>he hasn't upgraded to 10
The 29th is the last day
Don't get left behind...
>he hasn't upgraded to 10
The 29th is the last day
Don't get left behind...
>upgraded a fuckwhile ago
>remove dumb shit like forced restarts and surface-level data collecting
>litearlly no problems and works wonderfully
if your tin hats are so shiny, go install linux and lose support for 90% of videogames
I already reserved my copy so it does not matter.
Getting a new processor and mobo at some point so I will need to reinstall. Makes no sense for me to upgrade right now.
MS made windows 10 too alluring..
If it ever becomes a necessity I'll just pirate it
Windows 11/12 will probably come out before then
There won't be another Windows, they will just keep updating 10.
Also there was some talk that Windows 10 will become a subscription based OS.
this tbqh famalam
win 10 adds nothing but directx 12 which barely interests me
>Also there was some talk that Windows 10 will become a subscription based OS.
That sounds completely retarded and I'm sure the chinese will find a way around it anyway.
>out for 10 months
>completely free
>only 43%
honestly this is embarrassing, they couldnt even give it away its so shit
spoken like a true PC-illiterate retard. W10 is fastest aborted M$ system to date
>it's another 'shitposter pretends to be a shill' thread
>There won't be another Windows
lol no.
releasing new versions bumps sales, they'd never be stagnant in a market with constant updates
Surprised it's growing really fast. It'll get past 50% in no time
Then again given it's speed, stability and performance, it's no surprise why people moved over quicker than say even windows 7
you mean 'adopted'? that was a pretty bad fuck-up
Most of that 57% is autists who don't believe anything could be better than W7 and old people who don't want to learn a new OS (understandably).
last day for what?
>Then again given it's speed, stability and performance
its literally windows 7 with directx 12
you cant prove otherwise
>he doesn't know
even if that were true, its completely free
and still worthless ! kek
to officially become a slave to microsoft
>6x as many XP users as Vista
Jesus, what a disaster that was.
Redpill me on Windows 10. I wanna get those Xbox One "exclusives", but I don't know if it's worth the upgrade. What am I losing, and what am I gaining?
7 took a shit load of time. By the 1 year gap, it will likely be at 50%
That's nothing to sneeze at
Never mind that 10% of users are on 8.1 which might as well be 10
I know most of the downsides, so what are the actual upsides of Win 10?
I've heard the crashes and of course the spyware of course, and how it runs old games like shiet, but what actually gets better with Win 10 and what do I have to download to make it look like Win 7 instead of a phone tablet.
Also, most importantly for me, what gets wiped and what gets saved?
I will just steal it then.
>Best girl won
You can do what I'm doing.
>have windows 7
>upgrade to 10
>install windows 7 partition
>game on 10 and if I want to do anything questionable I'll go to 7 or linux
If you use a smart phone you might as well throw it away if you think 10 is bad
you're basically giving away your privacy for nothing since windows 10 is about as good as 7.
in the future it'll become almost mandatory but right now? meh
This is what gets me. The 7 cucks always say that W10 spies on you and sells your data to Microsoft, but they don't realize that ANY proprietary OS does the same, much less another version of Windows.
Why not just use Linux if you're going to shitpost about
Is there some simple solution like XP antispy yet?
>Will still be able to download the W10 image from the MS website
>Don't even need to activate it, only downside is you can't select a wallpaper
There's no reason not to upgrade unless you don't want to bother turning off telemetry (which is also in Win7).
spoken like a true cuck
That's dumb
The better route would be
>make a new clean partition with 7
>upgrade to 10 on it
>double back to the original 7
that way you don't lose the original 7 with all your stuff on it
>Which is also in windows 7 if you were retarded enough to leave windows updater active
>which is also in Win7
only if you're retarded enough to update
>most secure
how about performance?
>upgrading is free...
you didnt mess with the UI like metro, right?
>your pc is READY for windows 10
why should i upgrade really?
>Using old versions with security holes
Oh boy.
Since when can you decline it lmao
i use common_sense.exe for protection
>surface-level data collecting
How cute, the dumb frogposter thinks he can stop this.
Why do you care if I'm on 7, 8, or 10 OP? If it ain't broken I'm not going to fix it.
That the day it forces everyone on to 10?
If you cared about security you wouldn't be using Windows in the first place.
I've pirated every OS for my entire life no need to upgrade now.
>He visits websites and downloads files which could potentially compromise his PC
You will die before you're 40.
>worrying about data collecting
Maybe you fags should stop downloading cheese-pizza.
>he upgraded to 10
I caved and upgrade last night because of the +10% FPS boost people were saying they got for TW:WH on AMD cards.
I feel so filthy
>and if I want to do anything questionable I'll go to 7 or linux
how about you just kill yourself instead you disgusting pedophile
This sounds good. I think I'll just do this.
