Go into local gamestop to buy a game

>Go into local gamestop to buy a game
>Get in line to checkout
>Fedoralord weeaboo neckbeard in front of me
>"Yes sir how can I help you today?"
>"U-uh...c-can I pre order a game?"
>"Yes sir, what game did you want to pre order?"

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like a nice guy

>Go into gamestop to pick up ZTD
>Clerk asks me what the games about since he's never played it and some sperg has been calling over and over to check and see if it's in
>explain that it's a puzzle game/visual novel with a pretty interesting plot
>"Cool, I'll check it out. Enjoy your game!"
>pay and walk out


>Work a seasonal job in sales
>Veteran employees treat me well
>Boss is cool
>I help customers as best I can despite limited knowledge of consoles I don't own, and no one gets annoyed or screams at me
>end the seasonal job with a decent amount of money and a good working experience

>walk into EB games
>Buy a game
>Walk out


>To go GameStop to pick up GoW Collection for the Vita and GoW3 Remastered because I never had a PS3 and never played 3
>Also pre-order God of 4 while I'm there
>Bump my hand on the bargain bin on the way out
>I was the only one there besides the employee so they had to have seen that

>Walk into shop to see if they have a power cable for a PSP
>Know its a longshot, so won't be too disappointed if they don't have anything
>Ask the clerk if they have any
>They don't
>Clerk apologizes and tells me a couple of websites where I might be able to buy one from
>Thank him and say goodbye

>go to gamestop to buy FE:Awakening
>clerk asks if I want that or the new one
>"Nah man, they censored it and shit and the voices are shit. I'll play this one, I've heard it's good"
>"I'd still get the new one, I don't play it for the characters, I play for the gameplay, you know?
>"I-I dunno, I'll just get this one."

f-fucking gamestop

The one with the games or the toys? Because the bargain bit at my local GS only has a fer mine craft toys lining the bottom.

>Go into gamestop to pick up ZTD
>"I am here to pick up a game"
>"Star Ocean?"
>"No, Zero Time Dilemma"

>That artstyle
Is this what I think it is?

>go into gamestop
>qt grille at the counter
>ask for Kirby Planey Robobot
>i ask "Hey what IS Kirby anyway lol" to try and be funny
>She responds with "Kirby is the greatest hero of Dream Land, Pop Star, and the surrounding satellites. Kirby was created to be"a simple character who could be drawn with music"says HAL. He-- in my opinion, is quite Taoist in essence, Tao meaning he embodies many of the traits of the ancient Chinese Way. For example, in his modest appearance Kirby is small, pink, and always wears a happy face (disregarding American Box-arts). His cute exterior masks his true inner potential and ferocious skills/appetite- much like how a true master of martial arts does not go around starting fights, both paths are the key to a long, happy life. He is an entity composed of opposite energies and can produce the Five Elements: Kirby can be cold as ice, hot as fire, quick as lightning, still as stone, soft as a cloud, or sharp as needles. Kirby's most famous skill is the ability to inhale enemies and their attacks, and either copy them or spit them back out as stars. This technique is certainly very similar to TaiChi, where the opponent's force is used against them. The way Kirby gains abilities can be thought of as the potential each of us has within ourselves- we have the chi to become anything we set out minds to, with proper direction and diligence. Kirby is round and simple- a symbolic representation of the cycle of life and the genuine nature of all things. Kirby has good morals (De), always helping those who come to him in need, and often making friends, going so far as to convert former enemies into friends through pure will and good-character. Finally, both he and Dedede know the value of Wu Wei: despite his fame and power, Kirby prefers to live the lazy lifestyle in the amazingly peaceful Dream Land, where the King rules by doing absolutely nothing."
>"O-oh... O-o-okay, th-thanks..."
>slump away without buying the game

Fucking Gamestop.

