Is this the generation of remasters? What is going on?
Is this the generation of remasters? What is going on?
PS4 isn't backwards compatible, and Xbone used to not be, so gamers who sold their old systems to buy the new ones realized they missed their old games and would buy them again for their new system.
Video game companies realized they could sell the same game with slight differences to make bank on people who either missed out on the game the first time around or take advantage of nostalgia of people who played the game years ago.
Consolefags got mad about not being able to play 1080p60fps back in the day, so they want to do it now.
If people are willing to pay again for games they already played can you really blame companies for remastering their games?
That said I hope the remasters aren't shit since they're probably going to be forced updates for the steam versions of 1 and 2
But most remasters are still 30fps though.
>That said I hope the remasters aren't shit since they're probably going to be forced updates for the steam versions of 1 and 2
What makes you think that though? They said they're going to be free for owners of the original games, but never said they wouldn't be separate entries in the library, as it usually is the case with remasters.
Board of directors need to.make money for its stock holders at any cost. Lets just remaster stuff for ez money. Hur dur okay. We make money ez just like we want. Capitalism.
>finally played Bioshock 1 and 2 this year
>would completely buy a remastered version
Fuck what a pleb.
Anyone here want to buy me Bioshock 2?
Oh boy can't wait for this to eat up over 50GB of my HDD. Learn to compress fucking devs.
They're 30fps on PC as well
i would wager they will be separate titles like doom3 bfg and darksiders 2 deathinitive
Last of Us Remastered runs at 60 FPS(you can seitch between 30 and 60 in the game's options). Metro Redux also runs at 60. Although its more of a remake but Odin Sphere Leifthrasir also runs at 60.
>you can seitch between 30 and 60 in the game's options
Why would this be an option ever?
its a shitty trend that only serves as a cash grab. The industry is out of good ideas and they've resorted to
>hey, it's that game we released in the last 10 years, please buy it again for $60
>dont worry, we added some shaders and smoothed some textures so it's totally worth it.
>also there's a new optional boss.
at least with FFVII coming out its a Remake, so the game might actually be worth revisiting
Remasters was a fucking excuse for the lack of backwards compatibility it end up being the most huge cash-grab on vidya
Some people are so brainwashed that they actually think 30fps is a better option for a cinematic experience.
Being a consolefag is pain. From making excuses that 30fps is more cinematic, to paying to replay old games the way PC players have been playing them for a decade.
No it fucking didn't. Averaged about 45 fps. It was unlocked to 60. It never held 60 unless you looked at the ground.
>tfw you will never live in an art-deco underwater utopia during the 1950's-60's
why live
What the fuck else are PS4 owners going to play? Bloodborne came out in 2015, user.
we ran out of ideas
it's like the early 2000s and 2010s for movies where everything was a remake or a reboot
They are cheap enough to make that selling very few of them will still be profitable.
Because it didn't hold 60. So they let people lock it to 30 so it didn't jump all over the place.
Don't worry user Europa will be like that in the 2150's-60's!!
The funny thing is that remasters sell very well, sometimes even better than new entries.
>sometimes even better than new entries.
I hope so. Then maybe publishers will make games like they used to again.
To be fair both Bioshock 1 and 2 are solid games, would pay $20 to have both with updated graphics
ias there any texture comparisons of bioshock 2 original vs. "remaster" because 2 desperately needs better textures.
>tfw you cant revisit previous areas in Bioshock 2
Remaster is just another word for port
Hollywood has been doing it for a few years now, are you really surprised?
They're free on PC if you own the original games on Steam though.
Big budget AAA titles cost a lot of money, so these remasters are usually made to generate more revenue and interest for any future projects. Add to that that frame rate is starting to actually have more importance in today's industry. I honestly don't see the problem with them considering a majority are outsourced to smaller dev studios, the exception being The Last of Us.
Keep telling yourself that, consolefriend.
No because we don't have footage of the remastered games yet.
Uhm excuse me? I believe that to be art-nouveau.
Remasters are more akin to a Blu Ray release which are good things if done right.
Wow that's pretty okay by me
"Rapture's Art Deco architecture was heavily inspired by the locations and buildings of New York City, like the Rockefeller Center.[4] Shawn Robertson stated that Art Deco fit really well into the BioShock's budget, as the finished Art Deco models had large and simple solid shapes and were low poly.[5] Rapture features a vast number of various artwork, and advertisements for businesses within the city, which many were inspired by real-world vintage advertisements.[6]"
Objectively wrong.
Are there any other console games where you can unlock the framerate?
Why would they do that when they could just re-sell the games they used to?
They could make double the money with double the games.
Its true, but it pisses me off to no end.
Make an investment, put some capital down on a new developer or IP. Fuck the shareholder do something meaningful with that capital damn it!
That's honestly the only thing that holds Bioshock 2 from being better than the first in every way.
this is why The Last of Us Remaster shouldn't exist. it kick start everything bad about this gen.
fuking hell
I don't see anything wrong with remasters of nearly 1o year old games that didn't run or look as well as they could on the original hardware. Keep in mind also, not everyone has played the original versions too.
I'd say the problem is that they go for easy remasters instead of classics.
Skyrim remaster? No thanks, do Morrowind.
Uncharted remaster? No thanks, do Spyro.
I just want 1080p 60fps We Love Katamari
Remasters existed last then too, the God of War remasters were the first I remember
There isn't anything wrong with remasters and they don't actually prevent new games from coming out. It takes a very small team to make a remaster. Sup Forums just wants to blame something even if it is wrong.
it's the generation of remasters because it's the generation of nogaems
Couldn't you already not do that in Bioshock 1?
the principle of remasters is fine, problem is they are all outsourced shit that end up making the game look worse.
You could go back to most areas in the first one. You would just use a bathosphere. It was mainly for harvesting/rescuing little sisters.
Oh, I totally forgot about that since I usually got them all on my first run
even if it could exist it'd probably be depressing af to love in
I meant live
>Bioshock Infinite will not be remastered on PC
So what did they do for the console versions? Just crank up the graphics settings?
Probably, yeah, and upped the resolution a bit.
I think it's just a straight port of the PC version.
I only played Bioshock once years ago and never bothered with 2 or Infinite, is it worth picking up the triple pack for the upcoming remaster?