Why don't you own a Wii U?
Nintendo Zelda Wii U
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Because I will own a NX
Because I'm not ten years old.
I've never been into Zelda or Nintendo games in general but Breath of the Wild looks fucking amazing.
But I do own one. It's like you don't even know me anymore!
When I get this game, I'll be in total lockdown. No internet till I finish it.
>I just play manly games for manly mans like me
Because NX will be backwards compatible with Wii U games anyways.
I own a Nintendo Wii U and probably will sell that piece of shit for a NX, as soon as I get this game I'll be hybernation and finish it like 10 times.
It was a joke. Call me a tryhard if you like but Nintendo games have just never appealed to me. But like I said BotW looks great.
>Your post
>His post
Are you fucking retarded?
Because nintendo only makes garbage games now
>muh cinnematographic-driven manly games
Get cucked sonnygger
It's the best Nintendo console since the snes
SNES>Wii U>N64>Gamecube >Wii>NES
I'm not a sonnygger, in fact I pretty much don't play games anymore apart from some indie ones every now and then since triple A games are boring
How are those weeb games you bought on steam going for you user?
It´s pretty much confirmed that the NX will have cartridges so.... Keep waiting for that backwards compatibility
because nx
A nintendo console needs at least a metroid, mario kart, 3d mario game with hub and a new zelda before I am thinking about getting one. Since 2 of those games never came out I'm not interested.
>Semi-reluctantly got a Wii U for Smash because I figured I would eventually need it for the Wii U Zelda anyway
>it gets delayed and delayed
>It's now also coming out on the next console, on which it's going to look better
I feel kinda jewed desu
>probably won't iron out all framedrops by release
Yea I'm selling this piece of shit for the NX if this ends up being a good game
I just modded Sm4sh, I can't go back to vanilla, assuming they re-release it for the NX.
This is my situation as well. At least I got to play Dong freeze and WWHD. Haven't played Smash in over a year.
I want to hack it so I can pirate shit like splatoon and Mario maker and Mario kart and shit, but I don't want to risk breaking it or it not being compatible with BoTW when it release
why would i buy a wii u when i can just wait for NX release in 2018, instead.
I do own one, and don't understand the hate.
It's very clearly a case of popularity over game quality. I thought Sup Forums was largely unaffected by that stuff, but I guess times change.
I do kinda want once, since I never owned a Wii so I can play both the Wii games I missed out on as well as the paltry few WiiU games that are worth getting as well. I doubt the NX is gonna be backwards compatible considering how expensive that would be.
Isn't the NX coming out like next year, and Zelda Breath of Minecraft coming out also next year? Why the fuck would you buy a known failed console just for Zelda that looks "meh"?
Honestly not sold on Breath of the Wild.
I don't regret buying a Wii U though as I had alot of fun with Splatoon and Mario Maker
because I dont waste money on consoles and use emulators instead
Source that isn't your ass?
>mario at race
>mario as creation worker
>mario fight club
>green mario
>marios goofy side kick
>marios green horse
>marios yellow pillow friend
>mario remastered
>2d mario
>mario at party
> mario singing
>mario at hospital
WiiU exclusives everyone
Every single of listed game exist in wiiu kek. Muh nintendo muh exclusives . Its pure nostalgia of manbabies here. Public doesnt give a fuck about mario and nintendo. Nx wont even sell as wii u. So 5M total sales
horrible online service and way too much dlc on smash bros 4
i do and this zelda game is doing nothing for me in terms of hype. was thinking of selling this thing to be honest.
>Why don't you own a Wii U?
wii u is too expensive at $350.
like i want smash, dk freeze and bayo 2, but the rest of the library is insanely small.
and wii u isn't like the wii was where there was at least some hidden gems thanks to the amount of games.
Because I'm not paying money, to get a console just to only play a few games on it.
Do you really think it's worth reposting?
But I do.
I'll have to wait and see whether I'm getting Breath of the Wild for the NX though.
If it ends up being anything like the Twilight Princess situation, I'll get the Wii U version.
>hidden gems
>mario at hospital
>Wii U exclusive
alla my wut
How's that funny? You really believe this was the only kind of game to come out for a system that sold over a hundred million?
user poorly used hyperbole to make a point that Nintendo makes only Mario games.
Some of them were pretty funny, but his sign off line there is a little tryhard.
not my fault you didn't do wii piracy and try as much as you could.
wii has more than double the wii u library in games. you just need to sift through several hundred shovelware titles.
Name ONE hidden gem
I already do, can't wait to dust it off in 9(+) months.
I waited almost a year and a half past launch until the European price drop with getting a Wii U.
Reggie said the price point would be "attractive". Then it comes out, is still banking on "just passable" specs, and cost a full $100 more than the Wii at launch.
Doesn't even come with a Wiimote plus.
They screwed up with the pricing and the multiple SKUs. None of them were "the most attractive proposition" to anyone.
>Held out on buying the WiiU for zelda this gen
>NX will probably be backwards compatible
Feels good man.
Gonna wait and see what exactly the NX is before I buy this is any game that's on Wii U.
Zack and Wiki, Little King's Story and the go to choices.
It had a pretty decent library but it's still safe to say that the PS3's outclassed it by a pretty huge margin.
What would be the point. You'll just say that it's crap or that you knew of it already.
I'm not in it to change your mind.
That wasn't what we were talking about.
It'll have its own version of the game, so whether its backwards compatible is less relevant.
>no merry-oh
>no metroid
>zeldu as swan song
you'd have to be retarded to buy one
I know, my point is I'll get too enjoy all the WiiU games on the NX, so I dodged a bullet there.
Or, you know, you'd have to want to play Topical Cheese, Mario Maker, Splatoon, 3D World, Nintendo Land, Mario Kart 8, Affordable Space Adventures, Smash Bros., and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Which is not the weirdest thing I've heard.
I don't think it'll be directly backwards compatible though. But we'll see.
Most of the good Wii U games are likely to get retooled for it though.
Like a bunch of GameCube games were for Wii.
im just gonna wait until their 99$
anything more than that would be a waste of money considering there's about 8 games worth a damn on the fucking console
Dr mario
I did, sold it 6 months ago because no games. Still no games.
Gamecube trumps wii u in every way. How did you even decide this?
>Gamecube trumps wii u in every way
I want trump fags back to Sup Forums you're ruining the entire website by bringing that retarded sleezy car salesman into every fucking conversation.
Because emulation is going to be in a good enough state that I won't need to buy a Wii U since CEMU is coming along well enough apparently.
I own and I feel old wiiu