Reminder that if you don't know anything about character design, your opinion on the subject is completely worthless.
i agree with the chart. except owl and moon legendary should be rated higher.... its really really cool
Stop. You don't get what makes a design work, and clearly, they work enough for you to make a whiny complaint about them.
If a Pokemon is intentionally made to be ugly, and people give it shit for being ugly, does that mean it was well-designed?
>sharp teeth
is there a greater irony in this world?
>Shield whateverthefuckitis is fairy
>Literally just a fucking moth is Fairy
>Fur covered chinchilla pikachu is half steel
These typings are getting abstract. At least the bug looks like something that could generate electricity.
New Pokemon is shit. X/Y were shit, OR/AS was slightly less shit because Hoenn, and Sun/Moon are going to be hyper-mega shit.
Proof: Fairy is still in the game.
The Pikalike has got retractable spikes, which is why its steel. Basically a pikapine
The blue/yellow bug is the only good looking one
>Literally Sonichu
Pokemon went to shit the minute Dragonair reached Level 50.
>tiki shield thing is fairy
What the fuck? Have they just fucking stopped caring about making designs that fit types? Is that why they literally tell you what move to use now?
They stopped caring when they thought Fairy was an appropriate type for Pokemon.
>Pineco is a bug
>Magnemite is steel
>Voltorb isn't
Yes, they stopped caring.
>People are still butthurt over Fairy typing.
It's your typical edgy dark dragon users
I'm never buying a Pokemon game until it's nerfed just as hard as Dragon or removed entirely.
Game Freak can go fuck themselves if they think I'll support their bullshit.
if they're complaining about balance they're one hundred percent right, fairy is complete horseshit
I cancelled my preorder desu. Shit's ugly as fuck.
great taste
I still want to know what was going through their heads when they made dragonite.
Pineco is a bagworm Neanderthal.
I agree with you that new pokemon are shit.
Every game after the original Gold/Silver has shitty designs (speaking nothing of the new systems, gym leaders, zones, etc.)
Pineco is a bug with a outer shell that resembles a Pinecone. In fact I'm pretty sure it's outright stated that it's a bagworm.
There's more retared typings out there.
But Vikavolt is one of the coolest pokemon designs ever
>XY were shit
Love this meme
They'd be the best pokemon games if they weren't casualized and had a battle frontier.
Gold/Silver is bad, too. Playing through the remakes, I can't see what I ever liked in that gen.
>playing pokemon for a balanced and fair experience
hello autism
You're the cancer killing the series, then.
It's apparent by your shitty taste in Pokemon
>People began to complain about designs when it was too obvious to ignore in gen 5.
>"Fuck off nostalgiafag lol".
It LOOKS like a grass type, it should BE a grass type, every single pokemon should be immediately obvious what type they are just by looking at them
>Ralts is green
>not a grass type
>no battle frontier
Those make it shit, user.
>voltorb isnt a steel type
Because he isn't made of steel.
He isn't even a pokeball. He's a mimic like in most fantasy lore where creatures disguise themselves as treasure.
Even if he was literally a pokeball turned sentient, pokeballs are made out of fruit from trees. Not steel.
See, you call yourselves Pokemon fans yet fail to realize who's actually behind the whole process.
>original Gold/Silver
>worst leveling
>worst pokemon distribution
>empty fucking kanto
>mixed bag of pokemon, some of the worst with some of the best
Don't let yourself get blinded by nostalgia you humongous faggot.
>2nd stage evolution
>looks like a giant stupid baby
>fetal alcohol syndrome horn
>tiny wings
>fat, dumpy body
>fat and stubby limbs
>round, unthreatening face
>spaghetti antennae
>pretty sure it sounded like a retard too in the show
If you put a fedora on it, it would be the perfect furfag oc
Fuck off Sudowoodo. You can't fool us into not using water against you.
>the perfect furfag oc
You have no idea.
>You have no idea.
I'd like to keep that way.
Don't forget
>No post game until HG/SS and Battle Frontier
>Gym leaders are unfairly overpowered for the schlock Pokemon you get given in the first half of the game
>Especially considering that leveling them equally means your Pokemon will by 6-7 levels under the Gym Leader's mons
>Routes are lame and boring, arr rook same
>Best part of the game is the second half, even though it's empty and a neutered version of the previous games
>gym leaders are unfairly overpowered
That was a good thing though.
i love all the designs aside from tapukoko and magearna
Not even a furry, but I love gay Charizard. He's adorable.
