does this game have literally any appeal besides big anime titties?
is the gameplay fun?
does this game have literally any appeal besides big anime titties?
is the gameplay fun?
It's a lighter version of Dynasty Warriors. Fun, character interactions are great, but not at all challenging unless you fight bosses underleveled. So yeah, half the appeal is cute girls doing cute things and having giant knockers. The PC Version has a mod to add nipples in.
Katsuragi is the only good Hanzo girl
DON'T talk about Ikaruga like that.
I agree. Hebijo da bes.
Miyabi > Rest of cast.
>Liking the the hall monitor more than the class rapist
Senpai pls
Out of the leaders yes
How do you get any lighter than Dynasty Warriors?
Hebijo does have the best ratio of best girls.
>I wanna fondle ryoubi's flat chest
Bosses are their own missions.
Less enemies on screen. Much much smaller battlefields. Objective is usually just defeating the enemy officer.
Combat is pretty similar. Light and strong attacks that can be mixed. Ninja arts are pretty much just musous. You know how it works.
Yes. Think of it like Double Dragon but 360 degrees and with combos.
People have to stop being offended just cause a game may have a girl or girls with big tits. Just play the fucking game
Not really. It's so easy that you can just mash and win. You can also dress up the characters if you like that.
no on both counts
just grab the pics
>You can also dress up the characters if you like that.
I actually really do like that
Then you'll enjoy that the PC version includes all the DLC.
Why would you want to add nipples in?
How many hours to beat it? To 100% it?
That's not Ikaruga though, user.
I bought it and am having fun. pure cheesecake, goofy dialogue, some of the music tracks are obnoxiously fun to listen to. All the tittyninjas seem to play differently. big question is whether you like your cheesecake more 3D, like Dead or Alive, or if you prefer animu-styled.
I just wish this game had post-game challange maps, or made hard-mode enemy bosses at least on the level of Rin from the final Daidouji mission.
>big anime titties?
That's a really cute boy, what's his name?
Considering it's a big anime titties game that's not too bad.
i think you're confused
It's got fun but really fucking repetitive gameplay.
Murakumo best girl.
Goes fast hits fast is kawaii and sugoi
I blame the DFC.
>How many hours to beat it?
about 10 minutes
They're better without breasts.
Damn son, what happen to Miyabi's bra?
Not really, it's just mindless hack and slash. Nobody plays this for the deep and intricate combat system, or for the thought-provoking plot.
Get a hold of yourself.
>does this game have literally any appeal besides big anime titties?
It actually has decent enough story to enjoy.
Deep Crimson is very fun even if still flawed.
Burst plays at negative fps.
Shinovi Versus has a great framerate and good graphics but the gameplay is much worse than DC's.
>A win's a win user, now you have to suck on my nipples
I've been up too late tonight
>posting fucking ESTIVAL VERSUS as an example of "decent enough story"
EV's "story" or lack thereof was fucking awful you delusional tard.
Why is Asuka picking on Rin? That fucking cunt!
It also has flabby butts, even though the series' fans typically refuse to admit this.
The bras get smaller as the chest get smaller.
Also I suck hard at that game, I still haven't managed to beat the first stage.
Which makes it funny because SJWs keep saying the game has "no substance" yet it's not a button smasher since it's actually difficult.
That or Minori is really a shit character power-wise.
Have you maxed your favorite Senran yet?
can I play as that jotaro looking one with the titty wrap and the abs
this is a dealbreaker for me
>Nobody plays this for the deep and intricate combat system
It still irritates me that there's people who think the combat system really is well built.
>starting to lose
Ground combos don't even flow well.
>Sucking this bad with Minori
Son, I don't even...
Just do the training mission.
And then:
>Charge Power Attack > Do any combo > Aerial Rave > Follow up with power attack
I hate playing as Minori so what I usually do is just enter Yin mode asap then drop pancakes on bosses.
>Playing as a boy in a Senran game
I don't understand you.
Daidouji? Yeah. She got some nice poise on her, guard-breaking attacks, shoots fireballs with different charges, and is generally awesome all around. Kinda slow compared to some characters though.
Thanks I'm gonna try that.
See? Everyone ignores this humiliating fact and tries to talk about their boobs instead.
She's a dlc character.
Paid DLC on the Vita version, PC needs to buy her with ingame money.
She is free in Estival Versus and even more insane.
It's shovelware like Hyperdimension Neptunia
God her abs in SV are non-existant.
Unique models for each girl needs to happen in the next game.
>those missions in estival where she tries to figure out how to be more feminine
What in the holy fuck what a ride
>she just one-ups every weird trait from the weirdest Senrans and combines them
The last mission was a mess. And then Rin actually felt for it too, that desperate old hag.
Played estival versus for the first time yesterday
Really shallow gameplay, though still quite fun
Also why the fuck is the only DFC is this annoying brat
I know the game's all about titty monsters, but having a few more wouldn't hurt
One and a half is enough.
Well Ryobi is technically also flat since her post-transform titts are fake.
>Deep Crimson HD never ever
Is there a little sister character in this game? Like blood-related? I'm weird. I like that kinda thing in Anime games.
>can't use the long skirt on any other character in EV
>on anyone other than Daidoji it turns into a short skirt
>can't make delinquent Senrans
Murasaki I guess? She is the only character where being the little sister to another character is anything big story-related.
It is not a big character trait of hers or anything.
sounds like my kind of girl
>delinquent Senrans
mah nigga
Without the long skirts it's just not the same. Didn't realise there was a squat pose though, time to make gopnik senrans!
Is there not a long skirt version for Kaguras Skirt?
Or is that also character exclusive?
Ah, I don't think I've got that far yet.
I'm going to marry Yumi!
I think one of the Hebijo Uniforms also had a long version.
But she is already married to a very abusive man.
the 3ds versions are the ones with story
Looks like the young kid from bad Santa.
I hate Yumi.
Why do you hate the poster girl of Senran Kagura?
Stupid look
Stupid ideals
Stupid fighting style
I want Asuka x Homura hotness back.
You're a bad person
Those two seem to be fading away to the sidelines, that is true.
We did not even get a final big Asuka vs. Homura fight in EV. Really sad.
I don't give a shit what you guys are talking about
I'm having a great wank over here