Season 3 when?

Season 3 when?

This year isn't it ? I wonder what month
Can't wait to get Clem into hot affairs

Who even cares after the shitfest that was Season 2?

I am still waiting on Wolf Among Us season 2.

Honestly? I hoped for never.

Aww man.


> TWD season 3
> not wolf among us or borderlands season 2



borderlands had a telltale game

is it any good?

Pretty good. Gortys a cute

>Sup Forums claims to dislike cinematic games
>still circlejerk over Telltale "games"

No, just like everything else borderlands-related.

Is wolf ever getting a second season?

>not wolf among us
I seriously wish more Fables comics were released.

It's a game based on Borderlands, what do you think?
Some of the episodes weren't that bad but it descended into full reddit meme mode

this fall innit

Its good but it has some absolutely horrible parts too.

>Sup Forums is one person
Average underfail faggot.

>Telltale "games"
exactly. you can hardly call the things telltale does games, you are essentially watching a movie. however the cinematic shit you are talking about has really, really shitty gameplay to go with it. it's tedious to play. you have to force yourself to get to the next story bit. kill yourself sonypony

why do zombies live so long?

Fuck you guys I liked season 2

Easily the best telltale game if you played Borderlands

>buying telltale games after this shit

>if you played Borderlands
And why the fuck would anyone play such a bland games?
So it's shit if you haven't played them?

Because what ever has infected them, slows down the decomposing process, duh.

>Some of the games are bad so every game is bad
Kill yourself with the stick you have up your ass.

What if the twist is Clem starts losing her humanity and acting like a monster after being raised in that?

Kinda burnt out from TT games and S2 wasn't all that great, still will check it out because they are always cheap.

>So it's shit if you haven't played them?
It kinda builds on BL2's villain, but otherwise it's about new characters

Sounds plausible, but of course that only happens if you choose so.

What if it all was actually a dream and the whole apocalypse never happened?

Really makes you think.

What if I don't buy another Telltale game?

Now thats good writing

Why such disdain?

Not telltales fault
GoT was always shit my man

Season 2 cut down on a lot of the puzzles and some of the story felt a little rushed.

nice contrarian opinion but no

the telltale game was made when the tv series was at its peak

and the books have always been good

>sam and max season 4 never ever

Is a better game than shittertale, le funnay maymay goat mom game. Sans the circlejerk XD XD ;^) kys.

>Books have always been good
not when it focuses on the shittiest characters

also, the entire Daenerys arc is like fucking fanfiction, she never loses in the fucking saga

Telltale has been coasting off of the first Walking Dead for far too long, everyone agrees the second one was poor because Clem being the lead never made any sense for half her action, like when no one else knew how to work the turbine and leave it to Clem to get a fucking key, turn it and push a goddamn button. Thank fuck she was there. Also, The Wolf Among Us was not as good as everyone is making out, certainly better than Season 2 but the ending was so all over the place and just butchered in my opinion; the scene with the whole town at the well debating whether to keep the man alive was so fucking frustrating to watch because how inconsistently everyone switched sides.

I think they've been given too much credit and need to stop, Season 3 is just to get another wave of attention. No doubt they will fuck up Lee's end by bringing him back through some half arsed gimmick.

This is without mentioning all the other franchises they've tried to cost off with their same old format, including Jurrasic Park where they actually had people who had worked on the game bumping up the fucking reviews because of how crap it was.

I don't have high hopes to say the least but if they do actually prove me wrong then that would be great; but certainly at this rate it wont happen

I liked her in S1 but I'm tired of her. In an area as big as TWD, they can't use someone else? I know there's some chad with her, but he'll probably get killed off saving her

>when the tv series was at its peak

It's at it's peak now kiddo, more viewers now than ever, it had an issue last season because the episodes leaked early which ruined the pacing for everyone, but now it's back on track as the most popular tv show airing.

Telltale is pretty incompetent to keep squatting out more TWD when GoW completely stomps it in popularity.

Why does David Cage suck at making games? Telltale has shown these types of games can be made well, it's just quantic dream can't do it

>It's at it's peak now kiddo, more viewers now than ever
Appeal to popularity is a fallacy

GoT was never good you dumb fuck, stupid faggot kill yourself
Or just stop posting on this site neckbeard

>stop posting on this site
Where do you think you are

If it's this year it'll be October.

yeah season 2 was epic as well. overall not as strong as season 1...but it had BADASS moments that I loved.

waiting for it too but still, walking dead seasons 1 and 2 are still better *to me.*

yeah it surprised me. borderlands wasn't as epic as wolf or WDead but it was better than expected. I thought the first two episodes were kind of weak then it picks up real fast.