About to buy this game and play it for the first time. What am I in for?
What did Sup Forums not like about it?
About to buy this game and play it for the first time. What am I in for?
What did Sup Forums not like about it?
>What did Sup Forums not like about it?
It sold too many copies and became too popular for Sup Forums to admit it was good
It is a very fun game op, you are in for standard gta but it looks nice and I really love the atmosphere of faux LA
Online is stupid and they removed most of the physics that stood out in GTA IV also the fact that you can now maneuver your car in mid air and flip it over like nothing pissed me off other than that it's pretty good but some of the side missions are way more fun than the main missions many of which are way too scripted and lack that feel that anything can go wrong any second that the rest of GTA games had.
Very forced and frequent, unironic use of 'Turd' as an insult.
campaign is alright but the real fun is online. probably the best multiplayer system in the series
...but littered with cheaters.
On the one hand great if you need quick bucks for something you wanna buy, but don't want to grind.
On the other hand annoying when you don't need them.
Also lots of russians that can't into teamplay.
Short as fuck campaing and the online mode doesn't make up for it
campaign is fun, but the story is shit. don't bother trying to make sense of any of it.
online is the way to go, but only if you cheat yourself a few hundred million. if you play legit, be prepared to be surrounded by people that didn't. and I can't blame them, the shit cost far too much for the amount you're given for completing a heist.
>$2M planes
>$1M cars
>$500k guns
>$19k per heist setup complete and you're forced to deal with shitters that fail multiple times
cheat, buy everything and spend your time enjoying the free roam and ceo life with your crew.
a serviceable single player campaign holding a flashy carrot on the stick in the form of heists
I want kids to fucking leave. GTAO is a shell of what SA multiplayer or even GTA IV. It's all a sham to generate an endless flow of money for Rockstar.
How short is the campaign compared to other GTAs? How long for each main character?
I beat it in 3 or 4 sittings, it sure didn't feel like a long time
I don't know why that other user called it short - maybe he was racing through it or something
I don't remember an exact hour count, but it took me at least a week to finish it with on-off play
It had the potential to be so much more but there's a severe lack of content.
it has infinitely more content and things to do than IV ever had
You can get an easy 20 hours from it. More if you're autismal about it.
the same reason they hate every other gta game
>muh 90s compton
>that feel when Midnight City plays while you're driving around at night
the characters have separate missions but it's all a part of the same campaign.
the three character gimmick was stupid and I hope it never gets repeated again
>It is a very fun game op, you are in for standard gta but it looks nice and I really love the atmosphere of faux LA
Nail on the head.
The sandbox is less fun to play in than GTA4, but the sandbox itself is better. And I agree that the story is short and held back by three protagonists.
is right
is slightly right
You will notice places where they simply didn't add in features (burgershot, the race track/casino) but there are a lot of clothes to choose from.....
Comfy music + marijuana/vidya combined addiction at least tripled my playtime of GTA5. Just driving around and pulling over whenever my favorite songs came on.
Chakra Attack is best talk show, prove me wrong
>used to listen to all of the stations as a kid in 3 + Vice City.
>playing 4 and 5 only listened to the music I liked.
I feel I should fuck around in 5 some more and listen to Blaine County Radio now.
It's boring as fuck.
In my opinion, GTA V is the most fun and atmospheric online sandbox game there is.
Been playing it steadily since release and have yet to grow tired of it.
The missions are boring.
This should be a positive achievement since it really helps you to appreciate the protagonists' predicament of being blackmailed into doing an unending list of shit they don't want to, but nobody blackmails you into playing the game so just play something else.
SP is okay.
MP is cancer
Trust me, after a while in multiplayer you'll regret paying 35 bucks (if you bought it on Steam). I can't believe people actually pay full price of 60 bucks for this garbage.
I just want to play a GTA game but I already beat VC, SA and IV.
I tried to fill the hole with Watch_Dogs and Saints Rows and I beat them all too.. ;_;
I have played Online for over 5,000 hours across all my accounts, and I still keep playing it. Don't fall for the meme, OP. Don't play this game.
Is too short and the story sucks
It's my favorite gta.
