How do you feel about nintendo now taking away your porn too? Because it wasn't enough that they don't let you play uncensored games, now they're censoring other people too.
This isn't an isolated case by the way, everyone on tumblr who has done princess peach porn is getting raided by nintendo copyright claims and fanart is being taken down.
Is there a company more hilariously out of touch than shitendo?
>it's yet another Nintendo Being Retarded again episode
This season sucks. It's always the same.
Luis Jones
But the "it's a battered wife nintendo fans defend their abusive husband" episodes can be entertaining, highlight of the season I say.
Joseph Ross
meh i saved tons on my harddrive anyway.
Jace Harris
are they even allowed to do that
Grayson Anderson
No, fanart doesn't go against copyright.
Colton Kelly
Are you a cuck? Why would you be "meh" with nintendo asphyxiating fanart artists and denying them the god given right to create more porn of your waifu that you can fap for free?
Don't you want to fap to new peach porn? Are you okay with faping to the same old pictures forever just because nintendo can't into the 21st century?
Chase Watson
no. But if they made their tumblr specifically with NSFW content but didn't set their blog to NSFW content then it might throw a flag.
it's cruel and stupid for others, but will they do away all the Samus porn?
i want to see the Smash waifufags cry
Cameron Johnson
Google has a safe search feature. If fanart artists flag their blog as NSFW then nintendo has no right to take anything down.
Luis Perez
They're allowed to ask tumblr to remove it and tumblr is allowed to remove it. Those artists can just post it somewhere else where it won't be taken down. The only way they can sue/force a take down is if the artist is making money off of it.
Josiah Roberts
It's fucking hilarious seeing a company comiting social suicide like nintendo does. It's like they can't get even the most basic things right.
I mean, why the ever living fuck would do this? What could they possibly gain? This shit is hilarious. No wonder they are so irrelevant.
Owen Davis
unless they have shitty and unflexable policies over public IP usage, even Sega doesn't care with people doing all the Rouge porn.
Hudson Campbell
Remember when Zero Suit Fox was a thing and Nintendo kill that?
Sebastian Murphy
Xavier Moore
They don't care, maybe is just someone else sending reports.
Only thing that got a bit of attention was fateful tepig and wasn't nintendo but pokemon company.
Jeremiah Howard
even Disney doesn't care if someone does porn about the Disney Princesses even SE doesn't care if someone does porn about Tifa
Camden Brown
>letting companies get away with anti consumer practices
Easton Stewart
didn't the artist claim it wasn't any officials?
Ian Garcia
is there a thread on /aco/ and /h/ about this?
Luke Reed
>Only thing that got a bit of attention was fateful tepig and wasn't nintendo but pokemon company. Zero-sen didn't get hit tho
Brandon Ortiz
No, because anyone can send C&D in name of some company.
Is easy as fuck to takedown videos or something because of that.
Luis Brown
>They don't care, maybe is just someone else sending reports.
It's not, it's nintendo, it's been confirmed.
Unlike deviantart no one can just send reports and have your shit taken down on tumblr, tumblr only acts aggresive if: it has anything to do with "muh children" or "pedophilia: / actual copyright holders demand take downs.
It's nintendo.
Liam Collins
>Nintendo is okay with publishing Bayonetta 2, which sexualizes the main character >but apparently Peach isn't allowed to share in that action
Talk about hypocrites.
Joseph Price
user this is getting worse and worse. They seem too be getting more unstable and reactionary now. There must be fundamentalists in high positions in NOA
Landon Moore
Several popular artists have been hit, all because of the same thing: peach porn.
No man has that much power, otherwise tumblr blogs would disappear left and right, nintendo is the one doing this, no one else has a much legal power to make tumblr actually bother with all this shit.
Kayden Gutierrez
Nice try nintendo shills. Fuck off, I hope the NX crashes and burns and your shit anti consumer company along with it.
