You're walking down a perfectly normal corridor and see this chick at the end

You're walking down a perfectly normal corridor and see this chick at the end.

What do?

Run towards her screaming at the top of my lungs while flailing my arms at random.

Tried that the first time I saw her in Fear1. I died.

Make like Angelina Jolie and adopt her spooky ass.


your feet are pretty dirty desu

Isn't the first time you see her on the ladder? Then next time is in the office when she crawls at you? She doesn't kill you until the very end of the game.

Shell probably wait until you go to sleep or aomething and then rape you , like she does at the end of FEAR 2

Unzip my pants and start furiously fapping while moaning out alma. Most ghosts are reluctant to spook you when you're nude and doing some bussiness.

Run away while the hallway explodes behind me and do a cool flip out a window.

I pull out my dick

Tell that Samara knockoff to go fuck off and find me an actually spooky ghost.

Can't rape the willing.

that scene made me feel reaaaaaally uncomfortable.

really blind sided me on what was going to happen.

I'm playing through the game at the moment and the first time I saw her properly was in Interval 2 when she causes you to jump out of a window.

The ladder bit was in Interval 3 which I skipped by jumping down the ladder instead of climbing down.

It all makes sense now

>remember that blood room with the skeleton with vivid detail
>replay the game and it looked horribly retarded

Game was a lot less spooky than I remember.

The answer is obvious

That's the idea. You raise her as your daughterfu but when she comes of age you make her a woman.

Alma is a yandere rapist. It's great.

You can see her in the very first level when investigating the hospital looking for Fettel. If you go to the blocked door and spam use it enough, she appears in the corner and says something.

I'm also pretty sure you can catch a glimpse of her when the Delta Force team sends you to open the gate in the second level, just before she vaporizes them.

And when they introduce you to the health boosters she runs past you in the dark and appears behind you when you pick it up. I'm pretty sure that's before the exploding hallway, which is the only time I can think of where Alma will kill Point Man.

The one in the elevator room or whatever where the skeleton is on the ground and all the blood is spread all over the ceiling?

give her the D

no like the lake of blood you land in and start wading through, then a skeleton like in the corner pops up and goes OOGIE BOOGIE

I just remember them jumping out and grabbing me and screaming in my face

Turn into a skeleton and hope I can spook her off

I turn 180 degrees and moonwalk away

I forget. Why is it that fettel survives being shot in the head in 1? Is he keeping himself alive or is it Alma just controlling the body telepathically? Do not reference anything about FEAR 3, because everything in that game is stupid.

Alma is a good girl, she just needs some loving.

but woudn't you be then walking (backwards) towards her?

Oh yeah, one of the delivery room hallway spooks. Walk back and forth down the hallway following bloody foot prints, then wading through a waist deep pool of blood, get to the door where she's giving birth, only to have a burnt skeleton fly up, bust through the window, and grab you.

Like his mother, his telekinetic ability is strong enough to survive without a physical form.

But it doesn't really matter since after 1, he only canonically appears in 2's mini-DLC dedicated to his Rebirth and 3. Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate are non-canon for the story of 2 and 3.

Extraction Point basically starts with him saying, "I'm alive, I don't know why, but I am." and Perseus Mandate is a side story that happens at the same time as 1, so he wasn't dead for most of it.

I move my mouse down. Press esc. Alt+f4. And watch the ring to calm down.

>Get's turned into a bloody skeleton two seconds later
Alma is a total cunt.

She read your perverted thoughts.

I was assuming that he was gonna give headpats not shove her mouth into his meatstick...

> not shove her mouth into his meatstick

I'd pay to see that.

Based on the helmet, that's the Point Man.
She wouldn't vaporize the flesh from her son's bones.

The only time she's massive dick is when she kills Delta Force dudes, everyone else she kills are just mindless clones.


She was a good girl.

Alma did nothing wrong.

Didn't she kill Jankowski too?

Why DID she kill delta force guys? Those people probably had their own lives and it was all wasted at the flip of a switch because this bitch can melt the flesh off of people with her mind. And why did she constantly spook her son like that?

I heard she raped a guy.

He asked for it.

Unzip my pants because I ain't dying a virgin.

>the Point Man

I really don't like how this practically became the character's canonical name just because people called him that.

He was "on point" during his assignment in the first game. That doesn't mean "point man" is his name, or even his title. But people use it like it actually describes who he is, like he's a super hero with the power of being pointy.

>Spider Man
>Iron Man
>Point Man ... ?

Master Chief was in FEAR?

I know, did you see what he was wearing?

>that arm

what a slut

>Point Man
>Not a super hero

literally what, did you even play the game niggah.
He could kick batman's ass with that slowmo and karate attacks

he canologically has no name barring a pet title used by the top brass for the sake of record keeping which we are never told beyond one existing; what are we supposed to call him? It was a major point in the plans they had for him after he failed the Aptitude tests. No name, no memories, no personality.

