Any good free to play like WoW?
Any good free to play like WoW?
It is working good on steam?, i tryed this game before but didn't run.....
Most of them are like WoW, there is one that is basically a complete copy of WoW but none of them ever reach the same quality that WoW used to have. WoW basically ruined every other MMO
If its not working its not because of steam, its because you have a computer from 2006.
desu i have a good pc (2014), rift always give me an error, don't remember what kind of error
Then its on your end. I played it, on steam, like 4 years ago. Either troubleshoot it or give up. Don't care either way.
>like WoW
You're out of luck buddy
I'm subbed right now and I hate it (both the game and myself)
If you're gonna be a loser just embrace it and be happy.
WoW was made free to play a year ago with the tokens.
have we grown up or are MMOs just shit in general now
WoW ruined the genra by being really fucking good so everyone else got way too high expectations
then WoW got fucky
WoW was great and super successful, so everyone copied it.
Long after WoW has turned into a pile of rancid shit, new MMOs will still continue to copy WoW in its current state.
That are 20/30k gold. Who has that much gold, seriously
let's hope that they've learned their lesson since WoD and are trying to play it safe on legion, making a solid expansion with what the playerbase expect from a WoW expansion
also let's hope we're not stuck in the same patch for a fucking year this time with no new content
and nothing like khadgar's fucking stupid legendary quest lines either
and bring back class quests
At point I know there's no escape and I've just kind have accepted it. WoW has something I want still, not really sure what it is, but it's enough.
90k on my server :c
but gold is pretty much fucking useless at this point anyways so who gives a fuck
> Rift
You will have the time of your life until you hit around level 30 and you realize you've already seen every enemy in the game.
Stonefield is the best zone I've played in an MMO. I loved how it got you interested in the setting via a mystery, and it had a great climax.
sit tight and wait for Legion, wait a few months and see how it does, only buy gametime when you really feel like playing
it's pre-patch so fucking no one is playing now so current wow is not an accurate representation of the active community
Oh I'm just coming off a 9 month break or so, depends on how the content goes as usual but I'll play for a bit under a year at least, and then I'll see where the game is there.
why would anyone want WoW gold? like you can't purchase anything with it.
Nigga, 98% of F2P MMOs are shitty WoW copies that misunderstood what made WoW popular to begin with. Protip: It wasn't the god-awful point-and-click combat that developers are so afraid of straying away from.
Riders of Icarus is the best free WoW clone available for the western market
why would you troll him like that
>starter accounts have a gold limit
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice one buddy
>really fucking good
>Who has that much gold, seriously
Is this a joke? I don't grind anything. I have a friend that does heroic/mythic carries. They make 500k each a week, it's crazy.
IF you get to level 60 in rift, you will experience a new hell in grinding. And you'll be so damn bored. Also, what is it about shitty f2p MMO's that have like 30 different currencies?
pick two
You can make that much in a week with a good garrison on one character.
So, what's a good MMO?
Maybe not in a week after the gold mission nerfs, but certainly in a month if you lucky with blingtron's vault.
Fuck You!
WoW, FF14, and EVE are the only ones that come to mind. Every other one was garbage, or had some shitty microtransactions that made playing it pointless. (Looking at you, BDO and ArcheAge.)
I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons Online for 6 and a half years, it's a free download and free to play.
This is a surprisingly decent and underrated game.
I was thinking of picking up the 75% off shit on steam, but I have no one I could convince to play with me.
private servers
>no gorgon mentioned
free alpha but pretty fun
I can see the furry roleplay already.
are you retarded?
How is DDO these days? I haven't really played it since it went F2P.
you're the one that just called WoW, and i quote, "really fucking good"
Fragmented as hell and pay to anything. That being said I've only played the F2P version.
I don't know how they managed to make Rift so bland considering they had a great Soul system going on for classes. It's like they crossed WoW with EQ2, and really inherited none of the strong points of either.
that user wasn't me, but literally everyone knows that it was the best of the genre.
either you're new to video games or retarded.
F2P is kinda hellish to play in mid-levels because there's just not enough content to go around and you WILL end up repeating quests. On a related not, motherfucking Age of Conan. It opened up pretty much entire game to F2P players, except content zones you need to buy additionally anyway with update 5.0.
>furry roleplay
dont realy care about that, even though you can get cursed to be cow, bat, pig, deer, spider, dunno what else is there
and now you confirmed it, you're retarded
forgot werewolf
here's your reply bud. enjoy your first week.
There's a reason why WoW set the staple for mmorpgs, y'know...
