want any penalties so now he's forced to wait for the enemy team to finish the job.
Why the fuck do people leave, come on now.

Got 3 medals on most plays and broke a few of my personal records
Most plays with a kill count 20 - 8 on my favor

Lost 7 won 3 and finished 41 because all of the teams I got had people yelling racist stuff and infighting instead of playing seriosly

I'm going back to quickplay

Huh dude? It's PS4. I simply login to another account on my console. Again the account was played on to play with my gf, because she struggled against high MMR players on my main and wanted to play with me.

Also, I wanted to see if this hidden MMR thing was real. It's now where near as drastic as people complain about from my experience. And the forced 50 is wrong too. I don't group queue (max 2 players) and my win rate is above 60% for quick play.

My placement rating is based on my play, like you said. I'm clearly not shit at the game.

ranked is a fucking mess anyway

supports get fuck all elo compared with DPS
koth maps dont count for shit
payload maps have coin flip victories half the time
anubis/hanamura/volskaya are in the rotation

Just disable 2 heroes at once and im happy.

That's how the game works.

unless you are in 60+ you are not good at all. 40-59 is casual tier ala shitters this is what it feels like to be locked with the absolute shit players.

you get the same penalty for losing, moron should have just left he's gonna down rank anyway

Is there an illusion of winning all 10 placement matches with pugs?

So far I've won 6 and suddenly get to 7th round and lost so fucking hard it wasn't even fun. It was against a group of people who basically had the same game handle. Like, wtf Blizzard. You just tossed me into a shark tank you cunts

There is one thing amazing about rated games - everytime a team loses watching how fucking enraged they get at a teammate. Sometimes the teammate didn't even do bad they just rage because they're losing a rank. Watching the pure rage is fucking hilarious.

20/8 isn't very good tbqh. There's also a limit to how much your personal performance can carry you through a 30% win rate.

because that's totally different from all other modes where kills are a secondary objective

>Playing Overwatch competitively

Autism is correct

If I recall the pro scene has actually started imposing a one hero limit on matches because multiple hero comps were so common.

During beta the pro meta was literally 2 lucios 2 mcrees and 2 winstons. I wouldn't be surprised if blizzard follows suit and makes this an official thing if the meta outside of the pro games gets to that point.

Then you just have both team camping with a reinhardt and bastion by a corner in every game.
Also the game wasn't design for TDM, but more objective team base that encourage team play

Solo queuing my placement matches and they keep the forced 50% winrate shit
3-3 alternating between wins and losses

went 9-1 got 61. i'm now 57. I don't feel like I'm outclassed by the people I'm playing against, I just lose slightly more than I win. it's pretty annoying desu

>It's a "you didn't pick support but still bitch about the one fag who had to" episode


>tfw meet a lot of players with a way higher level than their rank

>It's a "The enemy team got steamrolled the entire game so they switch to 2 Bastions 2 Reinharts 1 Mercy and 1 Torb for the last few feet of the payload." episode.
>Impossible to kill them in Dorado.

Fun times.



Whoever did it faster wins


>6man premade

actually solo all the way

Sudden death should've been one KotH map. How hard is it?
>Even though we thought this was a really fair way to resolve ties, we still received a ton of negative feedback on the format from beta participants. What we found was that people didn’t like playing on a different map and they didn’t like that it was a different game mode.

Playtesting is the dumbest idea in gaming. Sure, let a small percentage of moronic gamers dictate how you, a professional video game designer, do your job. Ofc a lot of them will get mad, half of them lost a close game, they would be salty.
If only game designers rely more on their experience and skills instead of a control audience we wouldn't be in this mess.

>and I’m looking at real stats here) than players are exaggerating it to be

Okay, then show the stats faggots. No matter who loses attacking or defending, it feels like you got fucked over. KotH decider was a good idea.

If you did it with less than 2 minutes left, it rounds up so you have 2 minutes to do it. Its fucking dumb casual bullshit

>play Tracer
>gold on objective
>play Torb
>gold on objective
>play Mercy
>gold on objective

>"had to"
>implying that dedicated healers are always needed, or even welcome

>finish placement with 48
>now I'm 43

where did everything go so wrong?

It comes at a cost nigger. Swapping a hero leads to ult loss.

I haven't been able to do my placement matches until today. Tell me Sup Forums. How much of a fag am I?

I won 5 of my placement maches but lost the other 5 and got 56 for my score.

if i get gold and silver eliminations as lucio, and it has often happened, i think there's clearly a problem

I like healfags because they help me get more kills.

t. Roadmeme

this whole system is fucking retarded anyway. 2 minutes to cap a point? ridiculous.

>Get on point to save the match
>Overtime doesn't happen even though it says contested and I'm on the point alive

I've had this shit happen way too fucking much, what the fuck?

Me and my Friend got 56 and 58 respectively, we are not touching ranked again till problems are addressed. It is not worth the stupid amount of bullshit it hands you.

Kind of the same boat here. I literally have every gold for everything every time. solo queu is impossible to progress.

>Get placed 37
>Play solo
>Get deranked to 29/30
>Met this other guy who was 34ish
>Play comp together
>Suddenly winning ever game

Yeah okay why does this system favour parties over solo queueing?

they put you with mouth breathers and expect you to carry them 100% of the way.

I seriously think theres a hidden comeback mechanic that makes the enemy team respawn faster.




>Widow main

Go fuck yourself phamalam

If you are in a party it favours other people in parties to, and trust me having three groups of two friends is WOOOOORLDS more effective than a bunch of solos.

Same is true for the enemy team though, so it's a risk. I play with a casual friend of mine, so far it's been working 6 out of our placement matches were won. Last win was a tough one though. I'm afraid for the next game the enemy duo will be better and we'll lose.and my casual friend already reached his apex.

How are you even level 31 with 2 hours played?

I got fucked by the KotH bug during placement and landed on 54. I'm rank 65 now and every team I fight, it always feels like a steam roll.

it's comp mode

here are my quick play stats

nice, grats user. you have a premade?