Overwatch is actually a shit game right?

Overwatch is actually a shit game right?

I mean, I wanted to like it. but it's just way too oversold for what it is. and blizzard is high if they think they can make tf2 minus hats, be a fucking e-sport. If you doubt me, play a little solo-queue competitive. You will contract cancer. EVERY fucking game is like just a LANDSLIDE in one direction or the other. As soon as the cancerous big-top faggot streamers stop streaming it. It will die like HOTS. I don't honestly know what
Sup Forums's take on this is. I just want some non-reddit, non-blizz-shill, discussion. In support or opposition to my claim.

Other urls found in this thread:


also, as is usually the case. I think that most of the issues I have with this game could be fixed by blizzard. but they won't, because blizzard has become this faceless wall of bureaucracy that no longer actually gives a shit about their fan base, a la Nostalrius.

I love how these Valvedrones will praise TF2 yet they won't point out the cancerous TF2 hat culture and people will pay a dime and a leg for it.

However, Overwatch actually has some authentic balancing and unique gameplay and the only additional thing you can pay is more loot boxes (but that's for retards)

The balancing of this game comes from switching out different characters for different situations. There's no "mains" you learn how to take advantge of switching characters at the right place at the right time and working as a team.

TF2 is just, "HATS HATS HATS" and people posting ebin memes and they play one class over and over again. It's fucking pathetic.

>I just want a thread where people agree with me and anyone who doesn't is a shill

let's be clear, I hate tf2. I've probably played for like 30 minutes total in my entire life with the exception of surf maps. and I've played WOW and Diablo and all that shit forever. Overwatch just seems like a fucking meme.

It doesnt really matter what other people say
You've stated that you just want people to tell you that you are right and you won't take anything else as an answer

I apologize for triggering you.

I'm just looking for a fucking discussion I'm not saying that I need people to agree with me. why don't you explain in your opinion the best parts of this game to me.

You arent helping
you set up the thread to be "this is my opinion and anyone who says otherwise is a blizz-shill or reddit"
no one is going to make any arguements because everyone knows you will just dismiss it with a one off comment

>Game is popular so it must be shit!
>I'm not a mindless drone! I'm not like the rest of these normie sleazbags liking anything super popular!
>I'm a special snowflake and I will like anything that's not popular! if it does become popular I'll shit right on top of it!

You're just like everyone else user.

Well you haven't actually said anything. other than shitting on TF2 which has a host of obvious shitty aspects and a toilet for a community.

I just don't get what I'm missing. should I just avoid solo-queue altogether? or competitive all together? am I being unreasonable in my expectations for a game that was in development for an eon? Do you enjoy the game?

This user actually gets it.

Except in the OP he literally asked for opinions supporting him or AGAINST him that isn't a shill or Reddit.

Against means people who are not on his side and/or do not share similar opinions, views, beliefs, stances, what have you. Why are you that defensive over a some video game user? There are many people who dislike video games I enjoy but I don't white knight into those hate threads like it was a grill in need of defending. Holy shit, kid. Grow up.

> I just want some non-reddit, non-blizz-shill, discussion
Anyone smart won't even try
the only thing to come from this thread is "that doesnt count you are just a shill"

It's honestly pretty fun. The core game is solid and addictive, and it has Blizzard's polish on it. I disagree that games are always landslides, although they feel that way since the shittiest experiences are probably the ones that stick in your mind. There are a lot of comebacks and last minute wins in my experience. At least from what i played in competitive, people are generally more capable of making decent team comps than in regular matches, so solo queue hasn't been that bad. Needs some new maps and heroes soon though, or I'll probably get bored soon.

Is this copy pasta? If not then I'm saving it

>tick rate is 20

I'll pass until that's fixed.

meh the game seems to care too much about roles to even try new things and end up with the same team compositions towrad mid to end of the game.
I thhink the game would be a lot better without ultimates, almost every decision to push or defend depends entirely on them and in the emantime people are just "throwing rocks at them" reminds me of LoL at laning phase which is dull as fuck.

