Oh man. Sony wanted to Keep users OFF PC with the NEO

Will mod support be a NEO exclusive?

We dont care about fallout 4
We dont care about shooters on console
We dont care about old PlayStation updates

Why do we have this thread multiple times a day, it serves no purpose

couldn't handle all the copyright infringement strikes I see


I stopped reading here.

Xbox paid fallout to not release it on the ps4

fuck you, no one speaks for me

You fucking know it

Sony can't keep getting away with it.
xbox paid to get it a month early PS4 not getting it is entirely on the fact that they're having issues implementing it. to be fair bethesda has always been shit with sony.

You for got to ad


Console mods are a mistake anyway.

They are extremely limited in what you can do and all its done is caused grief for modders. I feel bad for what kind of shit they will have to deal with when skyrim remastered comes out.

>PC only mods being re-uploaded for console by people
>Breaking peoples game/not working
>People are giving the original modder shit
>Console users begging for mods
>When told they are not possible on console cries of PC elitist come out by ignorant children
I find it ironic console gamers are begging PC players now seeing how often the GO MAKE A PETITION, PORT BEGGERS meme is thrown around.

the only reason mods for xbox worked so easily is because the xbox is literally just a locked down PC running Windows and DirectX and everything so porting PC mods to XB1 is easy enough

it's a miracle that PS4 is even getting it at all

>the only reason mods for xbox worked so easily is because the xbox is literally just a locked down PC running Windows and DirectX and everything so porting PC mods to XB1 is easy enough
No thats not the reason at all. There are tons of libraries not available to the Xbox

The Xbox is out of the water the same way the PS4 is

Post screenshots of butthurt console users, I need a good laugh.

Yeah this, both consoles are running x86 architecture now. OS differences aside there should be no reason one thing won't work on either platform.

I'm just saying it's easier in comparison, whereas PS4 is running a unix based OS with OS based storage restrictions and proprietary audio formats which is making it hard to get working

that's why it's delayed and has a tiny 900MB limit

obviously the optimal version is PC though, as it always is with Bethesda games

that doesn't mean shit though, there's more to it than that especially when they're just PC mods made for the PC version

if it were so easy then all games would be on linux and mac since they all run the exact same x86 hardware

Who cares, consoles should have mods in the first, shit is a joke. Get a pc if you want mods poorfags.

Worrying about mods when you consoles can't even maintain 30 fps lmao, sad shit bruh

>whereas PS4 is running a unix based OS
Linux and specifically the PS3 and PS4's OS are so fucking far from unix it doesn't mean shit anymore. Its like saying "this chihuahua is wolf based" or some draconic shit.

The consoles had no problem running mods, the hardware limitations first of all were the greatest bottleneck and the lack of the memory means you couldn't run or store tons of mods like PC's can

this has little to do with x86, the OS or any of it. Fallout isn't even a DX12 game

Fuck mods. I'll stick with the original vision of the creator.

There are multiple mods that are pretty much objectively a straight up upgrade to their respective games.

Gee, I totally didn't see this coming.

if what you were saying was true then we'd have mods on PS4 right now

and just because it isn't a DX12 game doesn't mean it isn't a DX game.

Keep telling yourself that you Sonygger

Trying to find some screenshots I had but here was a post I found so far.

>Tells someone to make him a mod
>Do it because unlike the modder I have a job
>Ask for something by insulting someone
What the fuck is wrong with people?

They did have mods on PS4

the main complaint was from copyright infringement from console users stealing mods and putting them up on bethesda net which is why they pulled them

It has NOTHING to do with DirectX libraries. Hell Xbox doesn't have nearly as many libraries as PC does.

who cares the shitbox one has no games anyway

>playing Bethesda games on consoles

>still playing Fallout 4

First guy sounds like a faggot.

go home gamergirl


oh yes, got to love those mods.

got over 100+ mods

still got over 120fps

capped at 60 due to shit game engine

>have a question/feedback on a mod
>go to comment section on nexus page



This is the reason I really wanted gamespot or IGN to report on this. Those faggots always stay away from negative sony shit. Which ruins the fun and makes their sites pointless.

You can't get 120fps in Skyrim without physics going fucked

no they had it in beta, and that still doesn't change my original point.

