Let's make jokes based off a vidya series of your choosing.
Here's mine, can apply to most of adult games with hookers.
Why do hookers hang out in the streets?
Because they're waiting to be hooked by your dick!
Let's make jokes based off a vidya series of your choosing.
Here's mine, can apply to most of adult games with hookers.
Why do hookers hang out in the streets?
Because they're waiting to be hooked by your dick!
Other urls found in this thread:
That's a good one op here's another one.
Q. What happened to the guy's dick after he fucked a dirty hooker?
A. It was destroyed
Q: What do you get when you cross Uncharted with good gameplay?
A: We'll tell you as soon as it happens.
Q. What happened to the sonybrony that stumbled onto Sup Forums?
A. He was destroyed!
Q; Did you hear about the kid who bought the Ps4 at launch, expecting tons of games?
A: I'm sure you can guess what happened
Did he try to craft bloodborne at a crafting bench?
What a noob!
Jesus Christ, those aren't even jokes what the fuck
Q. What happened to user's sense of humor?
A. It was destroyed!
((Things being destroyed, and people being noobs, are inherently hilarious. The Q&A format adds nothing, but doesn't remove anything either. Just picture some noob getting destroyed, and laugh at that noob for getting destroyed))
Did you hear about the OP who sucked a dragon's cock?
He burnt to a crisp!
Did you hear about the big guy that wanted to take a flight?
It was destroyed!
Really? That sucks AND blows.
>they aren't even jokes
What did Sonic the Hedgehog say prior to the hunger strike?
Gotta go fast!
>joke actually having a punchline
clearly you don't understand this thread
Q. What happened to the user with a poor sense of humor?
A. He was confused!
What happened to the author of minecraft jokes?
He lost his job
Did you hear about the player who tried to understand minecraft humor?
What a noob!
Did you hear about the ape that lacked a sense of style?
He _______________________
Remember user the faggot?
Fucking KEK
Still waiting for a brave user to buy this and post pics.
I laughed, but you are a bad person, because your joke played with my expectations and had an actual punchline.
Jokes shouldn't do that.
Jokes should be about people being destroyed.
You're trying a bit hard, but it's a good first attempt!
"Remember user?"
There, I improved your joke for you!
I was over at a friend's house today, playing video games.
I asked him if I could play Street Fighter next, and he said
Dude can I interactively flip the table of the money changers?
That would be amazing if I could
Q. What happened to the person who went to Baltimore?
A. Niggers!
>Remember when kids had a refined sense of humor?
>They never have and will buy whatever shit is related to what they like.
I wish I could improve you by removing your huge guts
Q. Did you hear about the user that wanted to play Street Fighter?
A. He picked Ryu!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
Hang on.
Are you actually hurt feelings and frustrated?
You shouldn't do that.
But if you're just pretending to be hurt feelings and frustrated, Ok!
I think it's funny that your feelings are destroyed!
Your sense of humor is just unnecessarily strict.
Jokes play with and subvert your expectations.
So if you're expecting a joke
and there is no joke
your expectations were subverted
and as a result it's funny!
Q: Did you hear about the noob who played Street Fighter, and picked Vega?
A: He was destroyed!
The only time OP is a faggot and no one calls it!
That's more of a meme than a joke tho.
You should combine the two!
Q. Why did the Zubat go into the Echo chamber?
A. It hurt itself in its confusion!
That's a good joke!
... I don't get it, can you explain your joke to me? :/
That joke needed a why not a random declarative I don't think you understand
Does anyone else feel like this thread is playing out like pic related?
No, because I was like Shakespere!
I played with your expectations on how to use the English language!
It was art!
What did Brad Armstrong do when challenged to a gun fight?
Nothing, he wasn't armed
No, we are pretty clearly on only 1 level of irony. The same level of irony that is in all jokes - i.e. that they subvert your expectations in an amusing manner.
Your joke sucks, let me make a better one
Q. What did Brad Armstrong do when challenged to a gun fight?
A. He shot his opponent!
This can't be real.
Did you hear about the worried man who burst into a hospital?
I'm sure you can guess what happened!
You are basically lobbying that jokes that aren't funny are funny because people expect jokes to be funny.
That's comparable to having sex with a doll filled with razors & salt and enjoying it because you thought it would be pleasurable but it was painful, subverting your original idea of what sex with a sex doll should be like.
Probably, and so is this
sensible chuckle
Q. What did the player say after he died in minecraft?
A. This can't be real!
(chorus: hmm)
Children with autism have a hard time understanding jokes, so they made ones that they can understand
no, I cant
Q. What happened to the user who had sex with a doll filled with razors and salt?
A. His dick got hooked!
Did you hear about the man who had to randomly choose either the integer 0 or 1 and that the Earth would immediately end if 1 was chosen?
I'm sure you can guess what happened next!
Q. How did the child with autism make a joke book?
A. He didn't!
10 people are sitting in a room
they both start fucking
Q. What did the minecraft player say after he died in the Sword Art Online mod?
A. He didn't say anything, he was dead!
I'd like to see them use the book from the OP next.