So, how would you have me restructure my initial statement? I'm not trying to be edgy or different. or shit on popular things. I just am surprised that overwatch's reception on
Sup Forums of all places is so unaffected by some of it's more glaring defects.

Try not using buzzwords like
X is just a meme
try to actually read other opinions instead of writing them off as something you dont like

>Blizzard polish

Sorry, I can't read the rest of that post seriously anymore

I DON'T KNOW HOW THE FUCK I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS. I mean with unlimited resources and in the year 2016 this is actually rediculous. in-arguably rediculous.

7/10 max thanks to interesting heroes, but that's as high as I'll go

Nobody outside north america above 12 should be touching shit like this. Look at you.

I'm playing it currently with friends and having a fine enough time. That's really only because I'm playing with friends. Solo I think this game would be miserable

I think the gameplay is much too shallow to have any real long term viability. It just boils down to

>aim well
>save ultimates

Crazy amount of depth there. Honestly, they can keep the game alive for awhile though just by adding more heroes and maps.

well, here's the thing. I don't post to Sup Forums or the Internet that often. so next time I'll keep you in mind. The intended use of those statements was more to gain credibility than anything else. Because I specifically wanted
Sup Forums's take on this game. I don't consider Sup Forums to be the de facto fucking end all be all judge of quality in video games but I do know that for the most part they are great at really zeroing in and latching on to the exact shittiest qualities of even the best video games.

Not even him, but look at even just the graphical and artistic difference between Overwatch and TF2. Overwatch looks amazing and has so much character.

you are talkign about shitposting central
on top of that you also posted the two things that people use the most to completely dismiss posts to avoid any type of arguement

on top of that it feels like you are trying to sell your opinion as fact

next time just ask what the appeal of the game is instead

TF2's original art style is better then overwatch's IMO

before hat and shit it was at least consistent
overwatch feels all over the place

>aim well
the tick rate and hitboxes the size of a balloon makes it so any kid can never missin this game.
is mostly about ultis and moving with the skills.

Jesus christ. Do you actually have an opinion about the fucking video game or just my anonymous image board posting etiquette. I think I actually asked you specifically how you felt about it. Would you like to weigh in on the video game itself?

Also, what the fuck? Shit-posting really? This is Sup Forums. The first page of this board is all shit posts. When did that become a thing that people get so bent about? Or is that just you?

That's just because every hero is so unique. I think that's probably the best thing about the game, is that every hero's playstyle, weapons, background, look, etc. are all so different.

On another point, skins are all cosmetic and they don't have to worry about trying (or failing) to balance hundreds of different weapons.

its not just the characters but the levels themselves
I get that they want to be diverse and it isnt a bad thing but there is no rhyme or reason in the game
and i dont mean skins i mean the whole game in general

nvm about the Shit-posting bit. misread your comment sorry. I thought you were mad that I was shitposting.

>blizzard is high if they think they can make tf2 minus hats

They had hats as early as the closed beta though.

Why does this game make people so incredibly salty? We ain't talking DotA/LoL tier of salty, it is even worse than that shit.


>tfw you fell for the hype

stop it

I'm not trying to write off your argument, but I'd say the same thing about the levels. It adds so much more to be at another map and not feel like it's just the same shit with the buildings moved around a little bit.

It doesnt take a scientist to know overwatch is great

I'm not writing yours off either I'm just saying that TF2 feels more consistent
at least in TF2 the team actually kind of looks like they are in a team

it´s called art direction

yeah that pretty much sums up that discussion lol. There is no comparison between these 2 things.

I personally do not like the game. It's visually ugly and none of the characters seem consistent with one another. Maps are largely uninteresting, and these so called ultimate skills just don't feel satisfying to use in a first person shooter.

It's the current popular game for now, which doesn't bother me. I just wish people would stop asking me to buy the game, both ironically and otherwise.