1. 900MB limit caused by a security restriction in the UNIX OS to prevent a program from fucking up your device

2. PS4's proprietary audio format which makes it hard to just straight port PC mods to PS4

Modders are already putting a hidden script in their mods that will force it back to main menu if run on consoles.


Reading comprehension?

Playing an FPS on consoles is like playing a Japanese fighting game on PC. There's no point.


>no they had it in beta, and that still doesn't change my original point.
It means what you said was wrong, they DID have mods.

>900mb limit
was artifically implemented
>because of a UNIX OS
Its linux, today's distros are no where near UNIX compliant anymore its a complete and dumb misnomer
>fucking up your device
there are tons of linux applications that use more than 900mb of memory. You can easily get GIMP to well over 16gb if you so tried. There is none of this bullshit "memory limit" The memory management won't just magically limit your RAM because your program made a call for one to many memory addresses.

>proprietary audio format
the PS4 can use MP3, Flac, AAV, and shit.

and fo4 either, since its the same engine.

thats why i capped it.

the games still use a proprietary format, and I never mentioned RAM, I was talking about the 900MB storage limit. The PS4 only allots 900MB worth of mods for Fallout 4. The only way to get around that restriction is if Sony made the mods show up as DLC on the PSN store.



>and I never mentioned RAM, I was talking about the 900MB storage limit
the storage limit was 2gb. And the OS has nothing to do with that storage limitation. It was artifically implemented

Fallout 4 is garbage anyways

and it's 900MB on PS4.

shut the fuck up and do some fucking research already, stop fucking arguing with me.

But what if I want to?

You literally called Linux UNIX, which it hasn't been even remotely UNIX in 20 fucking years. It was using a UNIX Kernel up until 1996. You do some fucking research instead of spewing shit you heard.

The "Unix OS" has nothing to do with an artifically implemented storage limit, there are TONS of programs for all linux distros that use far more than 900mb. Its not "because to stop the programs from fucking up your machine" that doesn't even make any fucking sense.

And yet these threads always fill up with replies. Nice try autist.

I didn't say linux because it's not linux, retard. I said it's unix based because it is. It's running a modified version of freeBSD

seriously fuck off, if you think it's so easy then go apply for a job at Bethesda because clearly they could use the help of a genius like you since you think you know so much.

>literally DELETE THIS

That chicken looks delicious. Probably because it reminds me of some Chinese food thing.

Greatness keeps waiting OP. Lmao

Sonyggers are fucking pathetic

>being a nintendrone
you have no right to be in this thread

Why not?

Nintendo doesn't try to be the retarded little brother of PC Gaming like Sony does. They do their own thing and I respect that even if I haven't touched Nintendo shit since N64.

Sony consoles are so shit that multi-plats better played on PC is all it has. Maybe you should have used your EBT welfare card on upgrading your PC rather than using a cheap knockoff, my negro

>Breaking peoples game/not working
Thats hardly a console specific issue.
Also its hardly one sided, considering alot of the grief is coming from both sides.
Its like an older brother that has to share a game system with his younger brother, the younger one may be an annoying shit but the older ones also a bit of a selfish asshole.

Does constantly making this thread allow you to compensate for your inability to maintain an erection?

Interesting. As a poor guy who can't afford a great PC, I was really looking forwards to console mods. Oh well.

I do remember this one equally autistic pc user and an autistic console user fighting it over in the comments of this one video.
>"M-My mod is too much for your consoles! J-Just get a pc, console users are all shit anyway!"
>Its a shitty weapon skin mod, essentially
>"W-Well we deserve it, we might as well steal it!"
Everyone is autistic in autist land.

>tweet says nothing
Sup Forums is no better than clickbait sites.

>PS4 can't handle mods
>Sony wanted to do x

This site is worse than the sites that it shits on

You misunderstand the issue

>PC mod is made
>Requires certain libraries that consoles simply cannot use. Period
>Works fine on PC otherwise
>Console users cry about it
>Steal mod, reupload it, allow XBone to download it
>Downloading it kills the game save, even if the mod is deleted.
>Console babies cry harder

It's not the matter of the mod bugging out and breaking things. It's like taking a HDMI cable and cramming it into a USB slot. It won't work and all you'll do is break something.

>implying the delay of PS4 Fallout 4 Mods will not work indefinitely

Maybe they're just trying to make things more compatible than the faggot Xbone system and actually run real mods?