Did you hear about the Iliad sequence that got cut from God of War?
It was de-troyed.
Q. How did the omnipotent autistic child find fulfillment in life?
A. He fucking killed himself!
Did you hear what happened when Soldier 76 shared his veggies with Tracer? He gave him his peas and she gave him herpes.
Only 6% of Brits know about the vicious and disgusting rape of oilseed?
Stop the fucking pressed, I'm taking donations on my Patreon now, I will spread the word, be tight my fellow women.
Rather than making headline of bacon, wouldn't eggs be better one?
The butter and milk are pretty crazy too.
Now I will admit it is funny from a 2nd person perspective, when you get to see the person react negatively or make a joke about the circumstances that happened, but when you are the one directly experiencing the circumstance of a bad joke, then it sucks.
you guys completely missed the joke!
You're good at these!
A bit high brow for my tastes. Some of the more sophisticated people might like it tho.
It has a bit too much word play and not enough actual joke.
That's just mean spirited.
But funny!
LOL! IT's funny on 3 different levels!
1 because he got destroyed
2 because it was a pun
3 because it referenced the prostitutes at the top of the thread so it's meta!
Learn to laugh bro!
Q. Why did the user laugh at the joke?
A. He didn't!
But it's funny when noobs miss jokes!
It's like their sense of humor is too noob too joke properly,
and any humor they could potentiall have had is destroyed!
It's like them griefing themselves by being bad at laughter!
Joke? There is no joke when rape i involved.
I'll have you know that oilseed doesn't deserved to be raped, and if you think it does then you're part of the disgusting patriarchy perpetuating the misogyny against oilseed.
What happened to the cuck that couldn't?
He just watched later on DVR.
>Joke? There is no joke when rape i involved.
I disagree.
Q. What's the funniest part about rape?
A. Not using a condom!
Q. Did you hear about the woman who consented to sex?
A. Neither did I!
Q. What's the difference between a rape and a bicycle?
A. You can't move a bicycle up and down stairs easily!
more like united arab emigrapes, you mean
Q. Did you hear what happened to the person who went to fight Sol Badguy?
Q. What happened to the nation that gave women the vote, allowed a private central bank to control its currency, and imported millions of people from a different and hostile culture?
A. It was destroyed!
Really good! I like this one!
Whats the difference between a white guy and a nigger?
Niggers are
No I thought this was funny. That and the fact that people actually bought this book, but if I was the one who bought this, then I would be pissed.
That's why I made fun of the people who bought it.
I thought it was funny that they got this shit stain of a joke book.
Do you remember that op that wasn't a faggot?
neither do i
Q. What happened to the man who went back in time and killed his grandfather before he had any children?
A. ____________________________________
Did you hear what happened to Bomberman after he trapped himself in a corner with a bomb?
Press F to pay respects.
Q. Did you hear about that currently airing anime that's also getting a musou game that is based on a manga always on hiatus?
A. It's Berserk!
i laughed hehe xd
LOL I get it!
Because you expect the sentence to continue after the word "are" and it doesn't, so it TOTALLY TROLLS YOU! !! Mid-sentence trolling!!!! The reader got DESTROYED, because they were """cucked""" oout of a joke ! =D
Good joke but I've already heard that one sorry
Oh nice! That's a modern take on the old classic!
>Never heard of walking like a penguin
I really hope that's fake.
>tfw you clicked this picture because you thought the eggs looked like a nice ass
Your joke falls a bit flat, let me improve it
Q. What happened to the man who went back in time and killed his grandfather before he had any children?
A. He had to do it all over again!
Really funny! Great punchline too!
I'm sorry but I don't understand your joke.
There aren't any penguins in minecraft :/
Ass is for niggers.
This isn't a joke, it's a deadly serious problem.
this is some serious shitposting
One of two things
Either a paradox is formed or a new time line is formed
Q. Did you hear about the successful kickstarter for a Megaman spiritual successor spearheaded by Keiji Inafune?
A. It was destroyed!
It's called JOKES you noob!
Q. Why did the user call the jokes shitposting?
A. Who knows!
Raping seeds is legal I don't see the problem
that is a
thanks I appreciate it a lot
Q. Why did the seed get raped?
A. It tried to make a diamond sword with two sticks!
Q. What's the difference between the 15 year old girl who lives next door, and my washing machine?
A. The washing machine doesn't get whiny and ask if we're going out when I cum inside it!
>Did you Meat? He had
Every time. Comedy gold.
>Ass is for niggers
>Did you hear a skeleton?
>he respawned
2spooky for a joke book spoiler that shit.
Must be one of those postmodern jokes that uses irony and makes statements on the nature of jokes and humor.
I'm sure it's great I just don't understand it yet.
>Ass is for niggers.
Irishman detected.
this joke was actually better than nothing
its called meta commentary
I... is this the birth of an epic new meme?
I liked it
Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. Mobs randomly move to a grass block within 16 tiles, and there was a grass block on the other side of the road that the randomness selected for a chicken to walk to!
Q. How many creepers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Q. Did you hear about the man who asked to be in an open relationship?
A. His wife took his Wii U!