Ethan Williams
Nice Nintendo. Keep wasting time and money on hunting le porn of muh characters boogeymen. I bet that'll make the NX amazing...
Jeremiah Walker
Why just peach? Nintendo have Rosalina, Samus and shitton of other characters to boot, also Pokemon even if that isn't Nintendo problem but TPC.
That thing isn't really explained well.
Andrew Robinson
Most tumblr blogs get hit because people have a problem with tumblr artists, and mass report them to get them taken down. Tumblr blogs DO get taken down left and right.
Carter Perez
To be fair, Bayonetta's audience isn't the same a Mario's
Angel Sanchez
oh shit just got fucking real Nintendo.
you don't have the goddamn right to violate my first amendment. IF I DRAW THE PORN, THEN IT'S MY GODDAMN PORN YOU FUCKING GOT THAT?
Listen here, i don't know about you corporate worshipping goverment loving fags from japan, but here in the USA we have a little thing called FAIR USE & FREEDOM OF SPEECH that allows any character to be portrayed in a way that gives them a further meaning than what they were originally intended for.
Thomas Smith
Rosalina porn wasn't any good anyway, soooo...
Shit, 20 years later, and the assholes can't even do Tifa right.
Kevin Butler
Because peach is the "face" of nintendo along with mario. This is yet more proof that nintendo themselves are the ones behind these attacks.
What's not explained well? Nintendo doesn't want porn "affecting their children friendly image" and literally commit illegal anti consumer acts because they can. They probably don't care about rosalina / samus / etc because these characters are not as associated to their image, normies don't think of rosalina or samus when they think nintendo, they think of mario and peach.
>Tumblr blogs DO get taken down left and right.
But bceause of "pedophilia" related scandals. Shadman's and legoman blogs are still up, even though they have a gorillion haters, why?: They are smart about what they posts.
The only blogs that get taken down are the ones that have stuff that can pass as "pedophilia" be it actual loli/shota porn, or ecchi, or even sexual jokes depicting children.
As long as you stay away from that kind of content, tumblr haters can't touch you.
>it's been confirmed >by a generic description that anyone can write and a vague assumption of how copyright claims work on Tumblr You're not very bright are you?
Daniel Robinson
This is just proof that NoA (as usual) are the ones behind this shit, while NoJ doesn't care. Still sucks because japs demand porn has to be censored, so you'll only be getting censored peach porn from now on.
Ryder Ward
Still don't explain why Just Peach posts get down.
Shit feels like a half arsed explanation. Also Pixiv have a shitton of porn and i don't see stuff getting removed.
It's real. Why are you so obsessed with defending nintendo? Why are you such a good shill while they literally try to fuck you in the ass any chance they get?
Luis Gray
tumblr is nortorious as SJW lapdog, whole blog can be deleted just because they THINK the child in drawing maaaaybe underage.
Nathan Lee
>people making valid arguments as to why Nintendo being behind this would make no sense at all >NUH UH THAT ONLY PROVES IT'S NINTENDO Never change, neo-Sup Forums
Austin Fisher
yes it does. just phrase it as "this is x character if they were doing this" and it's technically a parody.
using princess peach as a princess for a video game wouldn't be fair use, but having her do lewd things is fair use.
Colton Reyes
I never said the screenshot was fake. I said the report was fake. Anyone can claim to be Nintendo and tell Tumblr to take something down. Are you retarded?
Logan Sanders
>tumblr >shit moderation team there is your answer, op is a faggot.
Owen Wright
If this is legit, then Nintendo is turning into one of the most greedy, anti-consumer companies in the industry.
What's amazing though is they don't really even have a leg to stand on. At least if it was say, EA, or Sony, or someone who's 'winning' right now, they could parade around as being too big to stop.
Nintendo has been having failures left and right.
Camden Bell
the thing is that tumblr and pixiv are basically goldmines of porn you wouldn't easily find in rule34 sites like paheal or booru
Hunter Cox
Shit there sometimes is insane. Trigger someone and they attack like swarm of locusts.
