What is the best competitive PC shooter?

What is the best competitive PC shooter?

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Clash of clans.

I prefer Overwatch tho because its FUN also waifus :3

Are you a grill?


I can't wait for people to get sick of Overwatch and then have valve announce TF3 just to put the final nail in blizzard's coffin.


Call of duty ghosts

1.6 or GO its really just opinion
>inb4 overwatch

Overwatch isn't even a PC shooter it was designed from the ground up to be on consoles


Activision Blizzard nets almost 1 bil a year and you're talking about them like they're going out of business.

>Overwatch isn't even a PC shooter it was designed from the ground up to be on consoles

I can dream. ;)

far from the best but its fun

Is Insurgency good?
What about those Red Orchestra games?

Don't know

I'm enjoying overwatch because of its variety. Although my Mercy friend won't play because Blizzard did another fucking unintentional change they will fix "asap" (read: a month probably)

Dino D-Day

>designed from the ground up to be a console shooter
>multiple characters are basically useless or OP because of shit tier control schemes
>consoles receive patches and controller support way later than PC

if youre going to shit on overwatch, at least refrain from lying

ayy lmao

Quake for raw skills
CSGO for skill/strat mix

Tribes: Ascend

fuck me

CS:GO if we're only counting alive games. Sadly.

Both are good. Neither are on the level of something like CS:GO but they aspire to greatness and come close, whereas CS:GO or Overwatch aspire to sales and mediocrity and hit that dead on.

They're very different games. Insurgency is much like the spiritual 2014 successor to Day of Defeat. Gritty, team based game play that is quick and arcade like but still manages to avoid the dorito bullshit that made CoDfield games shit in the modern era.

Red Orchestra (RO2: Rising Storm is the current iteration, Rising Storm 2 will be out later this year) is an entirely different thing. It's hard to really describe what makes it so unique. It's like early battllefield games where you spawn in waves and try to capture points. Unlike it, there's a heavy emphasis on realism and teamwork, caution, and reliance on doing shit right rather than twitch reflexes and headshots. That's still present but it'll do you little good to run into an open plaza and try to headshot a guy with your SMG. You'll be cut down by an emplaced machine gun, or a tank, or just an anybody with a bolt action before you make it half way.

Both are rather good games and you wouldn't regret a purchase on either.

Thank you. Could you go into how Insurgency differentiates itself from CoD a little more while still being fast/arcade-like?


Tbh certain menu options still appear as if it's on PC on consoles. I believe it asks you to press y or n to join your friends.


ur mom