Have you ever gotten a nuke?
Have you ever gotten a nuke?
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>tfw played mw2 with my friends all the time in high school
>we agreed the first of us to get a nuke would get 10$ from everyone
>tfw got the nuke first but when i was playing by myself
>was on xbox360 and had no way of screenshotting
>tfw no-one believed me
Don't you get a emblem and achievement for getting one?
I have atleast 70 I think. My first one was in 3rd person team tactical on rust.
I think so, but black ops was released literally a few days later and nobody cared anymore
>tfw nuke boosted
I got to 24 one time...
>it's gotten to the point people openly nostalgia over MW2
achievements didn't exist back then
I got a shitload and once I got two in one match. I also had to fight a ban after I got one, because they thought I had a modded controller
a fuckton. me and my friends were really fucking good
>mfw our 13 year old asses probably ran more train on people than most of the 360 player base combined
I think between the 4 of us we had at least 2000. I was the worst in the group in that I could never get a double nuke, but I was consistent as fuck. If I still had an active 360 I could taek a pic of my profile which had a running tally all the way into BO2 when I quit consoles and moved to PC.
>mfw i was a top tier quickscoper and actually legitimately dueled with Optic members
It's a shame I was too young to really even understand esports at taht time, shit I don't even know if there was a real pro community on CoD at the time, I probably could ahve madea lot of money.
>Get two nukes back to back
>text my gf about it
>"user I think we need to talk"
Dumb bitch was just jealous of my MLG skills.
>you've been on the same site for almost a decade
sad desu
I used to get nukes all the time in MW2
camping areas with One Man Army Danger Close Noob Tube :)
>playing a game that wasn't even balanced for lean
Don't tell me people are actually this stupid.
?? cod4 had achievements out the ass
>Mw2 was 7 years ago
Nostalgia over CoD
Well it was the last great game.
This is the world we live in.
I hate literally every single one on you.
Go suck a bag of dicks you fucking 12 year old
Nukes was such a bad mechanic holy shit
Objective gametypes quickly became spawncamp for nukes, the game.
MW2 had such shit MP.
>Anime reaction image
I just can't take you people seriously
The fact that you are telling this story in a way that you think anyone is going to be impressed saddens me for the state of this fucking site
ITT: oldfags pretending to be newfags trigger newfags pretending to be oldfags
>playing on PC
>bullshit lean
>unreliable servers
I still remember that shit
>Free for All
>Running Vector
>Playing the map where it's on the roof with the fucking cranes
>Wasn't even happy that I got it
Fucking consoles lol.
MW2 was proof that imbalance in a game makes it great.
fuck competitive and balance. Make everything OP
>"tactical" nuke
Cawadooty fags pls
first emblem is for 2 nukes but still there would be 1 out of 2 nukes called in the progress for the challenge
hes just a faggot making shit up
the fact that you think me answering the OP in a way that I feel fit to do so, and also allows me to reminisce aobut the first videogame I played for serious amounts of time, and turned me into the ultracompetitive gamer I am today, is somehow an indication of a website I would bet my left nut that I've been on longer than you is actually pretty fucking annoying. this is cleraly a nostalgiafag thread, the fact taht i'm actively contributing shouldn't be a concern of yours you little fuck.
I think I did one time. Yeah, I definitely remember doing it once. God, MW2 came out just at the right time for me, I was in my senior year of high school and all me and my friends did until they all split up to go to different colleges was play this game for hours every day.
I miss custom game types in multiplayer games, MW2 and Halo 3 were amazing for it. Halo 3 more so, but MW2 still had some good ones like Michael Myers.
Have you been in a Halo thread the last couple of years?
People are positively nostalgic about Halo 3.
They exist and they are out there.
It was everything wrong with FPSs and forevermore.
I never tried for that shit it is just dumb having to chase killstreaks and I didn't have the skill to do it anyhow
>was 24 when mw2 came out
>loved it despite bullshit like oma painkillers and commando
>still one of the most fun multiplayers for me
>mfw anime reaction posting autismlords calling everyone reddit and neo/v/ can do fuck all about it and keep sperging because someone else actually enjoys vidya other than their cuck weeb waifu dating simulators
Kenshiro is the exception.
You mean Reach. Halo 3 love has been around for longer than just recently.