Even parody stuff or fetish artists got down because of this shit.
Blake Walker
>just because they THINK the child in drawing maaaaybe underage. that why people moved to
Justin Thomas
Nathan Parker
What's so hard to get?
Peach is the main image of nintendo, only peach porn gets taken down because it's way too much trouble to go for every single piece of porn depicting a character nintendo owns when your average retard kid doesn't even know they exist.
Nintendo wants to avoid children and parents running into peach porn, the chances of them running into midna / splatoon / krystal porn is way, way smaller because they don't even know these characters exist.
Nintendo doesn't want their most notorious characters getting porn, so they take porn from sites they can abuse retarded US copyright law. This is NoA doing it by the way, NoA has no power over pixiv, a japanese hosting site, and it is not subject with US copyright laws but instead protected by jap doujinshi laws, so they don't bother there.
>Anyone can claim to be Nintendo and tell Tumblr to take something down.
No, they can't. Not on tumblr. Tell me, why do you think nintendo are the ones being blamed? And people don't seem to have any issues with sega or any other gaming company? Why is it always nintendo, who, just so happens, are always involved in huge retarded anti consumer fuck ups like denying melee to be showed at EVO when fans donated thousands to cancer so the game could be part of the main event, or nintendo taking down lets plays and attacking youtubers?
Is it really so rare to believe nintendo would also be retarded enough to do this? Why do you defend a shitty company so much?
Gavin Mitchell
i know right?
tumblr and pixiv really needs to fix their shit
Dylan Thompson
>Even parody stuff or fetish artists got down because of this shit.
Source? Only thing I've heard taken down is "pedophilia" related stuff, what fetish artists got taken down because of tumblrinas?
Luis Ortiz
I get tumblr but pixiv is easy as hell to navigate, what's your issue?
Aiden Gonzalez
I googled it and found nothing about people's shit getting taken down. I call bullshit, no way this shit's happening
Ryder James
> calls someone else a cuck > likes 2D women
Get a load of this cuck.
Henry Perry
>It's a comfy 'Nintendo fucked up again' thread
Oh boy!
Dominic Baker
tumblr is cleaning all the porn off their site.
Connor Richardson
yes it does, companies just let it slip cause free advertising
also, playing devils advocate, anyone under the son can claim to be Nintendo and set a take down notice.
its easy as fuck
also I found it funny that the 1 time a porno is deleted now this user happen to be there at the time??
also pic of the deleted material?
Charles Thomas
>muh censorship
Connor Gomez
>His only argument is "PEACH IS THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE CHARACTER SO ALL THE OTHER MILLIONS OF NINTENDO PORN PICTURES THAT AREN'T BEING TAKEN DOWN DON'T COUNT!" Lmao >No, they can't. Not on tumblr. [Citation needed] Of course that would out you as a special snowflake Tumblr user, which would be absolutely hilarious. >Tell me, why do you think nintendo are the ones being blamed? Because people that are actually obsessed fans like to blame them for trivial shit? Stubbed a toe in my new Mario Vans, must be Nintendo's fault. My Mario coffee mug spilled on my Mario shirt, fucking faulty Nintendo manufacturing. >And people don't seem to have any issues with sega or any other gaming company? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holy shit you're either retarded or a complete newfag. Every company has a laundry list made for them by butthurt retards. Why do you think they have nicknames like "Crapcom"? >denying melee to be showed at EVO when fans donated thousands to cancer so the game could be part of the main event [Citation needed] >or nintendo taking down lets plays and attacking youtubers? That's the fault of Youtube's bullshit copyright detection system, and it doesn't just happen to people using Nintendo content.
Hudson Butler
I thought Nintendo reached their peak when they started taking down Minecraft videos with Nintendo characters/ textures in the video.
I guess technically Nintendo can take it down if they send a request for Tumblr or if the artists asked for a donation to continue such artwork as technically they're making a profit. Though this can also be consider a huge breach of copyright laws as the artwork itself is original, with only using Nintendo characters as a model.