>have win7
>hate it compared to xp, everything is sluggish as fuck with 4gbs of ram
>only upgrade from xp is that the show desktop button is down at the right
>saw win8, disgusting, sluggish shit
>win10 is prolly the same(I don't care about dx12, gonna play vulkan games anyway)
>my next upgrade will be debian with a virtual machine win7/10 for muh solidworks and visual studio
Only people with something to hide complain about the telemetry. Microsoft couldn't care less about your emails to family, or your folder of anime reaction images.
You can also still remove telemetry in seven, you can't in 10.
why are spyware apologists always so fucking superlative?
that's like saying 'if you're scared of crashing your car you shouldn't drive'
which is winxp with themes and the show desktop button on the right bottom corner
pajeet arrived. thread over
When i said something questionable i meant blocking ads
Windows 10 is great. No problems so far, since day one.
Everything's faster too.
The only downside, like all OS upgrades, is compatibility issues.
W10 introduced a fucking keylogger. If you're trying to insinuate that the older microshaft windows versions were anywhere near that invasive you are a really dumb kind of retard.
I have had 0 compatibility issues
I don't get a free upgrade with enterprise.
>Implying Microsoft alone wants this information
>Implying the US govt. isn't the primary benefactor
good goy
>wahh my is my computer slow. I'm going to switch to Linux and save .00005 seconds over the course of my life.
Stop being a nerd, you are an embarrassment to your family.
sure you did, pedoscum
you don't need w7 to run adblock you fucking muppet
The only reason I'm not upgrading to 10 is because I have everything themed and pretty on windows 7
>it works fine for me
I've got 7 and see no reason to touch 10. I just don't care enough, especially since I was forced to disable Windows Update down since it would routinely gobble up ALL of my RAM without warning.
what's the game immediately above stellaris?
is it that pillars of eternity game, or something else?
Windows 10 is great. No problems so far, since day one.
Everything's faster too.
The only downside, like all OS upgrades, is compatibility issues.
I'm not sure what all those other guys are complaining about, the new interface is so sleek and innovative.
If i use an ad blocker while using windows 10 i will be found and arrested, idiot
>I can read memes on the Internet
>I don't realize that my web browser likely acts as a keylogger as well
Give me full remote access to your computer. You've no reason to object if you have nothing to hide :^)
Yeah me too. Till the TW:WH update that uses DX12. I dual boot tho. So it is okay.
$20 have been subtracted from your account
>le everyone who want privacy is doing something illegal :^)
Stop this meme. They know everything about you and can use it against you, even if it's perfectly legal.
Can't get into politics when your porn search history is full of kinky shit to shame you with, If you've said nigger online you're already fucked.
Nobody is clean of anything that couldn't be used as social black mail.
If you're going to use windows then there is no reason to not use windows 10.
8 and 7 will be left in the dust within a year, as the old windows always are.
If you hate windows for their shit then install ubuntu.
keyword. no proof, unlike win10's keylogger which is a fact
>comparing a web browser to a whole pc
Tyranny. Obsidian game
>getting viruses
get lost grandpa
>trust random user mad at windows 10
>or trust a big corporation that handles plenty of user info and doesn't bleed cc info like sony does
they don't bleed, they sell
you must be trolling but still..
save .00005 seconds and add 20 years to my lifespan due to lowering stress, which is caused by windows
Windows 10 is great. No problems so far, since day one.
Everything's faster too.
The only downside, like all OS upgrades, is compatibility issues.
>Implying M$hit sells CC information
M8, they suck, sure, but that's one of the most retarded things I've read in this thread.
i didnt mean credit card info, i meant in general
My laptop came with W10 and literally was not compatible with it
I had Win 10, downgraded to 8.1 because of multiple problems I was having with it, but now I might upgrade back to 10 because of DX12.
10 was pretty good while I was using it though other than the bullshit that was hogging up my resources and the problems I was having that were probably also hardware related.
>They know everything about you and can use it against you
>o-only if you try and get into politics though...
nice argument user, im shaking in my boots
>Now let me post about my private life on facebook and twitter, make use of Google services, and install """"free"""" apps on my phone that request access to my call logs and image gallery
That gives them ultimate power over who gets into politics user.
They could also easily pass laws to get people incriminated for minor offenses as a quick an easy mass taxation method.
>i'm retarded so that means everyone is retarded
>but i'm smarter than them
>i'm smarter than all of them
okay be honest Sup Forums
should I upgrade or keep w7?
I doubt any of those win10 denier even deactivated telemetry in win7.
Do you need DX12?
If no. Then don't.
>make new partition
>install fresh 7 on it and upgrade it to 10
>go back to your original 7 until there's something you want to use 10 for
Why not both?
The point is that you CAN deactive telemetry in win7
You can't in win10