Download and come explore some worlds with us
Worlds Exploration
Other urls found in this thread:
does nexialist still come on?
the fuck?
Spread the word.
I missed these threads
>implying nu-Sup Forums even knows or gives a shit about worlds
Its all memes and e-drama now bois
Where ya'll at?
found a friend
they warned me of the dangers
and they took me to the safe place
Is this MAP30 of Plutonia 2?
how do i get java 6
Are you 5?
no i'm high
this looks an awful lot like slender
will I get spooked y/n
It's Blair Witch
Look at the symbol in the bottom right
man these threads are the best
Amnesiac is Radiohead's best album, fite me
To be honest, I lost my shit at this part.
Any streams right now?
Ah fuck. Y'all always do this stuff whenever I'm about to go to bed. If someone makes a thread for this tomorrow night a bit earlier I'd be happy to tag along. G'night Sup Forums, sleep well and enjoy your exploring!
It really is
And so it shall be.
the fuck is going on here...
do they still have trivia day?
if anyone here ever wins, please get a screenshot of the "prize" afterward
I am 100% not reinstalling this shit on my new machine fuck that
More like 4th best. Still 9/10 tho
Where you guys at?
I don't know where the cool shit is.
If anyone new is still on worlds, I would be happy to serve as a guide
Yes there is, the prize is vip
Does the link above work?
Yes they do, the prize is vip
y-you too
at least now I know, I was led to believe the prize was spooky
As far as I know, yes. I did trivia a couple months ago and won temporary VIP
You can do spooky things with it, if that counts
Nice, give me a moment while I install it
I'm not sure if I want to go on with this
Nothing can hurt you I think?
>I think?
Don't do this to me, cake.
I don't remember seeing a thread like this and I am here since 2011, well it's not much long but still a good amount of time.
Can I ask for more pics, or someone streaming it?
I'm touring one other person so atleast you wouldn't be on your own
Alright, how to I get to where you are? My username is ECPlat1num
Was meant for
ill be in in a few minutes bois
I remember a few months ago I could get worlds to run again and I start exploring and talking to people expecting a bunch of spooky shit. But what I actually found was a very nice and welcoming community. Everyone who is a mainstay is really sweet and nice. I need to make an effort to get on more often.
What the hell is this?
is there any way to change the controls?
where tf is everyone?
Post username
t. Nexialist
Kid A is better tbqh fampai
how do you get it working on win 8.1
Can I get this to work? Ever since I got a new computer with AMD parts worlds just doesn't open. Redownloading now to try again, don't know if I still have java 6
>not In Rainbows
Fucking disgusting.
Ok Computer is second
>not OKC, The Bends, then In Rainbows
It's weird, best songs aren't on best album.
that is, Fog (Again) Live and Remyxomytosis
I think its something like you have to disable your graphics card then re enable it once you start worlds
I'll give that a try if it doesn't work off the bat. I used to play this quite often on my old laptop and haven't gotten to play it since 2014.
Well that was an adventure and a half
Thanks cake you were a great guide
tried that and it didn't work. I can see that worlds is running in task manager but the window never appears. Anyone able to fix this problem?
Try closing it via task manager and re opening it?
I've tried that a few times, no luck.
Games like this sometimes just don't work on modern hardware. Worlds didn't work on my old computer, but when I built a computer a few months back, Worlds ran absolutely fine with no issues.
Where do you get that demon-looking model?
This nigga gets it
Theres an av gallery for it, however I usually just make it myself
Posts nicknames, fast.