Sometimes I'm just driving into the sunset just for fun.
Pretty comfy desu.
This. GTAO is fucking garbage. It's got what is probably the second most bullshit cash shop in gaming, right behind Black Ops 3. That's not even mentioning the empty lobbies, constant menus, horrendous loading times, disconnects out the ass, etc.
Fuck GTAO makes me so mad. Seriously though, $100 for 8 mil in monopoly money? Fuck off Rockshit!
GTA SA nostalgia fag here. GTA5 is a great game, don't believe the retards on this board
of course it has a totally different feeling than all other GTA games but that definitely doesn't ruin the experience. the story is fine in my eyes, even though I prefer the San Andreas story by miles
In my opinion, Rockstar's only mistakes were that they didn't include all activities from the past GTA games in this one
>police, fire brigade, ambulance missions
>gyms (fuck you but I liked having different body types)
>NOS in cars
>pool, darts, bowling, casinos
That's pretty much it. The game still offers a lot of customisation and fun. I'm playing the game for the second time and have lots of fun so go figure
Never bothered to check on online though cause people are saying that you can't even set a foot there without getting killed by some asocial kids
>LE ebin everything Sup Forums says I can discard by calling them "contrarian"
Kill yourself. And I have over 150 or more hours in GTA V.
Can you finally customize your cars with vinyls n shit? Or is it a premade one?
>gang wars
It really pisses me off the gangsters in this game have lines about "IMA keel dis nigga from (rival gang)" but they arent programmed to hate each other. The fuck.
Too...much...shit taste...
Whatever it is, it's in Online only. Rockstar has really shot themselves in the foot.
Less atmospheric than GTA 4, but more diverse. Totally worth your money.
One thing I didn't like though was the three protagonist thing.
it's pre-made, but there are a lot of them and they're all fairly detailed
>"no fun allowed" psychic marksmen police
>stealth and suppressors are useless
>Franklin is bland
>useful features (car insurance and mechanic) are Online-only, same with lowriders and real estate
>ufo "easter egg" shit being patched in, instead of there from the start
>the missions are, for the most part, extremely boring
>the map is half empty
V is shit.
The police system in V is goat you just need to git gud
There's no hood stuff. Just a bad game all together.
>git gud
Fuck off.
They can detect you killing a lone person with no witnesses in sight, and their aim is ridiculous.
Its called cover, and one star is so easy to get because it's trivial to lose as well
>when escaping/evading police
>one star is so easy to get because it's trivial to lose as well
That's a funny way of admitting how bullshit it is.
No one is arguing that the star system is bad. The police themselves and their ability to detect every crime are the issues here.
People whining about making money online very obviously have not played lately and only want to be a Debbie downer and spread their sulkiness. With the free roam update, vip and CEO updates, making money in FREEROAM has never been easier or paid so much. First person is like playing a new game; people that whine about driving need to give it a try. Campaign is fun enough to keep you playing with a few great missions, my favorite being where you shoot down a plane with a cannon in a van and then switch to the other character and chase it on a dirtbike all around the map while it crashes.
>waiting in a cawhhhhh
ist ok
nothing memorable
the 3 protag shit was a terrible idea
Jesus fuck. Kill yourself, marketer.
>their aim is ridiculous
Sounds like someone doesn't know how to roll. I bet you also whine about getting killed online. Lol gg ez
Yes, marketing for a what 4 year old game? Hahah go outside you loser
A return to form after the drab and joyless IV.
GTA Online was a mistake.
Because you can roll inside a vehicle to avoid being shot in the head while going 80+ mph. Get fucked, underage.
Had the chance to become like the opening scene of Driver getaway, but ended up being casualized faggotry
>Cops stop chasing you after 30 seconds
>Helicopters magicly appears after 10 seconds
>No enjoyable sniping feel
>You start of rich as fuck and can easily get a super duper car, rather than starting off broke as shit working your way up and thus enjoying the rewards
>Le magic health bar that heals up after 5 seconds
The game is faggotry okey. Although they put alot of work into alot of things, with their billion dollar budget, the cities are well-designed, they apperently cant put in a simple fucking FOV option. Whore game. Casuals faggots. ADD ridden american kids whore
Sure. It's not like GTA 6 is out, or Rockstar isn't still selling Shark Cards.
