What can I say to salty Brazilian players (the ones with shitty English and probably shitty Portuguese too) to piss...

What can I say to salty Brazilian players (the ones with shitty English and probably shitty Portuguese too) to piss them off in chat?

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Say their English is shit, even if it's not. Say that Dilma did nothing wrong.


"Alberto Barbosa is a fag and the Moors were irrelevant".

tell them you're an obese cuck :o)

didnt they lose the world cup or something

Germany won.

just type saint seiya in all caps a few dozen times


hue detected


"Get a green card."

Works every time without fail.

>american level
>get shot by obese niggers who fuck you're wife

Found the zika monkey


"Wow, I love being able to afford all this Nvidia and other mid/high end gear because I live in America and we don't have retarded taxes on imports"

brazilians can't even afford overwatch



Zika jokes.

Comi tua mãe seu cone filho da puta

Just remind them that Brazil has over 60,000 murders per year, and drinking their water seems like a more preferable way to die.

Why don't you speak Brazilian?

>Delicious BR fag tears
Holy fuck I dont even care about Soccor its just great to see them get shitted on a sport they think they own and reach the highest level of salt.


Because no one does.

>What can I say to salty Brazilian players (the ones with shitty English and probably shitty Portuguese too) to piss them off in chat?

>Bra-zil-ia esh-taah mair-da

Roll your RRRRRRs

Nonsense. It's just they call it Portuguese for some reason even though it came from Brazil.

Legit got a guy reported over that. Said it while posing as a BR, had a guy call me a filthy monkey and told me to shut the fuck up, then the Blizz Tumblrinas got upset and told on him.


>eoo centoo nuh leengueessuh
they will be mad.

>tfw you live far away from both Russia and Brazil that getting matched with them in any game is pretty much impossible


This. I get matched with Mexicans who aren't nearly as cancerous, but that's about it. I live in the American southwest.

>you are wife
That's some shitty english mang

cucked :o)

cone in portuguese means cone, corno means cuck.

Holy fuck all these delicious tears

it's a meme you dip

"Lula e Dilma são honestos"

>Being this sad over a soccer game

I understand its all they have, but shit.

Whenever they fail at something say "sit down"