Post your favorite mod of all time from any game

Post your favorite mod of all time from any game.

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Ultra Renegades VX5

Ultimate Apocalypse for DoW

Mona the Assassin for Max Payne 2.

Shame it was so short though.

fallout new vegas



Frostcrag Reborn for Oblivion.
Took the dinky little mage tower and turned it into an amazing deep dungeon with great aesthetics and features.

Bowie saw the Eldtritch Truth but instead of starting a cult he just made some weird music instead

>yfw a small group of underage modders made a better DBZ game by modding Q3A than Bandai ever did
>yfw it was so good that Bandai threatened to sue the creators if they didn't stop making it
>yfw they made it anyway with non DBZ skins and then let the community just mod the DBZ skins back in

hasn't been made yet

was bowie gay

GOAT coming through

Project M I guess.

I haven't played Morrowind in years but Tamriel Rebuilt was looking pretty good last time I saw it.

Counter Strike 1.6


The best Star Wars game ever made.

Population limit removal on age of empires 2

Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World.

He was probably bi at most.

His wife makes me think he was gay, but nah.

He fucked traps a lot in the 70s, but mostly straight through the 80s and after

Evidently, the same guys made a second one. Had no idea this even existed.

>show mod to FFVI players
>they get instantly triggered by the dialogue changes and ragequit
>or they're far too retarded to play the game and pretend it's 'tedious' because fuck JRPG gameplay amirite
>or they throw a bitch fit about spells like Quick being removed because they want to effortlessly shit on the game because fuck JRPG gameplay amirite
>show mod to FFV players
I've never seen an easier way to tell which fanbase was cancer and which one wasn't.

what the fuck happened to this?
Last I checked was probably 3 years ago and it was vaporware
what was it even called? Earth's Defense Forces?

I just can't stand black people, helped me enjoy l4d.

Yeah. Watching some videos of the progress right now. It looks pretty incredible. I'll post a webm in a minute.

why is it that I see these okay-looking screenshots everywhere yet the only release available is from the Q3A engine with those terrible animations and models?

Iman is beautiful you shitter

putting the lewd panties back on the elins in Tera.

He admitted that he pretended to be gay/bi in the 70s and 80s for one reason or another, I guess it added to his image.
He said to rolling stone: “I didn’t ever feel I was a real bisexual.”

He did it to be edgy. Being gay was still a crime in the Uk or something around that time.


He did it for publicity.

Brave New World 1.7.4 fixed the script/translation.

Not for handicapped purists it didn't.

I can see 10 years from now.

>I never really liked videogames to begin with, but it was good money

Oh great, it's the >tfw no gf meme man

First Natural Selection. NS2 just never felt as good as when I played NS1. Aliens shouldn't have commanders.

That's from a second version I didn't know existed called Earth's Defense Forces. Made in source engine of all things, believe it or not.


Pirate Doom

yeah but is it available to download anywhere?


Earth's special forces website.

Thought there was a final build, but been so long since I've been there

Yes, holy shit. It's been in production for 16 years. Still not done either.

the only version available there is the q3a version.

I thought esf was done in half-life? Not even hl2

The eldritch truth he saw was that he was diagnosed as terminal with a week to live. Listen to the track 'Girl Loves Me' with that in mind.

Should have modded the lips too, looks awful on a white person

yeah it was
goldsrc engine
but it's a derivative of the q3a engine

PP2-X for Panzer Elite.

Q3A version is a different animal called Bid For Power.
Half Life version is Earth's Defense Forces.

>Earth's defense forces

It's earth's special forces mang

Fight Of Characters for Warcraft 3.
And changing the Burgershot into a McDonald in gta San Andreas, I found it rad as fuck as a kid.

You're right. Dunno what's wrong with me.

Gekokujo for MB:Warband

Third Age Total War

Hard to peak between the two.

Close enough. Anyway it's crazy that it's been 16 years. And how good it looks for being a half-life 1 mod.

Anyone else remember that other dbz mod rhat was promising as shit but slowly died? I think it was called zeq2.

Supposedly he liked sexually experimenting with guys, even though he wasn't attracted to men.

Was Bowie a cunt to his fans or a chill guy?

chill guy always

I saw David Bowie at a grocery store in Los Angeles once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Never heard of it but it does look pretty cool. Just went to the site and it looks like the modders are not working on a Unity version and are doing the crowd funding thing.

I will never get tired of this pasta

A Game of Thrones for CK2 is fucking excellent. Literally exactly what a game set in the Asoiaf universe should be.

>You lived long enough to witness Bowie's death


Holy shit Vegan Gains survived the zombie apocalypse, and all he had to do was bathe in bleach.

I've been listening to Bowie since birth, but everyone kept calling me a bandwagon hipster when I started listening to him more after he died.

Gangs Of Glasgow

Aladdin Sane is not good, Pepe.


Pudge wars,
W3 and dotA 2 versions are pretty similar, but the one in w3 has more sentimental value to me




Also MechWarrior: Living Legends was fucking amazing and didn't deserve getting cucked by MWO like that.


Kaiserreich for HoI4 may be the only reason I end up actually buying it.

They started in GoldSrc way back when.
I totally remember playing this shit too. Had nearly all the Z-Fighters I believe. Shit was fun and had a close-combat system built around the keypad and directionals I think or something.