Not directly. Most of the paranormal stuff that happens isn't controlled by her, but a side effect of her power and her tortured mind from being a lab experiment until she 8 years old, being locked in a massive high-tech prison where she was physically in a coma but telekinetically awake, impregnated against her will by her own father, woken up to have two kids who were immediately taken from her, AND THEN left to die in the giant metal coma bubble at the age of 16.

I really don't know. Maybe she misunderstood their intentions and killed them in preemptive self defense, or that scene was scripted before a story revision made her less a spooky monster and they forgot. There was a ton of cut content, like that medic chick in FEAR who was supposed to be a sniper.

The point man is a tactical position, the tip of the spear of a squad who is the first one in, and usually the first to die. Because his reflexes tested off the charts, they figured his reaction speed would make him great for the position since he could get in and kill anything before it had a chance to get him.

They just never really wanted to give him a name so his role became his name.

That's not really the point.

>Alma being a nice ghost mum and looking out for point man in extraction point
>"You're safe now"

so we just gonna call him fearguy?

From terror town street?

haha good old child molester bear.

His name is Feargus.

No, but I wish the developers had given us something to call him that's less gay than "the point man".

Put the poo in pants and make the girl think it

is that him? what a semen demon.

Holy fuck was this fluff in Fear Origins? Had no Idea alma was raped by her father and two children Pointman and Ghost guy were had a when shecwas still a kid...thought the rape in fear 2 was their birth.

>tfw monolith stopped making fun games like nolf and keeps shitting out fear sequels no one asked for

She wasn't raped by her dad Harlen, she was artificially inseminated by a combined DNA sperm thing that included her dads DNA

Last FEAR related thing monolith did was Project Origin.
They haven't touched it since.

Monolith has made exactly two FEAR games.



I think most of it was in 1 actually.

And she wasn't actually raped, it was artificially done, but her father used his own DNA for it.

The rape baby she took from Becket was just the plot of FEAR 3. If they were to make a 4 (FE4R?), it would be centered on the baby and which ending they made canon since 3 could end with Point Man of Fettel killing the other and taking the kid.

FEAR 1 was so good. Back when Pointman didn't talk and everything was creepy as shit, not knowing what's around the next corner or when the next Alma scare will be. Good times.

Alma was so damn hype in the first game.
The game spends the entire time building up her threat, until the end where you find she's locked inside this absurdly huge research complex with countless safeguards and redundant systems to keep her away from the rest of the world forever.

>the cliffhanger at the end on the helicopter

F.E.A.R. was a good game.

>tfw every scary game ever you scream your lungs off and spin in circles when entering a new room


I could have sworn Fettel eats the child. Unless he only ate Alma, but I know he ate someone.

He eats Alma.
Which makes no fucking sense but whatever ghosts and shit.

Haha! Good one, Reddit!

that's one too many.

monolith got bought by wb. just be glad we got fear 1 as it is. as for nolf literally nobody knows who even owns the ip. night dive tried to get rights to re-release a few years ago but determining who actually owns the ip is like trying straighten out 100 miles of balled up knotted christmas lights.

>Self projection the post

Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up. I can't say I remember much from that one beyond doing goofy things with a friend.

fear is thoroughly mediocre. if it wasn't for pretty lighting it would've been forgotten about.

He ate Alma and kept the child.

His ending even starts with Point Man about to execute the baby still in the womb and Fettel getting pissed and possessing him to stop it from happening.

It's Telekeknetics, I don't have to explain shit.

But really, the whole of 3 is her power fucking up the psycho-power-sphere (I know there's a word for it, but I just can't remember it.) drawing in energy to become physical again so she can have the baby.

Yes but I think The Man Point would be a little gayer.

You can actually see her if you mess with the doors in the first level enough.

I'm glad I didn't try that

You're walking down a perfectly normal corridor and see this chick at the end.

What do?

Do a 360 and walk away because she isn't best Jago

>Not superior Shago

Shit taste get out 1v1 me mum only cunt

Hope she haunts me

Should I play the FEAR games even though i don't like getting spooked

Yes. FEAR has some of the best FPS action sequences and still holds up well today. When you really think about it there arnt too many cheap jumoscares, more of a creepy atmosphere.

when are you leaving?

1.Turn 360 degrees
2.Walk away

Git rekt cunt I'll utlim8 u kunt

that would mean you would walk towards her

>he doesn't know you can walk backwards

Played this game ever since it released in 2005 and never knew about this...

He canonically has no name. Just a designation, which became "Point Man" because he was the point man. Got abbreviated into "P1" and "PM1" later on, poor bastard can't even get a proper serial.

I don't know what it is about FEAR. It freaks me out so much but I feel like I have to keep on playing

Tbh, I've always wanted to sex a poltergeist since scary movie 2

thats not alma


i dont know why fear is considered spooky. its a nice and gory sci-fi revenge story which you pick up the broad strokes off fairly early into the game and once you realize alma's true intentions its not even supposed to be scary in the first place.

let her rape me


Does anyone know what actually happened to Jankowski?