How will The Elder Scrolls 6 realistically compete with the Witcher 3?

How will The Elder Scrolls 6 realistically compete with the Witcher 3?

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It won't. After everyone's tired of Witcher 3, TES6 will come out. After everyone is tired of TES6, Witcher 4 will come out, and so on, so forth.

There is no need for them to compete when making games on that scale costs years and requires tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of developers.

They'll just release in cycles until one company fucks up and another company takes it's place.

Remove Witcher 4 and add Cyberpunk 2077. But yeah I get your idea but if TES 6 and CP2077 come out around the same time say 2019 will that be the death of Todd?

I just hope tes6 will have a playable 3rd person combat.

Modding community. Bethesda will probably have a gimmick like Fallout4's settlement builder.

After seeing Fallout 4s tiny map i don't think they can. Instead of spending money to compete they will just keep doing what they are doing.

Maybe. Maybe not. It depends entirely on how well they make their games.

The thing about TES games and Bethesda in general is that they are based on a formula. It is an improving formula, despite Sup Forums's opinions about the game. They keep adjusting it to match what so many people like about the series (it doesn't mean that you have to like their games, but they DO listen to their customers). Unless they decide that they don't want keep buying yachts they can keep making money this way. They don't need to change their process, it's already perfect for what they are aiming for.

The Witcher games, and CDProjekt on the other hand, actually take risks. Granted, Witcher 2 was not that great a departure from Witcher 1, but Witcher 1 and 3 were both big risks. Now they are taking another big risk with CP2077. They might have a good process through which they make their games, but it's not formulaic, so they lose some stability. They can't be as sure that they will make money on their next project as Bethesda can. Hence, I think, it would not be the best idea to release CP2077 the same time as TES6.

They won't. They'll use an engine from 6 years ago with the same shitty animation they've used since the first Elder Scroll because at the end of the day, you idiots will buy it. It's already a hit. Fuck, if they really wanted to, they could just slap a number 2 on Skyrim and it'll sell like new.

i legitimately can not decide if i should buy this game
i have a 50$ bill sitting right here
this entire sale i have been ruminating on if i should buy it
~2days to decide
send help

TES is a first person game series where as Witcher is third person. That is actually a pretty big difference for most people to justify getting both.

You're implying Witcher could ever compete with Skyrim, which is just laughable, since Skyrim has 10x the playerbase then Witcher had even on it's peak, despite being years old.

I bought it two days ago. It is probably one of the best games I have eve played. It is worth it if you enjoy the setting.

People 'continue' playing because of mods, the mods cannot compete with a fresh new game.

Do it m8 and have a comfy fun time, worth reading up on the story of the previous games/books etc.

what's your least favorite part of the game? specific or generalized.

Both have sold about the same number of copies, and I will bet you that there is a lot of overlap in terms of buyers.


Simplified Alchemy and console UI mainly, combat (especially signs) could use some tweaking but I enjoyed it and don't really understand people sperging out about it.

Should look at some mods really.

You can build your own cities and game in TES6 Can you do that in your witcher 3? Witcher 3 loses.

Bethesda would have to fuck up massively, like beyond belief massively, in order for TES 6 to not be a hit. The game will sell well based on its predecessors alone.


>Played TW3 on my old GTX 660
>Medium settings 30-40 FPS
>Alchemy run since I loved TW2
>Didn't even get to Skellige yet
>Quit for some reason and never touched again
>Want to replay

Now I ordered a GTX 1070 and I'm itching to play again on ultra 60fps

It's gonna succeed on the legacy of Skyrim alone

I'd be surprised if normies didn't gobble up what is basically Skyrim 2

Combat is a bit average.
Combat was never the witcher's strongear suit, but other stuff made it interesting.
TW2 was all about preparation for a battle, using the right potions and shit, but they kinda casualised that in TW3. So now "prepping" isn't all that required, but the combat is still not the best.

Still loved the fuck out of the game though, but that was the thing I disliked the most.

Its worth the money also the season pass is a game of its own so dont have to fear for not enough content

That'd require using a new engine.
You don't really believe Bethesda is going to ditch Gamebryo in the nearest decade?

The Elder scrolls was always shit and now its mainstream shit

It fucking wont.

It will release on the same shitty engine.