Only Dark Souls fans will understand...
Only Dark Souls fans will understand
i can't tell whether you're being an ironic shitposter or if you're legit retarded
>only autists who get buttfrustrated by a hackan slash will understand
I'm a salty motherfucker so my controller has bite marks from Bloodborne and DaS 3 bullshit deaths.
ain't that jus the magic of this shit hole?
You're just a huge pussy, shut up.
>raging over ds3
I can understand bb tho, fuck those shadow of yharniggers
>easiest game in the series made me rage!
kys casualan. Really, if any souls game, starting with demons, made you mad or frustrated kys.
Bad Dudes on NES was harder
this conversation is twelve times more cringey and retarded than op's thread
>no u
Ultimate Power
the cancer of soulsniggerdom
I will never understand people who get mad at a video game to the point of breaking personal property.
Show some god damn restraint.
Then you're retarted. This is a shotpost.
When will "kys" get filtered?
when newfags such as yourself become an hero
>Dying in a game where dying doesnt matter.
kys is a newfag word, like shitpost and meme
Us gamers huh...........
Meme has lost all meaning in recent years, its as over/mis-used as cuck
discussing dark souls/being a soulsfag is newfaggotry at its core. They are the real patient zero, not the words.
Why? The game is fucking easy unless you have the reaction speed of a brick. Dodge, dodge, stab. Repeat 100x.
>Only Dark Souls fans will understand...
I guess that i am not a Dark Souls fan. DaS games are good for relaxation and to chill with,they are nothing special.
I have the reaction speed of a brick and the games are still easy.You just have to plan your attacks and movement.
I never get mad at singleplayer games anymore, I've completed to many hair-pulling bullshit self-challenges to even feel anger when I die to something or choke at the last minute, which I just did a minute ago unfortunately.
But I can never, ever, touch a multiplayer game ever. Anytime I lose to someone even once, no matter the circumstance, I lose my fucking mind and will typically uninstall the game right then and there. So I just don't bother with them anymore.
Sure I've been frustrated before at the series, but not to the point where I break anything
Ive olayed and beaten all the souls games and have never broken a controller. Why? Im not an autistic manchild who breaks his things on purpose.
>Dark souls praised in Sup Forums
>years later
>majority of the players played the souls series
>now marked "casual" on Sup Forums
y'all are no better than hipsters
Never played dark, but demon souls almost made me smash my controller.
I liked the game but I am just too much of a pleb.
I hate how people just append meme to anything they do not like.
t͘bh I don't see it happening f͘am
t. 14 year old wigga
No true Dark Souls fan would gimp their experience by playing with a controller.
Only manchildren will understand
it began with a controller PCucks
>Demon Souls is relevant
That game is irrelevant. Porting Dark Souls to PC is what gave the series rleevantm ad hte subsequent releases are PC oriented, as is the community. Just because you have Demon Souls and the overly simplified Bloodborne doesnt negate the fact that it plays much better with m+kb and on a PC
Only Dualshock users would understand
Here's your (You)
>plays much better with a m+kb
I did that once, but that was because I was a stupid asshole who didn't find the swamp Bonfire before spider titsm and I had to make the journey all the way from Blighttowns bonfire down to the swamp, and I did it like, six times before a friend of mine, hearing my obvious anger, told me that there was a Bonfire in the swamp.
I'm pretty sure I fucked the controller pretty bad.
I've gotten to the point where if I get frustrated playing a game. I just stop playing it. If I continue, my frustration just throws my whole concentration and timing off.
Get good.
For some reason the thing that makes me rage the most in souls games are dogs
Takes a southerner to speak truth on v
Yeah, sorry. The Souls series belongs on PC, but only retards and poor people play it with anything but a controller.