I am surprised but all the furrys left after the fagchan "invasion" got ignored into oblivion.
>he honestly, whole-heartedly believes that wow wasn't good in BC and WOTLK
Oh fuck I am kekkin it
Why are european prices so high? less people buy the tokens from the shop or more people buying it from the AH?
one question - can I finally play expansion content if I don't sub?
yea because the moronic bottom of the barrel idiots that call themselves "gamers" latched onto it
people who are essentially facebook app players
>y-you newfag!
WoW is hot garbage for idiots such as yourself
Because Blizzard realized they set them too low initially on US servers. Keep in mind EU got tokens later.
I thought the prices were based on the market and weren't set by Blizzard
>Age of Conan
massive missed opportunity for funcom
Initial prices on token launch were.
US servers also have many more players than EU, so supply is much higher. Korean servers got cucked hard. They're going for 180,000g each on there now.
>so supply is much higher
Demand should be higher as well.
>current year
>playing wow
exactly, anyone who can't afford a measily 40k with garrison money banks deserve to pay a monthly sub
Just play the
is TESO f2p?
garrisons literally shit out money
they are not server bound you autist
Literally retail doesn't have an economy anymore - it's like on private servers where you can get gold from voting / shop.
Literally on average - while mostly passive a garrison prints 1 mil gold / month per user ( of course among all alts ) it can make even more + professions, farming, auction house playing you can make 2 - 3 mil gold / month alone.
Gold is worthless right now - the market was flooded with it and it's basically not important and not worth farming.
If you desperately need gold - go to g2a gold sellers - with 50 - 100$ you just bought enough gold for months.
starter edition is gold capped and can't buy tokens anyways unless you have an active sub
You can buy tokens from starter if there's enough gold across all characters on the ream. Done it few times.
can you whisper others freely for ERP?
>Literally retail doesn't have an economy anymore - it's like on private servers where you can get gold from voting / shop.
I'd argue private servers covering vanilla to WotLK without donations now have better economy than retail.
Am I the only one who thinks that you can make more money from cta satchels? if you are a tank you will always be needed
>You can buy tokens from starter if there's enough gold across all characters on the ream.
So how many characters do you actually need to buy a token on starter edition?
You can't on started edition because there's 10g gold cap for all chars and I think you can have maximum of 12 per ream.
so 120g is not enough you need like 80k g on eu.
considering the gold cap is 10gold, it doesn't even matter, it can't be done
What are your top mmos these days, fags, I bet you don't even play them.
World of Warcraft
Elder scrolls online
guild wars 2
Elder scrolls is gaining population quick but it sucks.
It's not free to play, you're the shittiest of all liars, I even bought this shit retail with a pretty cool box and figurine, shit man, it's not free to play even if you actually pay for the game.
You have to pay for content.
>500k a week
you are small time
CM double carries for 233k a run, takes 2 hours.
We do 2 a day, 5 days a week
do the math
You know, I got an elder scrolls account and I can't fathom how it is so shitty, I mean, red paint all over the ground so you avoid attacks so the enemy gets stunned for half an hour as a reward for avoiding the red area?
Kronos vanilla WoW private server.
Reached level 30 earlier there, going to perma quit it - compared to Nost the world is filled with bugs, and the population is very edgy.
This pleb missed it. I feel pity for you.
What classes are you girls playing these days anyway? I have a 93 rogue, which has always been my most played class and I have a 100 priest which I leveled for pvp healing learning, but I just might go pve with that one.
It used to be pretty good, yes.
>i feel pity for someone that wasn't dumb enough to be duped by blizzard's shit
To this day I'm still proud I've never touched any of their crap
>even playing WoW post Cataclysm
Problem is it's a dead game as far as fuck at this point. There are players playing it, but it's a husk of what the game used to be.
>never touched any of it
>it's crap
Why are you talking?
Wow really is the best MMO.
If you can't afford the sub just play on a private server.
Must be nice being a NEET.
This was so good when they first rolled out F2P then it just kept getting more and more pay to win.
Why bother drawing a human and tinting it purple?
Aren't these meant to be badass 7ft amazon bitches with fangs and shit?
The worst thing about Rift, and some other MMOs as well, was that the combat had very little impact. When playing a melee class, it felt like I was hitting with wet noodles. Use a skill that crits and deals shitloads of damage? Feels no different from an auto attack. In WoW, if you were to ambush some drinking mage or something, you could feel how the guy gets completely wrecked. This stuff just made me stick with casters in Rift.
Anyone located in es-jajaja Sanguino horde?
Let's be honest was terrible due to the chinese farmers