Maybe if you were given good Pokemon and a proper EXP curve. Having Gengar be the 4th gym leader Pokemon is a good fucking joke when the best thing you can have by that point is Heracross.
I stopped at Gen 6, Megas are too much fo a retarded concept.
What's worse is things like M-Mawile and M-Audino could have been regular evos.
Then there's fucking Mega-Ray and tourneys allowing Box Legends now.
What a fucking joke. Fuck you GF.
Drampa is cute! CUTE!
>the perfect furfag oc
No the perfect furfag oc would be literally any sort of werewolf, with unusually colored stripes on its fur.
Cutiefly is pretty cute but it almost doesn't seem like a pokemon. It reminds me of Mr. Mosquito.
HGSS did good because it gave you that Togepi with Extrasensory, it made Morty a breeze.
I'll agree that a better pokemon distribution is in order but come on man. Gym leaders are supposed to be hard. Not like the shit we've gotten lately that are just pushovers.
Every other pokemon game has way more issues then that, though
>Gym leaders are unfairly overpowered
Is Cutiefly based off of a Beefly?
I never really played a pokemon game - I'm looking into emulating - what should I pick? I need something complete and new if it's possible should I pick black/white 2 titles for DS?
>Underagers will praise these designs and call people that hate them genwunners
Pokemon Platinum is fucking incredible. GOAT Pokemon soundtrack
>Genwunners will come in and shit on designs then get ramrodded by shit designs in their own gen
But I don't want to play the game just because of 8bit soundtrack.
I like 1st he majority of 1-4 designs and some of 5. 6 onwards have been awful and funnily enough had the worst games in the franchise too. Everyone about Sun and Moon looks so cheap design wise, like it was thrown together because Nintendo doesn't have a Christmas item.
Only shitmon there is the fish and arguably the battery bug. The rest have acceptable to great designs
>triggerfish upsets people
it's pottery
>ability: honeygather
yeah I would say so
Platinum is on the DS.
It's got everything else too, don't worry.
what the fuck is top left even supposed to be
>Let's also give him a Scyther, level it up, and give it a better moveset with one of the best moves in the game
Whitney is a pushover, but Bugsy can only be beaten by 5 Pokemon you can obtain at that part of the game.
It's literally the best game, right after bw2.
Why the fuck does everyone like Cutiefly so much?
It's easily the worst designed of the new mons, next to that koala thing.
I can't even tell what the fuck it's supposed to be.
I love cute pokemon!
>Fury Cutter
>best move
Awful, terrible taste. Hakuna Matata should be 5. Pikahog should be 4 or 5. Maggy should be 4 or 5. Rest is okay but you need work on your likes.
It's a bee fly. Literally.
hello facebook
It's a cutie pie.
They should all be below 3, at most.
No that's burmy and wormadam.
Nope. New Pokemon are still the same as ever, made by the Pokemon Company and nostalgia is the only thing winning you over. You're the tiniest minority when it comes to this opinion.
I love appreciating every design, hating them or loving them, they are all great and will always have the official feel of Pokemon as long as the same artists work on them and distributed by the Pokemon Company.
The series was never yours. You were never a fan. You never even liked Pokemon and now you're just riding memes. Shut the fuck up pussy. Pokemon will always continue.
No such move, user. You're thinking of Fury Cutter.
>+1 level
>Focus Energy
>Sitrus Berry
Fuck this thing.
It takes too much effort to hate things.
Then you are irrelevant.
Being a dicksucker is what made Pokemon so shitty recently.
This thing is a fucking monster.
Literally called the Bagworm Pokemon.
>b-but it's name is
Yes, and Bagworms resemble pinecones. It's a double-entendre.
Why are you making the same exact thread every day?
>Litten is the only one with a high rating
Your opinion is complete garbage.
Care to make sense?
This is good taste right here. I love trigger fish. It is based off of a trigger fish and it is literally triggering newfags and nostalgiafags. It's like pottery.
It's the only one that look remotely good. If you think otherwise, you're why Gen 7 is going to be hot garbage.
I didn't know it also was the species bagworm.
I only knew that's what burmy and wormadam were.
You win.
>Pikachu clone
>Anything other than 0
>abra is brown
>not a rock pokemon
The only reason Platinum was good was because GF got fucking lambasted for the abominations that were D/P.
All the dick riders now are the reason why Pokemon has been shit since 2013. GF won't listen to criticism when they have people eating whatever garbage they spew out.
>Fairy types
Top jej. All Fairy types dropped to 3/5 immediately, and then judged from there.