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from his subconscious
that'll be 19.50, plus tip
Its not delivery, its DiGiorno
>cerebral survivor horror game in a dismal nightmare realm
>include a silly fat man eating pizza
He probably found some old ass frozen pizzas in a fridge and heated it up. That or the indian dudes running the pizza joint are really dedicated in getting their pizza delivered.
I love those kind of weird, inexplicable details. Eddie has a pizza, because of course he would. That's it. You don't need to know, it doesn't matter, but the fact that it's there is a tad bit uncanny.
the guy's a fucking psycho
i like this explanation (?)
SH truly is hell isn't it?
Silent Hill took some cues from David Lynch. Meaning strange characters with random quirks.
Pizza is probably his "Monsters/Demons" for being overweight. Even in Silent Hill he can't get away from the deliciousness.
I don't know, SH seems comfy.
better than raccoon city anyway.
>Silent Hill
because they look like monsters to you?
>Silent Hill just gives people pizza if they're fat
Oh no, what a horrifying place
pizza is eddie's healing item
Someone shill the Lying Figure channel for me.
Man I'm getting sick of that word. Sup Forums clings to their buzzwords so tightly, it's annoying. There's other words with the same meaning, kids. It's alright to Google words you don't understand, but it doesn't mean you then have to use those words over and over.
fuck off fungo
still like your videos though
Not him but I'd be hesitant to call uncanny a Sup Forums buzzword.
There are three planes of existence in Silent Hill. The normal world where all the residents are. Purgatory where everything is covered in fog. Hell. Eddie and Laura weren't trapped in purgatory like James was.
>a buzzword
>a buzzword on Sup Forums
Since when? It sounds like you're the one who doesn't know what "uncanny" means.
i will end u if u ever speak again
He made it obviously!
how is it not?
>he's never lived in northern California where it gets foggy all the time
what's in hell?
>Cali niggas
Why are so many of you so pretentious?
This fucking scene, man.
>then a siren goes off and everything turns to hell
>There's other words with the same meaning, kids.
So we should cripple our vocabulary to accommodate for your homeschooling? Couldn't you stop being fat and retarded instead?
Fog world isn't purgatory, it's just the "first stage" of the spiritual powers of the town leaking into reality. Dark/Otherworld isn't hell, either, it's just reality taking it up the ass from the town's spiritual powers.
Who is this sexy loli though?
It's hot as Hell in this thread.
In Water is the only time vidya made me cry.
and I replay Silent hill 2 and 3 every year so I cry to it a lot.
Come on user.
Silent Hill is like xanax to me it calms me, it's comfy as all hell.
One time in Texas it got really foggy while I was on an hour-long drive home and I couldn't see shit and was pissing myself that some retarded deer would run in front of me.
The pizza is not real
I live in Texas. One night a few years ago thefog was so dense that I couldn't even see ten feet in front of the car. Tried taking the interstate home around 2:00AM (also had about an hour's drive) and cars were parked on the shoulder because they were afraid to drive. I had to get home, so I wound up taking the highway there, coasting along at 15 mph for almost three hours. I've never seen or heard of fog in the area like that before in my life, so I'm choosing to believe we're talking about the same night.
It would have been around Christmas 2012, near I-20.
They look like pizza to you?
So then why does the squirrel have a pizza.
I mean you could argue that it's uncanny but I take issue with
>because of course [the squirrel] would.
I won't. He sounds like a faggot and spends minutes circling in a place while rambling about the minutest detail that contributes nothing to the overall narrative.
it's a bowling alley, they'd have frozen pizzas.
this is one of those shitty "plot holes" that's been debunked and still shows up over and over again.
Like le eagles Lord of the Rings maymay.
"gee why don't they fly these huge obnoxious birds for miles and miles past the flying dragon riders who are drawn to us and past all the hordes of evil guys and somehow past the HUGE FUCKING FIERY LIGHTHOUSE OF DEATH THAT FREEZES LIVING BEINGS IN FEAR JUST BY LOOKING AT THEM and somehow drop the ring into the lava?"
People are so fucking stupid.
Why did James find a gun in a shopping cart in an apartment building? Why did he find a flashlight on a mannequin wearing his wife's clothes?
I imagine he felt like shit after devouring the whole thing.
pizza time
holy fucking shit end yourself right now you american swine
christ dude, you're giving me conniptions
Ya got me.
I can still hear the fucking song with that gif
It looks like Pizza to you?!