I actually installed TF2 right now, played for a couple minutes and uninstalled that shit. Seriously there is no reason to play inferior games when a better alternative exists.

oh, and the source engine aged like fucking shit, seriously

>It's TF2 minus hats
Its not.

>Every game is a landslide
Most games go into Sudden Death. People's biggest complaint with ranked right now is that it can take upwards of an hour to get a victor.

>It will die like HOTS
It's sold gangbusters worldwide. The community is booming on YT, Twitch, Art Blogs, you name it. Its kicking LoL's butt in Korean PC bangs. The constant flow of free maps and heroes will keep people coming back in the foreseeable future.

>I just want some non-reddit, non-blizz-shill, discussion. In support or opposition to my claim.
Sounds like you're dismissing any opposition.

So you played a game you didn't want to like for half an hour?

How did source age poorly?

TF2 looks and plays like a game from 2005.

What are you, 100 years old?

The dated graphics are real, but how does it play bad?


You are trying too hard to hate the game.

It is not oversold; blizzard did some clever marketing to have people try the game. Once someone tries, 95% of time blizzard's mission is accomplished and the individual will keep playing. Cause it's shit-ton of fun.

Faggot streamers will not stop streaming it, faggot audience will not stop watching it. Cause it's shit-ton of fun.

And about it not going into e-sports.. yeah, that's probably why every major gaming team has a dedicated overwatch squad right now.

You can hate the we-rekt-them or they-rekt-us issue, sure. But you'd be lying saying you didn't have some really nice, ballanced, close matches. And these are fun. Fun enough to join another match. Shit-ton.



I just want to know what was supposed to be wrong with TF2's gameplay.

>6 v 6 gameplay
>game is balanced around ults
>21 and counting heroes
>heroes with stuns and abilities that instantly kill targets
>Blizzard is balancing this
>blizzard is also trying to balance Competitive and normal play
>Heroes STRONG counter other heroes

It's feels artificial. Like that small moment of joy I get when I ult or use an ability doesn't feel earned. Feels like a modern video game I guess.

It's clunky as shit.

Feels smoother than most shooters. hitboxes are bit awful, but it's old as fuck so that's to be expected.

Of course it feels smoother on your ancient toaster

>wait for ult
>press A when on point

The controls user. Every source game feels really nice to control. Nothing is clunky about it.

Not that user but what's the point?
At best you don't like the game, oh well move on nothing we say will change your taste. You can't tell shit taste good, and make me want to start eating it.
At worst you're a shill and well why bother.
Go play whatever game it is you do enjoy, why bother making this thread?

Guys I saw a few guys at a party yesterday and they had some stds. I don't like stds, I think they're bad for you but they had them. Convince me why stds are bad or if you like having them tell me why.

maybe on console but in my experience on pc people have had to be at least a little tricky to not die in the middle of their ults

ok here's the thing: tf2 can be played in a myriad of different ways, you can spend thousands of hours learning to master rocketjumping and play on an almost unlimited amount of jump servers, just for fun and then apply that to an actual game as well

you can also just work the economy with hats, the economy itself is kind of shit but easy enough to work and really rewarding once you develop a personal technique of making profit

you can also spend lots of time just being an idiot, a totally inept retard with just a sandvich in his hand and nothing else and guess what? other people will actually join you sometimes so you can collect a party of retards to lead into certain death. most people don't like the friendly aspect of tf2 and focus on the objective but it adds an extra layer of depth that overwatch kind of replicates with character interactions that feel kind of forced personally, but to each their own

the interactions are also heavily tied to lore, which both games have a lot of but overwatch really hasn't fully fleshed itself out yet and the lore is kind of everywhere, the lore of tf2 is also really kind of stupid but makes sense and kind tie into gameplay as well (MvM, halloween events)

now, overwatch has a LOT better balancing both on a more casual pub level, and also a comp level as well, tf2 is simply too old and has too many weapons and has a really stale meta which people really don't want disturbed and volvo probably doesn't care too much anyway but have been showing enough support to add competitive matchmaking and a supposedly huge update is supposed to land soon so that's cool but it won't do much because again, the comp meta is so fucking stale 4/9 classes are viable at the highest level of comp play with overwatch having one like actually near useless class the robo monk

I have about 5k hours in tf2, and 100 something in OW so i might be a bit biased, but overwatch feels a little linear to me but it's also too young to make any assumptions

have anymore loliwatch?

