>enemy's can attack you while it's still your fucking turn
Enemy's can attack you while it's still your fucking turn
Jesus fuck what happened to Bill?
>Enemies can interrupt cutscenes and attack you
hes probably high on coke, weed and pussy also he got that boozer nose
this would happen to anyone having to spend 30+ years will Hillary. that cunt is a fucking soul stealer
Xcom 2
Damn, Bill is looking like he's 100 years old.
AIDS from his victims. That or Hillary.
I, too, browse /r/thedonald!
Beserker Queen is literally impossible on impossible
Monica Lewinsky
lewinsky is a literal succubus
she took everything he had
While probably true. You can fucking despise Hillary for being a globalist shill without immediately liking Trump.
there is literally nothing wrong with trump
All wrong
He got old, just like George Sr. The Dude comes to restaurants in Kennebunkport not being able to identify soup. Bill is just as sharp as he was in the day, the dude just got old.
I wish we could build a wall between Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums tbqh.
He's 69 years old. It's not unusual for him to look like that.
late game multiplayer in Civ Rev would actually fuck up like this, the game was still "turn based" but you could end up moving units and fighting practically in real time somehow
an unflattering photo + the inexorable march of time
Is bill ok?
I agree. That wasn't my point though.
this is honestly the main reason i don't play final fantasy games.
He looks 90. I'm worried for his health. Well, not really......
So this is what happens to people?
What kind of nightmare have I spawned in.
He's fine
It's not even like they're in overwatch and get one snap shot at you entering their field of vision, they just fucking lay into you until you stop your turn then they also stop.
It's fucked.
Sup Forums is very scary
Look at before and after pictures of any president. Before Presidency they look like normal men their age, after presidency they always look like they age 50 years.
so you should be able to just flank them at will?
for you
Who's Bill?
>enemies can attack you even after you said you had no sexual relations with that woman
>Tfw he'll be the First lady
Or is it First man?
he'll be dead by then and hillary's gonna get trounced anyway
>Hillary will get trounced
How so?
just like how brexit polled poorly
it literally means nothing
especially when trump people get routinely bullied and arent going to just announce their support
>Enemy charges up an attack
>Hitting them doesn't interrupt them and they avoid all damage
>You're trying to go for quick attacks
>They can interrupt you easily and you can get stunlocked to death
I guess this isn't the Xcom thread then
Delete This
Still looks absolutely horrible compared to Bush, considering they are the same age. Have you seen the pictures of him giving speeches with lesions on his forehead? He's probably got cancer.
>brexit polled poorly
The Brexit polls were neck in neck
Plus American demographics are completely different
He was a fuckup then, he's a fuck up now. In b4 muh 90's, muh balanced budget. Any one can be a saint in paradise, fuck off, plus housing bubble, economic bubble, great recession fuck off left.
That poll might as well erase the Hispanics with how valid it is
>Spics not voting
I would agree with you if the Republican candidate wasn't Trump
Hillary's doctor has me on new medication!
It doesn't help he became a vegetarian.
I mean, kudos to him, but most true vegetarians end up turning into bean poles.
They are going to be voting in record numbers out of Trump paranoia this time, if nothing else.
Leave had no chance a year beforehand and slowly became closer. Its the same shit with trump. Things like that succeeding only gives him more momentum because now its actually possible.
hes a 69 year old whos had to go through heart surgery
I hate Hilary. I hate Trump.
But above all, I hate Sup Forums. So seeing them scream, cry, and pout when Trump loses will be worth having that fucking souless whore running the country for 4 years.
>for 4 years.
Try 8, mother fucker. She's going to stay in as long as demonically possible.
>I hate Hilary. I hate Trump.
LOL xxD11!!!!! le centrist meme!
you underestimate the power of Lord Kek my friend, meme magic shall deliver us from Shillary
Sup Forumsirigns didn't spot the kaposi sarcoma.
Shame on you niggers.
>mspaint strawman image
Classic Sup Forums, ha ha!
>implying ww3 doesn't happen before that because the witch actually wants to march into syria
>Shitty Ms paint comics
time to go Sup Forums
It's hardly an unpopular opinion that they're both fucking terrible people.
You thick cunt.
>Enemy charges an attack
>Not sure if you're supposed to guard to evade/survive or attack to break their concentration
>that Sup Forums assmad
you have to go back
>support a candidate
perhaps if only either of them had views worth supporting
Meme Magic isn't always a good thing
It's a double edged sword
Never fails.
Is this guy's talk show better than Steven Colbert's?
they won't.
Just like they didn't in mexico with their shitty ass president, they won't vote in the US, same with niggers and women.
All the votes in these polls might as well not exist.
This tbqh, pretty much completely turned me off from the whole game
69 year olds with money should look better than that. Look at Clint Eastwood.
kek how does it feel to have your commie dinosaur pander his ass off to black people and STILL get btfo by Shillary with the minority vote
Sorry but
You can win the election with only the old white male vote anymore.
That's how much demographics have changed in America
*You can't win the election
>you can dodge/block mid cutscene
>you start the battle in a better position
>you also skip the tutorial if you did this early in game
>Just like they didn't in mexico with their shitty ass president, they won't vote in the US, same with niggers and women.
yeah not like obongo didn't get elected thanks to the black vote or anything
You're right these polls don't matter though. The agenda is just trying to downplay Trump as much as possible.
>enemies heal themselves every time they kill one of your party members
Nice false dichotomy dumbass.
Literally every poll in the final days had either Remain leading or Leave only up by 1
>4 years
if she gets in we'll be piles of ash in 2
>one candidate is a stone cold bitch which shills global vulture capitalism and justifies it with muh feminism, has interventionist views which are sure to worsen the tensions with china and russa
>the other candidate is a joke who has no clue what he's doing, might as well be borderline retarded and only got so far because people are so disgusted with the left, they'd vote for satan himself
Gee, who am I going to support?
obongo mobilized pretty much the entire black vote
Trump has one of the highest republican black support in ages, same as spics and chinks
Leave was polling better by a very clear margin only weeks before, and then Remain was doing a little better a few days before. It was always very close and nothing at all like the American polls where Hillary crushes Trump.
It's called real-time combat, you idiot.
>has no idea what he's doing
same shit lad, leave only just pulled ahead towards the end and then Jo Cox died and the polls all showed remain ahead
So ... what you're saying is that it was basically neck and neck?
As left as it gets
All Trump needs to pull back into the race is a few more domestic terrorism incidents to get people riled up. He'll be back near 50% soon enough with how things are going lately.
I mean Remain up by 8-10 points lad
What happened in Bangladesh willl only benefit Trump's message about Islamic terror. More happenings coming as Ramadan comes to an end.
Hillary drained him