You must bow before a fight!

>You must bow before a fight!

What's your opinion on PvP "etiquette"?

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its normally a good sign you arent gonna get hit with jewwy shit like estus chugging.

but really i dont care either way, its just a nice thing to do, manners never hurt anyone

IDK. I sometimes bow if they bow, but usually if someone invades it's because I'm trying to do something, so I just attack as soon as I see them. It's funny to get a bow shot off while they're gesturing.

Stupid, pointless, and impossible to enforce in any way. It's just a way for people to further differentiate themselves and others like them even in such similar situations as playing the exact same video game at the exact same time.

Gets even worse when it's 'restrictive' etiquette like removing abstaining from certain gameplay mechanics or other intended features.

I do it 95% of the time in the hopes of a friendly fight. That said I'm not expecting anything back - people can play however they want and you can cancel the animation to dodge anyone who just wants to fight.

After playing every Souls game at this point, it depends on the PVP context.

Invasions should be a fucking wild free for all brawl between the invader and the host/phantoms, expecting a courteous bow from the man who randomly fucked into your game to murder your punk ass is stupid

Red/Dragon duel signs are more complicated, but I'd expect a bit of memeing at eachother through an emote or two before brawling. Estus is fucky, if the losing party gets their ass whooped hard enough to start sipping, they shouldn't bitch if the other sips as well

I'm here for your ass and bowing is just bending over for me.

I do it almost all the time, just to show my opponent that Im looking for a fair and friendly match, invasions are a whole other matter tough

Who cares? What sad sack of shit gets torn up when some stranger doesn't bow to them in a video game? If I wanted to RP, I'd play WoW and pretend I'm getting fucked by several dudes and a few animals.

I do it no matter what. No one's going to rob me of civility.

If I summoned using a soapstone i'll bow if they do, otherwise they can go fuck themselves. Invaders aren't meant to be nice, honorable people. They force their way into your world, and then try to force their way up your ass, so why the hell would I treat them nice.

>playing DSII
>host bows
>proceeds to retreat and chug his estus once I kick his shit in
I realize I could punish them with the hunters black bow

There is none. Making the opposing player mad or on tilt is the only thing that matters.

Using humanity is consenting to invasions. They are not raping you.

Prisoner's dilema.

This, all etiquette goes out the window if I'm invaded. Stick to red summon signs if you want an honorable fight.

>invade a guy with intent to stab his dick and steal his souls
Yeah nah.
If you summon an invader I could get it, but not when I'm invading your shit.
When a burglar breaks into your home, he doesn't scream "SIR TYRONE COMETH TO LAY SIEGE TO THINE CASTLE AND DUEL YOU TO DEATH!", he just shoots you in the fucking face.

It's nice but entirely optional and depends on the scenario

It's fun to fight honorably but it can also be fun to be a dirty bastard.
If I'm invaded and the guy doesn't bow, who cares? He's here to fight me and I'll fight.
If he does bow, then cool, we can have a nice little duel.
If I invade and bow, and they don't bow back, fine. I'm here to fuck them up so why should they?

Basically anyone who thinks that it should always be one or the other is stupid

That perspective requires too much roleplaying. In reality, I am bored playing the game alone and the invader is breaking that boredom. I love you and nothing you do will make me hate you.

Do it unless the other player equipped with either the Dark Sword, Ithryll Sword, Grass Crest Shield, Fallen K nig ht set, etc, etc.

>"I'm gonna fucking shank you."
>"Oh thank god, another human being! Hello!"

I like the optimism in the face of murder.

Why the Irithyll Sword?

>the person keeps downing estus like there's no tomorrow anyway
>can't kill that fag before Lloyd's wears off


meant for

I bow if others bow. I prefer when people do it because it makes me less angry when I lose to the bullshit the game often throws at you during a fight.

This. If you invade you're essentially picking a fight with someone against their will so "etiquette" is already out the window.

Pretty dumb especially if you're just going to parry spam each time I try to attack you or do kill me with just your katana's running attack.

It's a meme weapon, almost everyone I encounter uses one

>Bowing during invasions
Ultimate cuck, health is cut, I ain't fighting fair
>bowing during red summons
I'll wave

Etiquette in PvP is doing your best; anything less than that is BM.