>have my fairies turn me into a girl
>go to all girls summer camp to creep on my crush
>have sexy yuri adventures

one for games. I didn't end up knocking anything over but it made a loud thud and I just kept going without looking back

>"Nah man, they censored it and shit and the voices are shit. I'll play this one, I've heard it's good"
>people actually say this shit in person
Sup Forums really has ruined you, hasn't it?

So it is what I thought it was

>when the Gamestop employee mocks you for buying anime games with sexy girls on the cover

wubba dubba dubba that true?

>go in Gamestop to pick up Grand Kingdom
>pick up Odin Sphere remake too
>had a spare artbook so they threw it in
>clerk talks about JRPGs for a sec
>didn't ask me about pre-orders or the goddamn card, thank fuck
>paid and left
One in a million. Filled the shit out of that survey happily.

we're not supposed to say things that have literally never happened

>had to keep going to different GameStops to find physical copies of the Nepnep games on Vita
>distinctly remember the one I had to go to to get Hyperdevotion and Re;Birth 2 because it was one I've never been to before
>there were 2 employees there and both of them were total qts
>the one that rang me out mentioned that she was the one who traded in Re;Birth

>Walking into FUCKING GAMESTOP to buy a copy of Bowsers Inside Story
>Cute lady at the counter
>Have been told I need to get a girlfriend, decide to talk to her to get more confidence
>Find a copy for $43 because FUCKING GAMESTOP
>Fine, whatever, I'll take it
>Hand it to her at the counter while attempting to appear calm and collected, despite being scared shitless
>She smiles as she scans it and say "Hey, I really like this game. It's my favorite Mario and Luigi game"
>I hand here the money andI stutter out a "m-mine t-t-too" despite never playing it
>She smiles and back as she hands me back the change
>"M-maybe I c-could tell a story i-if I got inside of you hehehe"
>Her face almost instantly goes from a cheerful smile to a stone cold expression of pure shock
>I awkwardly look at her for what was probably 3 seconds but felt like 3 minutes
>Run out of there with my spaghetti barely intact

Is it ever getting finished?

>Go to gamestop
>man at the counter looks like a nerd
>Him: "Yes sir, we do sell Madden"
>Him: "I don't own an Xbox One"

Fucking Gamestop

>wanting it to end

I had a girl at EB Games get butthurt when I bought Catherine because apparently her name is Catherine and the sexualization on the cover bugged her. She got another clerk to do the sale.

>go to Gamestop around the time they stopped selling Gamecube games
>inbetween like a billion copies of Naruto Clash of Ninja and Madden 2003 is Custom Robo
>it's only $7
>buy it and have a good time

Had the opposite experience. I went into Gamestop a couple years ago looking for a PS2 power cable and they laughed at me and told me they only carried current gen stuff. Some Gamestops seem to have better people in them than others

Well, is it ever getting continued?

Very slowly

They're always trying to upsell you at Gamestop, don't fall for it. If you did your research and know what you want, don't let them convince you to get something else

That's pretty pathetic. I'd be honored if there was a sexy video game character with my name. Don't think any exist though.

>go into gamestop
>know exactly what I'm trying to buy
>Bring up Dark Souls II: SoTFS to counter
>"Uhh you sure you want that? Not Dark Souls III"
>Yes, I'm sure. I already beat DaSII dx9 SoTFS on PC, but want to try SoTFS with mob placement change
>"Yeah, but that is the weakest souls game"
>I disagree, can I buy this game?
>" I guess"

I thought you weren't allowed to shove your opinion down customers throats when they buy games

>No gamestop in my country
Uhhhhh, fucking gamestop ?


What is this becuase I feel like I read it somewhere before, but can't remember.

