Enough time has passed...we can love it now

its hip to hate the latest releases and be contrarian....its the easy way to appear patrician

if you hate it coz of Denuvo; just pay 2 dollars to have it installed on your pc by remote admin (Denuvo bypass)

Bioshock Infinite was a better game....BUT Doom4 is more gamey

Other urls found in this thread:


I need this Toot everyone plays.. I can't wait for the crack.....Help me...

I'm gonna try the demo tomorrow. I'll let you know.

just bought it a few hours ago

i have never felt so alive

when that music starts playing when you leave the facility and the doom logo appears

>10 fps on lowest


I wish shadowplay would play nice with OpenGL so I could record some of the fun I've had

there are several bypass methods available. prices on average are $3. do your homweork

in the past games tried to give you an adrenaline rush...now its a cinematic rush.

Haha thanks for the heads up OP! Which one is your account on the ruskie site, I'll make sure to buy it from you! :D

>tfw 40ish fps but still can't follow the action

>classic weapon position

mah nigga


shut up old man

I finally broke down and bought the meme card to play Doom at a stable framerate.

>b-but Pascal

That shit won't go down to non-scalper prices until 2017.


GTX 970

>Warning these setting will cause the game to use more than 5GB of video memory, would you like to save these advanced video settings?


>bypass methods

I believe I've found the method and person of contact, but how do I know this method is legitimate?

Oh thats bad

>Paying to pirate


dude 1060 comes out next month and is gonna be the same or faster than 970 with way less power draw etc and it's 6gb

take taht shit back

Infinite sucked, it was pretentious garbage.

How long until scalpers no longer dictate the price?

not sure what you mean. there are supply issues with the higher end cards but that doesn't mean the prices are scalped. prices on large outlets are what you would expect

cards like 1060 are produced in higher runs than 1070 etc, should be more available. buying 390 now is a dumb idea with vastly superior stuff coming out this month

it's more like the lower end cards have a lot more of the higher end GPU chips that failed the binning process left over to pull from for stock


anyone else feel revenants were chumps for all the marketing hype? I would be pretty afeared of them in ye olde DOOM despite their high pain chance

The new ones go down in like 2 to 4 Super shotty blasts and their missiles are so small I don't notice them

>Bioshock Infinite was a better game
No, Bioshock Infinite has shit combat and boring enemies.

how do i into action games? i can't follow all the shit going on

play literal babby's first FPS and work your way up?


Paying for piracy is degenerate as fuck. Even I won't do that

>prices on average are $3

Paying to pirate games.

>if you hate it coz of Denuvo; just pay 2 dollars to have it installed on your pc by remote admin (Denuvo bypass)

You are paying $2 for some russian hacker to fuck up with your PC using remote admin?
Just how fucking stupid are you?

Reminder that threads advertising to pay for piracy are made by shills for Russian scammers who want remote access to your computer via TeamViewer, software which is well-known to have security flaws in it.

Reminder that this does NOT bypass Denuvo, it is NOT a DRM bypass, and it is NOT fool proof if Valve suddenly decide to actively prevent this from being possible in Steam.

If you fall for this, you're a fool. Never pay for piracy.

>Bioshock Infinite was a better game....

Why don't you just fuck off to Reddit?

Did you get your little brother to write this post, OP?


They don't even need to use any security flaws when the person is stupid enough to give them money and then allow them to have a free admin access in order to get "free" games.

By the way you write, I'm going to assume you are just 10, so i'm just going to report this, and leave.

im not a nigger you fucking retard

t. poorfag

this post is so fucking epic
im going to post that pic in r/Sup Forums xD

t. retarded millenial

I bought it, got 17 hours in it.
For some reason, I remember more the 7 hours I spent playing the mediocre MP than the campaign.
It's not a bad game, but it's a really forgettable one.
Not to mention it was too self-aware and the whole ''Doomslayer'' thing was fucking cringeworthy.

shitty overpriced repetitive game

I pointed out the security flaw because it is a very bad one. Even if you change your mind on giving them access, as long as they're on your TeamViewer friends list they can get in anyway....even if you have two-factor authentication.

TeamViewer accounts have been insecure for nearly half a year now. Recently it became more known to the public, because people were AFK from their computers and coming back to see paypal open with their accounts emptied, and traces of access in the TeamViewer logs from people who were suddenly added to their friends list....even if they hadn't manually added the person to their friends list.

It just makes this whole idea twice as bad.

The soundtrack kicks ass. Mick Gordon is a boss. I really want a 9 string guitar now.

>generic electronic crap
>literally every track sounds the same

Surprised the credits didn't feature some Skrillex song.

It`s $3 you fucking faggot, just try it if you want it.

Fucking loser

Can't you just use desktop capture?

Don't be a contrarian faggot, nigger. The soundtrack isn't supposed to be the greatest album of all time. It's supposed to add to the overall atmosphere of the game. What do you really want the music to be? Mumford & Sons?

Beside the part where the game circles around Glorified Retard Kills and that EVERY FUCKING PLACE is an arena it's a good game.
But that's it, it's just "good".

Oh hey this pla... -door closes enemies spawn, and spawn more and spawn more, everyone is killed, music stops, door opens.
cool roo... -door closes enemies spawn, and spawn more and spawn more, everyone is killed, music stops, door opens.
Is this where I'm supp... -door closes enemies spawn, and spawn more and spawn more, everyone is killed, music stops, door opens.
Oh my, there's blood everywhere I wonder what happ... -door closes enemies spawn, and spawn more and spawn more, everyone is killed, music stops, door opens.

you sound serious

I was semi-serious, but doing the same thing with 13 more alterations triggered the Sup Forums spammer message so I had to go down to 4.