Why is it everybody's talking like this game isn't good look at it playing it right now looks good

why is it everybody's talking like this game isn't good look at it playing it right now looks good

Why did Levine kill of Elizabeth?

There is simples don't for videogames in general :
>the game is different than what you showed/promised
>you removed what was good from the previous games

Basically it's a good game, just not a good BIOSHOCK game

>Showcases the walking simulator part of the game to showcase how it's a good "game".

the god only knows acapella was the only good part

irrational was about to get fucked by 2K because of his dumbfucking decisions so he decided, lol she ded now you can't use her.

i liked it but im a normie so it doesnt count on Sup Forums

God, run on sentences crack me up.
Picturing someone reading out the entire OP without pausing or taking a breath is hilarious.

I think the shootouts in the city before it went to shit was alright because the city is pretty vibrant looking.

When the commies do the revolution the city gets boring to me, and so the game gets boring to me.

why you gotta start spoiling shit now I just buried my grappling tool into a man's face shit was nuts fuck you though

it's actually better to get spoiled and stop playing than playing through the game and just get disappointed

The game is fine up until around the point where the game starts throwing lots of bullet sponge enemies at you and the story becomes about different dimensions or whatever.

I wanna find out for myself though disappointed or not like yeah I knew titanic was gonna drown still was sad

What are some other games where Booker is Comstock?


you already finished the best part of the game. quit while your ahead

Fucking bloom everywhere was killing my eyes

DLC is top tier

Mostly its the fact that the entire world praised the damn thing as the second coming of Jesus. Bioshock 1 and 2 are both better games. Infinite is the fucking definition of an alright game.

Just another generic shooter

the setting is great, I also really like the artstyle but everything else is garbage.

Its a great game Sup Forums just hates it because while they shit on CoD fans for liking the same bland shit every year, they are exactly the same.
Bioshock infinite is different therefore its bad, all you have to do is see how people praise bioshock 2 despite it being nothing but a selfish cash grab.

I enjoyed it overall. Some parts felt a little tedious, though, and the way the story was wrapped up at the end felt convoluted compared to Bioshock 1 and 2.

The big reveal at the end was definitely a surprise, but it felt like an M. Night Shyamalan surprise.

it has great style and worldbuilding lots of little details but removed any kind of complexity or "shock" aspects in favour of making it a bog standard shooter
certainly one of the biggest disappointments in recent years and i'm not even a big bioshock fan either