>buy game
>play it nonstop for a couple days
>never feel like playing it again
Buy game
Xenoverse. It was on sale for $12 so I finally got it. Beat it. Done.
>every dark souls game for me
>buy game
>never feel like playing it in the first place
>the game is life
Same. It was fun while it lasted friendo.
Jeez. I didn't come here thinking I'd feel this feel.
Xenoblade x T B H F A M
Stardew Valley
Immediately stopped playing after I got married, after going way too ham
>Buy game
>Get to the middle
>Get bored and never touch it again
I just don't have the patience for long games anymore and I used to love jrpgs as a teen.
>Get game with cute girls
>Unlock sexiest costume and fap
>Never play it again
>bideo gayms
why isn't it fun anymore
this desu
>still excited about sale emails
>buy a game
>so anxious to get into the gameplay that I want to skip the opening cutscenes
>but the story is what eventually keeps me interested enough to finish the game
>the initial hurdle of getting into a game causes me to quit more games than I finish
>Download hentai game
>Download save game to unlock all scenes
>Masturbate one or two times to the hottest looking cgs and uninstall
>Never paid attention to the story or characters
best meme waifu
How do I stop doing this?
I need a new hobby.
Hotaru is a babe
Any harvest moon or animal crossing game.
them pits and tits
muh dick
>sell game
>suddenly want to play it again
Fuck off with this low quality twitter shit you pubescent mobile poster.
>get far enough to unlock Skellige
>stop playing
>start a new character in a few months
>repeat ad nauseam
i fucking love Sabre!
I do this with eroge. If I know I've unlocked the last h scene then I lose all interest in reading the rest of whatever is left.
Fuck off she's mine
When I played Splatoon I played pretty regularly until my first Splatfest, upon which I played it to hell that day and burned myself out and never played again.
>Wanting that shitty Saber
Red Saber a best
every persona ever
I'll be fucked if I'm grinding ever again
I only like Saber because she is King Arthur and I liked that book!
I literally played nearly 150 hours of the new Fire Emblem after it released and I never wanna play it again.
I got ao burned out of it it's not even funny.
I didn't even finish a single campaign.
I want to sell my 360, but I know I'll miss Halo Reach too much
why me
What the fuck were you doing for 150 hours then?
buy game
proceed to unlock all achievements so i can look 'cool' online
after i got all my achievements , i realise no one ever give a shit about them and i get reckt because i didnt play enough time in normal games
Pikmin 3 for me.
I bought that shit and after 20 minutes of playtime I never touched it again.
keep your slut
Grinding my ass off for support conversations and resources.
I do the same shit for every RPG I play, but this one in particular just didn't click.
>play game for several hours in a row
>feel guilty for enjoying myself, turn it off
>sit and browse the internet while self loathing
>buy game
>play it for about an hour
>realize you don't like it
>download 15GB+ game over days
>play 30 minutes and delete
>want to play again
>buy game
>want to impregnate Hotaru
>there's no game that lets me impregnate Hotaru
I wasted my goddamn money
Oh lordy do I know that feel
Exact same shit with me.
>restart to get a refresher on the combat and story
>remember all the stuff you have to redo and lose enthusiasm
>feel guilty for enjoying myself
user, you should get help. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm serious. You may suffer from some sort of depression.
>not even enjoying game
>still playing it non-stop
>alternative is a headful a bad memories if not distracted by games
What anime is this?
>Buy retro game
>Gather all the recommended community patches, fixes, mods and textures to make it prime and proper
>Play it for 2 hours and never touch it again.
Dagashi Kashi
learn to reverse image search
>Play game for like 10 hours straight.
>Actually have no desire of stopping but eventually do because I wanna sleep.
>Next day I have no desire of touching the game ever again.
This has happened many times before.
Dagashi Kashi
Don't watch it if you aren't interested in random japanese candy trivia
I don't know how. I've never even made a doctor appointment before.
>download retro game
>spend 10-15 searching for fixes, community patches etc.