It's pretty funny considering most of it really is just nostalgia. Halo 5 blows 3, reach, and 4 out of the water gameplay wise and it's forge is spectacular but it does have a ton of other issues like possibly worst campaign, lack of modes, and firefight being reduced to whoever has best REQs breezes through
It's a shame ODST firefight was not brought back but Spartan Ops was for MCC
I remember buying the game only to play with friends and ended liking it. We tried to have the nuke with some streak if I recall correctly? Like Chopper, dogs then nuke or some shit like that, i can't remember. We never got one.
And one day as I was playing alone, I forgot to change the nuke in the streak setting and got one without even counting on it. This game was pretty fun, I'm not ashamed of saying that.
than go back to r.eddit this a weebboard westcuck
Fun fact: If a 12 year old played the game on release he'd at least be old enough to post on the site!
odst firefight was pretty fucking challenging, i remember doing that vidmaster achievement for recon and that shit took forever.
those were better times
Its not that hard.
All you ever needed was a 7 killstreak for harriers > chopper gunner > nuke
I love CoD threads. There's just something that triggers a lot of people to sperg out.
Fun fact: I was posting on Sup Forums before MW2 was released, and I'm 21.
I got one on my brother's account once.
Hearing all the black people scream over the mic when I called it in was really fun.
Yes a couple of times.
I surpassed the kill streak requirement a ton of times when I didn't have the nuke equipped though. Which will make it easier if you have a killstreak that gets you kills obviously.
I think my highest was 64, being a cunt with the tacticool knife, and whatever the meme perks were that went with it
Spas-12 best gun
If you didn't always have the UAV killstreak you were a horrible detriment to your team.
My cousin and I got nukes frequently on the xbox
We were really good for console players
reminder that if you used lethal killstreaks to get a nuke then you didn't really get a nuke.
>weeb can't even greentext or type correctly
I got 2 legit ones.
1 with a silenced UMP 45 on Karachi FFA
1 On the top of Highrise with an intervention.
My first nuke was on Highrise. Other than that, I know I'd gotten a few on Estate and I'm fairly certain I've gotten one on Derail. I believe I also got one on Quarry and Underpass as well. All of them in Team Deathmatch, if I remember right. I don't think I played much of anything besides TDM and S&D.
The only maps I'm sure I didn't get nukes on are Rust and Karachi. I also didn't have any of the DLC maps.
This. Harriers tear shit up. Get one of those and you've as good as gotten that Chopper Gunner, unless someone happens to lob a noob tube where ever you're laying while the Harrier is raking in kills.
Running around with the tacticool knife like a mad cunt and shanking people was the only fun way of playing this game. Too bad this tactic works only on certain maps and only against retards.
Reminder that necause of this user's shitpost, we got the megalodon easter egg in bf4
I got the challenge for it done. First one I got against some friends after DCing from the game (due to a shit connection) and rejoining on the other team then commando tact-knifing everyone.
10 or 25 or something, I can't remember the exact number.
>Not knowing the joy of one-man army noob-tubing MLG faggots and having them scream at you over the mic
Pretty pathetic desu
>nostalgia over a caw o dooty that came out in TWO-THOUSAND NINE (2009)
Fuck summer
It was fun but as I mentioned, the SPAS-12 was great.
It was a shotgun free from the gimped vidya shotgun syndrome.
>thread about something i dont like
>better let everyone know
also, at what point are we allowed to post about older games ?
what about thousands of threads about other games that came out after mw2 but still a couple years ago
did you post in all of those threads too?
fucking nigger please off yourself, there is a tree somewhere working hard to produce oxygen, you owe it an apology
There's been MW2 nostalgia on Sup Forums for a few years now. You're the summerfag trying to fit in.
All I can say is that MW2 had a surprising variety in the amount of customization and play styles you could employ. I hated dudebro CoD culture and I still got a good 60 or so hours of multiplayer fun from it.
>one-man army noob-tubing
Only part I loved about MW2 was this. The endless salt that flowed tasted oh so sweet.
No you dumb nigger I'm bitching about the obviously underage faggots in this thread not the game
How is nuking a fucking battle ground that has only 18 people in it, half of which are on your side, tactical?
>using a Vector on hardcore modes
>the care package glitch that made you run like a madman
>javelin glitch
>comfy Sabotage camping
>obviously underage faggots
Only once and it was because I got extremely lucky.
sabotage and demolition are the best game modes. i wonder why they took them out in the newer games.