>not just buying discounted SoTFS off of Steam

Your own fault senpai

You can if you are attempting to sell a more expensive game

>Buying the worst dark souls
He was trying to save you from a shit game

I bought nier and the cashier tried to talk me out of it saying it was a bad game

still need to play it

He said he's buying Dark Souls II not III

>Mid February
>walk into GameStop
>"Hey, uh, do you guys have a copy of DigimonStory: Cybersleuth?'
>"No, sir they're closing down all the Gamestops on the island in 3 weeks. We're not getting any new games."
>"O-oh ok."
>There is no Gamestop
>The only options are Walmart or the shitty local stores run by weebs
Living in Puerto Rico sucks.

i cant run dx11, thats why im buying it on console
i already got a ps4 for bb (what a mistake that was) might as well make use of it with softs

>Go to Gamestop
>"Do you have Burnout Revenge for Xbox 360?"
>"No sir, I'm afraid we do not."
>"Alright, thanks. Have a good day"
>"Thank you sir, you too."

Those fucking assholes I swear to fucking god

>still need to play it
Yes you do.
Stop what you are doing and go play it right now before you get spoiled.

>walk into gamestop to buy some PS3 game, can't remember
>guy at the counter says I can get BloodBorne for 30$ since I have a Powerup Pro account at gamestop
>go home and have fun with new game and BloodBorne
Gamestop doesn't deserve the hate

okay user I'll play it after I finish nep nep

Don't worry Robert. I'll make one.

>bringing in your mom from the car because you want to buy an M-rated game
I'm so sorry mom


He was fucking right you idiot
He tried to do you a service

>many years ago
>go into gamestop for the first time
>turn 360 degrees and walk up to the counter
>"hey can I get Game?"
>stands there looking at me in silence with a blank face
>His coworker looks at him awkwardly
>"W-why do people always, uh, ASK if they can get it? Why is it in the form of a question?"
What an autistic spergy faggot. I've never gone to a fucking gamestop since.

didn't mean to reply

So glad I talked myself out of buying a ps4 for only bloodborne. Looks like a great game, but there is literally nothing else on that console that doesn't look average.

Not the guy that you quoted but I am the guy that told the initial story and my name really is Robert.

>Bring along grandparents
>My Grandma actually knows how to fucking read
Can never pull any shit with my family


So am I getting paid to make the lewd Robert game still, or what?

>"Yeah, but that is the weakest souls game"
You can tell they're a Sup Forums shitposter from that line alone.

I kinda did this once because I heard clerks talking about how awesome The Elder Scrolls online was going to be and asked if I wanted to preorder it.

I was like "Fuck no that game looks terrible. It's going to bomb because the gameplay sucks and they ruined the lore," they didn't know what to say.

Guess who was right.


>walk into GameStop
>accidentally trip over magazine rack
>fat autismal smelly employee waddles over and says YOU THINK YOURE SO FUNNY FAGGOT YOU WANT TO PREORDER BATTLETOADS TOO?
>I get him fired on the spot
I was just clumsy fuckface fuck your gay ass store with shit cluttered everywhere.

>go to gamestop to pick up SK estival versus
>clerk asks if I get old hebijo to trade with him

My local gamestop is alright

Im not trading my hebijo cards though. Homura a best

>go into gamestop to casually browse games
>walk in to find I'm the only person in the store besides the guy behind the counter
>Awkward silence interspersed by him asking me about games and if I want to preorder 3-4 times
>can't immediately walk out or I'll seem like a sperg

>excuse me you do have Shin Megami Tensei Soul Hackers
>shin megumis what?

Not really, no. Video game enthusiasts can have opinions on video games without going on Sup Forums

>the furniture of law enforcement

fucking gold.

>Be spic on vacation in the USA
>Go to gamestop to buy cheap PS4
>My english is very shitty
>Cashier is a spic and talks me in spanish to make things easier

>mfw I live in a small town so my local gamestop still has a lot of rare games they never sold because most of the people in my town are old people who don't really care for games

>go to gamestop
>day of sfv release
>ask for a SFV TE2 stick
>they say its only for preorders
>Doesn't make anysense but okay
>come back a week later
>TE2 still there
>can I get that?
>No thats for preorders only
>week layer
>Can I get that
>No, we wont tell you again

I dont fucking get it, you're not selling it and im willing to pay for it, fuck you gamestop

>Gamestop still has all the Ace Attorney games in pristine condition for $10 each
>Buy them all and have a blast
Fuck Gamestop

Ronnie pls

>walk in gamestop
>preorder hatsune miku project diva
real human bean

When the say "for preorders only" they probably meant "they WERE preorder only" as in, "we don't have any because they were preorder only"

sauce on the pic?