>you can spend thousands of hours learning to master rocketjumping
Fuck off, nerd.

I actually haven't played overwatch. It is a bit expensive. Will it ever drop in price to under $40?

You best stick to your F2P garbage sonny.

Oh well I just don't play over watch at the current moment. Sorry for offending you.

why would you play competitive solo queue? It's just like any other game out there - unplayable when alone


Have fun finding them, because Overwatch has no real fans after ranked.

Even the top streamers get pissed when they lose their hard earned rank and want to quit the game.

For everyone who wants to say fuck you after they lost a match in ranked:
Leave before you have lost and the enemy team will get as good as no ranked points.

Nobody actually cares about your "top" e-celebs m8

overwatch sucks, just like tf2
at least i didn't pay for tf2 when i finally got around to playing it. overwatch is a scam

if you're looking for an actual good competitive experience get far away from class-based shooters. maybe try an RTS or something where you're not relying on a dysfunctional team of retards to perform tasks crucial to winning

>buyers remorse the thread

You fell for the blizzturd.

>Not having 5 friends to play as a team with

>wait for ult
>press q on point
>other team moves out of the way, or someone counters your ult

I think you mean
>player presses q
>another player presses q
>everyone presses q
>who ever lived now caps the point
>if they didn't cap fast enough the game now trudges on for another 8 minutes because no on e will set something like that up again

Every game
Every fucking game is decided with ult spam.

>Every ult is an instakill auto aim ult that cannot be avoided
>Who ever pressed q harder wins

i got overwatch for free on ps4 but i still haven't played it. i've played the beta with a friend and that was it, because that was the game. should i start playing overwatch now or should i masturbate? its a tough call and i just came.

>Temple of Anubis
>Sudden Death
>Your team attacks
>You have 1 minutes and 30 seconds to get Point A

Who in Blizzard thought this was a good idea? Here's my solution for sudden death, ready?

You guys ready?
One round of a random KotH map.

Can Blizzard hire me now?

>americans complaining about the cancer in their community

what a surprise
Everything that you just listed never happens on EU region, and i'm, pretty sure other regions are fine too. If you want to enjoy a game then move to the EU :^)

Because it is designed to narrow down the skill differences between good and bad players. You have rely on five random fucks, because you can't carry effectively in this game.

Why is Bastion still OP?

no he isnt

if you think bastion is op youre in low skill mmr

>"I main Bastion and don't want him fixed so I can have my free easy win"

bastion is my main and he isn't overpowered.
a genji or tracer can easily counter him


I noticed a lot of people on Sup Forums has this weird hipster streak where anything popular is shit and if you like it you're a shill and if something is obscure it's the best shit and if you don't like it your a pleb.

It's especially funny when that reaction happens on the same game when it gets popular.


this is the unfunniest post in the history of mankind, just lettin you know

Also, Tracer's so squishy that you can generally just one-hit her with the right character. 'Get good', as the kids today say.

anyone playing genji should not play this game

literally useless

Don't bother OP
The people that come into these threads will go anything to defend their ASSFAGGOT fps because it panders to their low skill ceiling

How this game is allowed to have this many threads here for but other games like CoD and Undertale get's shit on because they are casual shit I will never get

overwatch is tf2 you have to pay 40 bucks to play and without any unique weapons

blizzard's greatest scam since diablo 3, impressive but shitty

>without any unique weapons
But 21 unique heroes with unique abilities and ultimates, and more on the way
Come on, man. You're not actually that blind.

>right click, melee, shift as Genji
> Eliminated [tracer] 100 (little flame symbol)
So satisfying