There's literally a duck button for that situation Mr "I just turned 18 and call everyone kids"
You can still get shot while ducking, dummy.
>GTA online
Didn't play much of the game, did you broski?
I hate how the cops are no fun allowed
Seems as soon as you commit a crime, cops are swarming all over you and shooting.
An atmosphere of gaseous shit.
You can't enter the vast majority of buildings.
>mfw ducking causes you to lose some control of your vehicle as if you were drinking
caught me off guard the first time i tried it
Well they added like 6 armored cars for kids like that you that have trouble driving and getting shot at
I liked how "mundane" the side missions felt. It was a breathe of fresh air from the insanely overproduced (imo) story missions. It made me want a full game of just doing those little side missions where you get involved in small situations. And perhaps they could turn into something more.
singleplayer is great the story is more along the lines of the old GTA with off the wall characters instead of the depressed niko
for multiplayer go to the GTA General and join the crew to play with people.
you can get into games and stuff easier with them
So just like most city open worlds.
Why would you want to enter any building that doesn't have a purpose
>complaining about microtransactions
they should be ridiculously overpriced you'd be stupid to spend even more money on a videogame after you already bought it and also for what amounts to paying to have the game beat for you
You could in gta IV
lol no you fucking couldn't
there was maybe like 6 buildings in the whole map you could enter and they were all for missions
GTA V has that many and more with convenience stores and shit
just comfort
There's one (1) armored car in SP.
Nice lack of punctuation, retard.
Wait youre whining about getting killed in single player? Pffft like just drive away nigga cops are so easy in this game
It's fun to explore.
>What did Sup Forums not like about it?
Main characters. Michael was OK for the most part and had some depth in his personality. Franklin is a blank slate self-insert type of guy. And than there is Trevor, the embodiment of 'le cuhrayzeeeee' stereotype.
>have trouble driving and getting shot at
My driving is fine. I'm saying that the police have overly precise aim.
Its not realistic that I should be getting shot, over and over, through my car windows as I speed and weave through traffic.
don't you got like fucking super powers in singleplayer with that yellow bar shit?
>casuals defend this shit
>he assumed the argument was over Online, a mode for underages and non-whites
The driving sucks dick
Physics and TECHNOLOGY is much worse than IV
Annoying characters that aren't fun to play as because they never shut up
World feels dead, no interiors outside of missions except for safe houses
GTA:O cancer
The first person mode is neat
the story is awful, there's 0 [zero] progression. large areas of the map have nothing in them, they couldn't even be bothered to put interesting collectables out in the boonies, in fact it's entirely possible to miss a vast majority of the collectables. npc ai is the worst it's ever been
online community is god awful where the main game is just regular awful. you won't ever see randumbs showing up to do dumb stuff like the heyday of the SA online, the instant you're in radar range it's ffa deathmatch time. people can't even be bothered to play the online heists or missions without shooting you in the head for getting more npc kills than them
you can't drift, well, you can drift but it doesn't work like it's supposed to
>wish GTAV for b-day
>auntie gifts me
>the physical edition with six fucking discs
>take an evening installing it
>feels meh, more of a grafix and animation fest
>no comfy atmosphere
>lamar is pretty funny tho
Last thing I tried before uninstalling was online, spawned with a bunch of guys, raided an airport, I somehow got to fly a giant plane and land it a few clicks away.
Should have been fun but it was all just eeh.
>REALISM in a gta game
this is why open world is shit. whats the point of having all those buildings if they cant even be entered?
They're called "character abilities," my uneducated friend.
It's popular and online is fun with friends
lol you're so fucking autistic dude shouldn't you be playing neopets or something?
You can't even write a proper sentence.
>few clicks away
it's klick you moronic fucking retard
Or maybe it's just boring and mechanically shallow.
and you haven't discussed a videogame yet
The average GTA Online player, everyone.
it's kilometer. a word too complicated for americans.