>walk into Gamestop
>just browsing, looking for what I came for (I forgot what that was exactly)
>Gamestop employee walks up to me and hands me a paper and tells me about their Trade-in offers.
>"Um, no thanks. I'm just looking."

FUCKING Gamestop! I had just walked in the store and they immediately want me to sell my games to them for next to nothing.The absolute cucks!

Is camp sherwood the greatest western porn comic ever made?

The voices really are bad, though. Go listen to Effie from JP and then from NA and tell me that isn't a reason to not buy it.

ps2 and ps3 have the same power cables, dont they?

Roinnies nose looks like a nut sack

Gonna want sauce on that

>no thanks, just looking
>well hey why not check out these OFFERS!
>what n-no, i'm j-j-just looking
>p-please i-im just l-looking

>Being ashamed of hobby standards
Not everyone is a self-hating cringelord

Oh what, you mean just Camilla and Effie? Everyone else sounds just fine.

No, they don't funny enough.

but da coqui senpai

I've heard the first and third responses, goddammit. FUCKING!

What is this from?

which nep nep?

>go to gamestop
>guy points a gun at the manager
>guy breaks manager's arm
>steal all the games and consoles
>close for a week


>Be secretly into sports game
>Go to gamestop to buy them for my ps4
>Employees always know a ton about those types of games, and recommend what to buy and what to avoid

Feels good to be a normie even for a bit.

Not gamestop, but we have a Gas Station that likes to pull out ALL THEIR MONEY and count it on the floor every morning at 4AM.

They've been robbed 4 times and they always do this shit. The worst part is I'll come in at 5AM to get a coffee and they'll say can you wait 40 minutes? Fuck that shit.

>No, they don't funny enough.
you're fucking wrong
Source: I own a PS2 and PS3

Awakening's gameplay is shit compared to conquest and even birthright. He's not wrong in this case.


I haven't seen one of those little shits in 5 fucking years. I can't wait for Trump to pull us under.

Is it a slim PS3?

>go to GameStop near the beginning of the year to get an Aqua Blue 2K Vita and FFX/X-2 HD for it to start out with
>while I'm ringing out there was some guy standing over at a game shelf and every time he'd pick up a box to look at it, he'd drop it
>every goddamn time he picked one up he'd drop it
>and he'd always vocalize his frustration over his inability to hold on to things

Which one of you fucks was that


>Go into Gamestop to get a PS2 because mine broke
>Ask if they have any
>Clerk says they stopped selling them years ago and no longer accept trade-ins for them or their games/accessories, but that they did have a used one that hasn't been bought
>It's a dirty old PS2 fat that makes a creepy ass noise when you power it on
>Manager comes up and says he'll let me in on a secret
>Turns out there 4 new ones left from their very last shipment that they never sold because people stopped asking
>Gives it to me for $70


>Walk in GameStop
>Get inFAMOUS Second Son pre-owned
>cashier is a cute girl
>she says "oh that's a really good game, nice choice" in a nice tone
>I say "yeah, but I've heard is not as good as inFAMOUS 2, I loved that game"
>"I couldn't tell you, I never played it"
>"You really should, both 1 and 2 are great"
>her tone suddenly changes "yeah whatever here's your game
>pay and GTFO
>yeah, 2 is better than Second Son


>walk into gamestop
>do you have psp2?
>can you look it up
>it's one state over
>can it be delivered her
>no we don't do that
FUCKING GAMESTOP, i'm pretty fucking sure the website said they could ship shit between stores

>go to gamestop
>Hey do you have MvC2 for Ps2 or Dreamcast
>get laughed out of the store

A-assholes ;_;