I hope theres an internet outrage against Nintendo over this shit as its getting to the point where you cant speak about Nintendo IP's without booking 3 weeks in advance along with a base fee.
Not that I agree with it, but it fits with Nintendo's brand image to do things like this. At the end of the day, Nintendo is a toy company that makes products for children and family entertainment, so it makes sense that they'd want to scrub away porn of their female lead
John Davis
Dieselbrain also got his animation taken down and hit with a copyright strike
Landon Wilson
>muh censorship
Evan Sanders
>Nintendo has never removed porn. and there is tons of it >now some random tumblr fag claims his peach porn was down on copyright law excuse me if I call bullshit on this
Jackson Hernandez
Not an argument.
William Hill
>Doesn't know about the evo scandal
If you don't know about it then that already shows what kind of shill you are.
Aaron Nguyen
>>denying melee to be showed at EVO when fans donated thousands to cancer so the game could be part of the main event >[Citation needed]
That actually did happen, but they rescinded the decision a day later.
Landon Evans
>It's not, it's nintendo, it's been confirmed. you know all you have to do is write an email claiming you are X or Y company and ask for a take down??
this is USA not Japan
Luke Morris
>muh censorship
Jaxon Gutierrez
>Turn FE into borderline hentai >Try to remove online pornography of their characters
I need some source that is not the bullshit speculation in this thread
Likely some butthurt PURE peach fan
Charles Ortiz
>Tell me, why do you think nintendo are the ones being blamed? Snow Flake queen claiming Paper Mario U is making fun of her
Justin Wilson
>calling others degenerates when you make porn Is this guy retarded?
Asher Collins
>people might be confused and think the porn you're creating is endorsed by Nintendo
Who the fuck would think that with the way Nintendo has babbified everything they've shat out?
Juan Wright
Isn't porn safe under a parody? The copyright claim should mean nothing, no?
Matthew Scott
Honestly yeah, he's pretty retarded. But that's besides the point, he has the right to make shitty SFM porn if he wants, and nintendo has no right to it. The fact nintendo bothered to attack such an obscure and low key SFM artist is scary as fucking hell.
No one is safe.
Christopher Edwards
Nathaniel Garcia
>it's a battered nintencucks defend their dying toy company episode
Camden Wilson
>muh censorship
Caleb Ross
Exactly. It doesn't make sense for them to attack the character of some literally who
And why only peach? Mario would be their main target if so
I call bullshit
Brody Anderson
actually it can. then Im gonna go and arm adn a leg and bet he/she used model from a game.
that being said, this seems then like an isolated case of someone are NoA being a stupid fuck, not a company policy as is 1 isolated case.
Once a Nintendo lawyer went on his own and took down several youtube videos cause he fucking wanted and could use the Nintendo name. got fired. hard
Carson Thompson
It is. But like a lot of content hosts Tumblr just relies on the company's word and nuke any "offending" posts without raising much fuss. Easier than actually contesting such claims.
Hunter Diaz
>superstreamteam literally nothing of value was lost fuck that guy and his two-frame "animations"
Brody Cook
I can't find this guys stuff on a booru, anyone got a link?
Joshua Ramirez
>Nintendo >not degenerates
Nathan Bailey
Because telling the internet to remove something has ALWAYS worked.
Joshua Stewart
>nce a Nintendo lawyer went on his own and took down several youtube videos cause he fucking wanted and could use the Nintendo name. got fired. hard
Link to any story about this?
Blake Richardson
>their dying >posting on Black and sonnygers still wonder why they are the most hated fanbase
Caleb Adams
Nintendo is Puritan They censor porn for fucks sake
Levi Cook
Brayden Smith
They already did shit like this years ago with the Pokemon Tepig hentai.
Jayden Brown
Spare yourself the effort, much like the artist does with every piece he puts out it's some of the lowest-quality SFM shit out there.