"Hey user whatcha playing?"

"Hey user whatcha playing?"

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing much Laura. Shouldn't you be in a latrine bathing in piss at this time?

The "how fast can I get my shoe or set the house on fire?" game.

I used to be terrified of spiders and whatnot until I lived in an apartment that was infested with these things. Having to kill one sometimes two a day for two years kills the arachnophobia.

These disgusting things just started appearing everywhere in my house a couple months ago. Just what the hell is going on?


Out of 1/10^40 chances of this thing evolving the way it did it managed to become this abomination

really makes u think if theres a god

Are there any games where I can fuck a bug?

kys reddit weenb bweeb

i stepped on one of these bastards with my bare feet one time. Thought it was just a warm puddle till i looked down

They eat smaller bugs. If you have a ton of these things and they aren't leaving, you have a general bug problem because it means they have plenty of food.

there is so much not okay with this

Jokes on you, these things eat roaches and silverfish.

Get spiders

You fuckers are everywhere. It makes sense since my apartment is in-ground, right next to the fucking garden. I appreciate how you've fucked the other bugs in here, but you are the absolute worst. When I get shit sorted out, i'm calling an exterminator to rain hellfire on all of you I swear to god.

>A centipede
That's what the fuck I saw last week. Thank you user, I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it was and the picture I took of it was too shitty for google to help.

Literally harmless and they eat other pests like silverfish and spiders.
They are bros,


>catch this in acnl

Its this or silverfish, roaches, or anything smaller than them.

It's called "The Stomping Game"

Theyre called house centipedes, the eat pretty much any other bugs, which means there's a shitload in your place. Get an exterminator out and see what you van do to prevent another infestation.


Can I play too?

All they do is sit in their own corners and eat other bugs, they don't ever bother you.
Meanwhile these things crawl all over the place and in your clothes and shit. Fuck that.


Not him, but should I be worried if I see only literally one? Its been over a week since I saw the thing.

Its sad, the most useful bugs are also the ugliest/most terrifying.

There's this grasshopper girl dating sim, it was supposed to be translated but... I think the project faded into obscurity and was never finished, or something. So it's Jap only for me.

I think it's called "Fall in love with Creatures" or something?

"hey user, watcha playing?"

I saw the first one in my entire life only about 1 year ago or less.

I had never seen one even though I'm basically an ojiisan and traveled all over the world.
I had to look it up when I first saw and apparently they are old and all but I just find it weird that I have never seen one before whether IRL or movie or tv or documentary. And also how other people never saw them until recently as well.

Is there some epidemic of them being caused for some reason?

Also, since I have seen the first one, since that time a year ago, I've seen 2 more, the last one just about a week ago.

I killed all 3 of them

Do you go to every thread asking for sauce on everything? Like, how can the word sauce appear at least 2 or 3 times in every thread? Why cant you just live without this odd comic?

don't move

It's hip

Its probably not a big issue then, just keep an eye out for more, if you start seeing them more regularly get an exterminator.

I can see into your soul user.

It looks tasty.


Why is it trying to grab the hand? I forget what these things are called, but I know they grab insects with their long legs and then shove them right into their mouths. What was this thing expecting to do with an entire hand...?

These are the worst things in my house.

> tfw have to kill spiders because they just feed them

Th-thanks, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyways...

Thank you for protecting my domicile from nasty trash bugs, house centipede, you look gross as fuck but goddammit, you make up for it.

It's a Tailless Whip Scorpion

just defending itself, their pincers aren't hard or strong enough to pierce human skin but it can easily stab some insects

Tailless whip scorpion. They use their arms to snag smaller prey.

He got a little greedy

> tfw there have always been silverfish in my bathroom, i see 1 or 2 at least once a month
>there are also really tiny spiders all over the place
>last week i killed a roach that was in the bathroom

i need to move

I've gotten used to them over the years, and at least the only appear during the summer.
Way better than waterbugs.

Spiders are welcome.
Centipedes are not.

lel that thing is 100% harmless.

try having pic related in your house.

Almost impossible to exterminate. They've been found living in ground zero conditions after nuclear tests.

people actually think there are spiders and centipedes on Sup Forums

Cmon guys we dont even know how to use a keyboard.

If they are in your clothes, its because there were other bugs in your clothes. Also centepedes are yandere. You can't cheat on them with other other insects. This is why spider had to go.


Fuck this thread. Time to post cute insect girls instead. Remember to keep it vidya.

I do have year round protection with Terminix It just freaked me the fuck out as I had never seen it before. I went to kill it as it was on my wall and when I went to go find its corpse, I couldn't. I've cleaned several times, my shoe had bug guts on it and on the walls too, but I still can't find its dead body.


Too bad they're blind.

there is a god user, he's just team centipede

>tfw watched so many bug/insect/arachnid documentaries that youre no longer triggered by shit like this

> not just getting a bearded dragon/any other reptile/lizard and letting them roam around your house every now and then

free externinator

Oh look who showed up. Hey user, i think there are some soda in the basement, why dont you go count it?

Any good ones?

>There's a wasp nest somewhere but I can't for the life of me find it
>Have multiple traps set up in the yard for drowning them
>Bug-A-Salt in one hand, swatter in the other
>Kill at least 5 a day that get into the house
>This has been going on for over a month

I'm so tired of killing.


Ever watched an inch long centipede scurry across your floor so fast that you lose track of it?

>liking any insect at all

>not liking beetles



Same thing with me my friend, just with fleas. I've bombed the ever loving fuck out of my house with all manners of products, yet they still find a way. These things are super powered or some shit.

Had this shit once. Wasp nest was nearly unreachable because of the really high foyer ceiling

>"hey user, let's sleep together tonight!"

this is definitely one of the best ive seen, it's a 5 part series, so its kinda long.

But for some reason it has a hard-on for wasps (all different types not just yellowjackets) and focuses on them for a good chunk.

Chances are, there's a hole near a gutter or perhaps a wall. Go get an exterminator already, user.

Maybe I'm too /an/ but there aren't really many bugs that bother me.

The only things that disgust me are leeches and Jews.

Why don't you just fucking pay an exterminator to do a full sweep or something? They're probably in a bush or high in a tree somewhere.

Keep samefagging your super original post.

But insects provide many benefits for the environment

>apartment has ant problem
>start spraying all the crevices
>accidentally spray a few spider webs outside
That was a mistake, they were literally protecting the gap between the screen door so now more bugs can get in. Screw gnats, there are so many of them where I live.

>honey bees

dont let the evil ones blind you, some are bros

Why don't you just fix the screen?

I'm about 15km outside of the nearest town and there are no exterminators there.

I am the exterminator.

Cute! CUTE!

Not now Cornelius. I had a bad day.

Any games with cute bug girls?

>not wanting to fuck bugs

The only good bug is a dead bug.

>tfw had a stinkbug problem
>would kill 30 a day
>repeat every fucking day
I no longer feel bad genociding them.

jiji, tell me a war story

That is one adorable whip scorpion.

>flufflebutt bees

get a sense of humor

Hey user, watcha playin?


that thing is ancient, its a link between a true spider and a true scorpion.

>being a phylum-ist in 2016

Bees are great and chill. Much better than faggot ass wasps or crackhead hornets.

>he wouldn't tap that exoskeleton

Insect segments on Planet Earth are always great. David Attenborough has done others, like Micro Monsters and others.


This shit is just too badass.
>chromed-up ants
>desert sun
>pulsing techno

>that one feeler arm thats longer than the others

It's a flaw in the design, not a very good sliding door. The spider bros helped out though.

I especially love anything involving ant colonies

I mean A hate ants but they really are fascinating.