I came really close but for some reason that match I decided to put a suppressor on the SPAS 12. I was down to two rounds and that was it. I practically shoved the gun barrel into a guys head but the range on suppressed shotguns in the game was complete as. He simply turned and knifed me.
After that I just had Predator, Pavelow, and Attack Heli
I had kill streaks beyond 25 but never equipped a Nuke after that. Thought I would be contributing more to the team by having a pavelow in the air or keeping the enemy team busy with my attack chopper.
cuz it's funny
I liked doing the infinite care packages glitch. I crashed my 360 a few times because it couldn't process all the shit that was happening on the screen.
>sabotage and demolition are the best game modes
demolition yeah
running uav/package/sentry and getting 3 turrets to farm you kills for days was hilarious
sabotage was fucking awful
and there was a hidden challenge for winning it 50 times
and i did it
Not who you were replying to but you're only 20 years old. Come back when you get your first pair of big boy pants.
Yeah If I recall I only ever got one once. They were very rare to see on PC (not sure if they were any less rare on console) and I saw maybe a total of 3 including my own in the 24 hours of game time I had on MW2.
Also remember my room mate in college getting one on PS3. I usually never had it equipped.
>Hunting down nukeboosters
>Look at stats
>See one guy on enemy team 19-0
>Never seen him killing me once, while Im reking shit up with my gay
>Look at radar in meny
>See lone friendly guy standing still in a corner
>My "Ally" ty to warn enemy IM coming
>His shittyness is revealed
>Chat filled with profanity
I played on alterIW , mostly on domination servers and got so many i stopped counting after my 30th. Usually my tactic was to climb on top of rust or that small pocket near the ladders , use tac insertion , danger close and noob tube coupled with one man army. On highrise id sprint to the top of the building and use tac insertion + one man army to either tube or snipe. Id switch to a cold blooded class if they called in harriers or choppers. It is tragic that alterIW got killed by activision kikes
it could be bad if the dipshit randos on your team didn't realize that they were getting killfarmed. but two good teams against each other, that shit was intense.
>those were better times
>halo shit tier offspring
I'm such a disappointment
there will never ever ever be a thing as fun as hunting boosters in any video game ever
>playing ffa
>think im doing pretty good, lik 9-1
>look at scores
>some guy is 13-0
>all of my what, how did we not kill each other
>few seconds after that get EMPd
>minutes later nuke incoming
>WTF is going on
>scores after game it looks like bottom scorer was feeding him kills
>check their profiles and theyre on each others friend list
>next map was the rainy one from webm
>shitload of spots to hide there
>faggot is closing to 20 kills and still cant find them
>finall hear that flare sound behind containers, theyre lying in grass
>spray the fuck out of those faggots
>Denied +100
>feel good as fuck
>spend entire evening going in and out of FFA matches just looking for "nuke feeders", how i called them before term boosting went mainstream
>tfw gotten over 250 nukes
It was literally just camp, get seven kills and find the best hiding spot on your current map. Harrier was so OP that you'd get 14/15 kills for your Chopper/AC-130 in a minute or two. The spawn points were so atrocious that you could just park your gunner at the spawn and massacre them until you get your 25 kills. ez
boosting was a term long before call of duty.
I'm nostalgic about things that happened this week. It came out seven years a go, get bent
Once, and then I never got to launch it.
>buggy out the ass
>fucking awful map design
>terribly balanced
>bland, samey movement
>piss poor matchmaking
nostalgia if you want for sure, as long as we're all in agreement that it was a mess of a game that only sold well because it was riding on the popularity of its successor
predecessor you mean? that game had shitty balance too. great maps though.
Yes, many. It was more fun to farm max amount of kills with OP killstreaks like the AC-130
Nice fantasy blog, as if CoD "skill" is anything to be proud of
>predecessor you mean?
fuck, thanks for the pickup, and yes you're correct
MW1 wasn't perfect true but it was a lot more polished than MW2
Best loadout. I would learn where to aim to hit control points across the map. Just spam it endlessly.
I knew it, the CoD kiddies have grown up retarded as ever and post here.
If that were the case then it wouldn't be one of the first games that caused a massive amount of previous fans qwuiefjw oife=cod
>there are people who have actually done this
Think about it.
No. My ex-brother-in-law, when he used to play MW2, got ass loads of nukes because he was far more skilled. It still erks me to this day. It felt like a right of passage in some strange way to prove how skilled one is at this game.