>finally get it working well
>play for 10 mins
>game actually requires me to use my brain
>exit and never play again
man I did this to Kara no Shoujo the story was interesting and all but once I've fapped enough to Orihime and that other girl with the hime-style haircut I never touched it again
Then try talking to your friends or family.
They'll surely help you more than you think. And if not, they'll at least guide you towards someone that can.
>finish game
>feel empty knowing there will never be another game like it
Not him but reverse image searching has been really bad for me lately, like when I search an anime character it comes up with a suggestion for cartoon and a shit load of unrelated shit.
This happened to me with Dragon Quest 8.
Except the reason I never picked it up again was because I was so wrapped up in playing it I didn't realize my first dog was dying until he only had 2 more days left to live.
I remember that night sleeping on the floor with him and crying wishing I'd walked him more. I've never touched a Dragon Quest since.
Same here. Did Google change something?
>Using google for anime image searches
>hype as fuck for Xenoblade X
>Never unlocked a Mech
>haven't played it in months
End my life
Alternatively, get 4chanX/Appchan
Mech combat was trash compared to ground combat anyway
Flying was nice though I guess
I've got all of three of those, neither worked as good as they used to
That's what I do when I beat them. I never play them again.
I think only once has iqdb ever actually led to me finding a source
>get excite about playing game on my day off
>browse Sup Forums all day instead
I don't know what to tell you
I dunno, it just didnt click with me. It was too much.
You get to a point where you need to do a ton of side quests and wander around this planet but I had no motivation to do it. It sucks, it's a good game, I was hype as fuck for it. I enjoyed the 10 hours I played. But it just didn't click.
I buy games I think I might be the slightest bit interested in just to support devs/localizations even if I never intend on playing the game
Hooray disposable income
They're bloody retards is what you tell them. Especially if they don't know who Hotaro is already.
No google searching Hotaru worked, but more often I'm googling something and it will give me a completely unrelated image or suggestion.
>Never unlocked a Mech
How in the actual fuck. You have to do so to continue the story.
I can feel my copy of Beyond Good & Evil glaring at me from across the room
fuck you Jade I'll get to you eventually
>At work
>Boy I wish I was at home playing video games
>At home
>Boy I wish I was out making money
>at work
>have a job that lets me play videogames
>boy I wish I had a better paying job
more than half of my steam library desu
I think we're getting tired of video games guys. This has been my entire experience for the past 3-5 years maybe and it's gotten worse in the last 6 months. Bought a lot of games during all the sales in the last 3-4 weeks like Bloodborne, DA: I, etc. Tried them for a few hours, didn't like or dislike them, and now I'm here. Damn. New hobby time.
>keep trying to play game
>feels too dated
>keep dropping it 1/3 way through
>get mod
>suddenly love it
>can't get enough
I'm gonna take some time off and go learn some falconry, I hope it can boost me to complete my back log
>new hobby
I'm going to play guitar in the park while walking my dog and sipping a latte and bouncing a soccer ball off my knee
how about you?
>Have or 350+ games in steam library.
>About 30+ hard copy games.
>Spend an hour each night looking at games library but have to will to ply anything.
>Go watch Youtube/Netflix for the rest of night.
post your backlog.
>selling games for next to nothing
>not having a sizeable collection
What do you call her? Dagashi-chan?
I want to impregnate her
>buy game at full price
>don't play it
I can top that
>spend $80 on the collector's edition
>don't play it
Well, sort of.
I just wished I could stay at home 24/7 doing nothing.
I hate being outside.
>Have copy of one of your favorite games growing up
>play it a while
>dont beat it, just experience it again for a while
>leave it
>wait year or so
>start getting low on HDD space
>go through games to uninstall
>don't uninstall any because "I might want to play it later"
too thick
I wish playing games for free wasn't so technical. It's not like playing movies for free, where you just download and double click on the file. Noooo. You need to "mount the iso", copy paste "the crack". It's too much. I play games on steam because I'm not desperate enough to learn this stuff.